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Messages - Zachi

Pages: [1]
Other Mods/Creations / Re: Tornado Particle Anyone intrested?
« on: May 24, 2011, 04:07:10 pm »
This sounds pretty cool, I will have to check it out when its completed C:

Game Discussion / Re: Rant about idiots thread
« on: April 22, 2011, 05:22:47 pm »
Ok, so i did not read everything before me, so sorry for repeats.^^ Even tho im sure my first point of ranting has been mentioned many a time-

     Mate/Parent beggers. This is truly annoyiong. I myself do have a mate, but i took the time actually spend a good amount of time with him, get to know him. Yes, i totally realize that considering this is the internet, not much can really be assumed about others. But i didnt go out and beg. When, in real life will you advertise for a mate? Even DATING sites dont magically give you your soul mate. You have to go out and meet them.
     Then there is the other end of this twisted spectrum. The people who take having a mate WAAAYYY to seriously. If you do get a mate, dont expect your relationship to really go somewhere.

     Those Irritating Territory Claimers. Uhm, people? Flourite plaines is a freaking public map XD. if your rp does not have  map, then fine, put those dens to good use. But dont expect to suddenly own the den and a huge amount of space around it. Dont flip out on people because they got too close. Im actually making a semi ralistic rp with a humongous map that people can actually claim certian spots, be loners, Make a pack, fight for territories. But that is not for the public maps. Chill out.

     Bad Rps. By this i mean the people who make it bad. Powerplaying just sucks.  I am sure others have pretty mush hit this one on the head so ill leave it at that. and plus i have to go lol.

    Ok so i am somewhat sad that i never was a part of IT, bacause from what i have heard, it was a little better there. May i ask a question? what were dimensions?


Art Gallery / Re: Zachie's Free Art ^^
« on: February 23, 2011, 10:28:34 pm »
lol thanks for the bumps :D when im at the house with a scanner, all of your guyses (whoa that looks....spelt funneh.) anyway all of your guyses pictures wull be done :3

Art Gallery / Re: Zachie's Free Art ^^
« on: February 18, 2011, 11:49:50 pm »
yus ^^ i love Xyl btw, so pretty <3
Avani is cute too :D

 i wul see when i can get to draw these and thanks for the intrest :3

Art Gallery / Zachie's Free Art ^^
« on: February 17, 2011, 11:25:35 pm »
yush. it is free. besides, what would you pay me with anyway?
here are a couple examples, sorry i dont have any exaples of feline, but im ok at them so feel free if you want me to draw you charrie <3

and person

So ya, just tall me what you want drawn and preferabally a ref  :D

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