Author Topic: Wolf Eyes Chapter 3: BlackStar's Power is Revealed  (Read 2302 times)

Offline Nanime

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  • *Howls to a red moon*
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Wolf Eyes Chapter 3: BlackStar's Power is Revealed
« on: July 05, 2011, 09:34:41 pm »
BlackStar liked this new pack of hers. She had a lot of friends and her best friend was Mitira, a goldend pelt, emerald eyed female pup with white for her underfur, paws, and tailtip. She is the same age as BlackStar and there are unseperatable as if they were sisters. BlackStar was taught many things from her teacher Kriko. He would teach her how to hunt, fight, how to take care of pups when she gets older, and how to lead a pack like their alphas Galahon and Fraya. Now she is a beautiful 2 year old wolf with a lot of wisdom, but during her years living with this new pack of hers, she has been having dreams that feel real, but their not nightmares or ordinary dreams. In her dreams, she keeps seeing a pure black male wolf with blood red eyes and the only thing he keeps saying to her is 'You killed them. You are the cursed one. You are a murderer who only seeks bloodshed.' and she keeps saying 'Who did I kill? No I'm not cursed! Please explain to me what is going on? No I'm not a murderer!' then she would just wake up in the middle of the night sweating.

Now the alphas have a new litter of pups and they appointed BlackStar to be their Elite Guard for the pups along with the pups that BlackStar used to play with when she was a pup. But one wolf in the pack, who was the alphas first and only pup, didn't like BlackStar the moment she came into the pack. Her name is Saskiri, she has pure black for her pelt and light blue for her husky-like markings, tailtip, above and below eyelids, and her eyes. She also has a small group of followers to help her over throw BlackStar and her newborn siblings. Most of the pack went off for the Great Hunt, which comes only once a year in the spring, but the ones who stayed back at the den were BlackStar and the other Elite Guards to watch the pups, and Saskiri and her small band of followers. When the pack returned with a lot of food, one of the pack members went off to retrive BlackStar and the Elite Guards to join the feast. BlackStar said that she wanted to stay to watch the pups while the others went to the feast. Thats when Saskiri and her band of followers came out of the shadows. "BlackStar i knew you would stay." Saskiri said. "Well I must watch your siblings while the pack is at the feast. The alphas would want me to." said BlackStar.
"Of course they would. Or would they?"
"What are you talking about Saskiri?"
"Well if you haven't heard, my parents said that before they pass, they want you to be the alpha of the pack."
BlackStar was confused. She didn't understand why Galahon and Fraya want her to be the alpha once they passed.

 "The alphas are already discussing this matter already?" Saskiri smirked. "Yes. Remarkable isn't it? And whats MORE remarkable is that they would choose you as the new alpha instead of their own DAUGHTER! They say that I don't have the makings of a leader, but there wrong. I'm supposed to be the next alpha! I'm supposed to be the strongest! Plus I have followers. I have promised them positions of power when I become alpha. Kill her." Her followers attack BlackStar, but she had to protect them like the pups. When she was done tiring out all of Saskiri's followers, she heard Saskiri laughing in the pups den. Without hesitation, BlackStar ran into the pup den and saw Saskiri with the pups. "GET OUT OF THERE! YOU CAN'T BE IN HERE!" she growled. "And why not? They are my kin after all. So I won't hurt them... MUCH!" and she was about to kill the pups. BlackStar felt a power that was about to come out. She heard the male's voice again. 'You are the cursed one.' it kept saying that over and over again. Then BlackStar glowed a pure white light and her pelt became pure white, her eyes still the same blue color but  they glowed, and she had bright golden markings on her and attacked Saskiri. During the battle, Saskiri had never fought anyone like this before, but she tried to take down BlackStar, but then grew weak.

After when Saskiri grew weak, BlackStar went back to her original state with amazment and shock at her power that she never knew. But then she saw the pups lifeless bodies, but they didn't have any scars or nothing, but they were dead. Unfortunetly, her power had abosrbed the weakest life forms that was in the den and had also made Saskiri weak. "No. NO!" she screamed and curled up around there lifeless bodies and cried. Saskiri escaped the den and went to her parents. BlackStar cried herself to sleep and then later woke up with wolves growling at her. They dragged her out and found the pups lifeless bodies. The alphas were angry at BlackStar and they banished her out of the pack and the pack's territory along with her Elite Guards. BlackStar was upset because of what happened to her. She didn't understand why her power had to kill the pups. Her and the Elite Guards where banished to the OutLands never to be seen again... or were they?
Follow me into the moon's beam where we shall make the luna flowers grow ever so beautifully.

So as long as there is a moon the flowers will never die and niether will us wolves.