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Messages - Crazycoconut

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Re: help on FH+
« on: November 29, 2011, 10:23:49 pm »
I'm starting to have the same trouble! Please help! Also it won't let me rest my home and it never comes up when I do it always says 'Rest map ?' or when I try to go there and it's not writen down it will say 'map not found' or something. Help!!

I like them all! There semi-realistic and are just amazing!

Art Gallery / Re: ~?~ Rimfrost's art ~?~
« on: July 11, 2011, 11:53:04 pm »
Very good :3

Art Gallery / Re: Teal's art
« on: July 11, 2011, 11:50:00 pm »
Amazing! :D I love it all.

Art Gallery / Re: pictures i drew Image's are large XD
« on: July 11, 2011, 11:47:02 pm »
They are good. But for future reference try to do all four legs when their standing. ;D

Name: Scarletlight
Rank Wanted: Alpha Female
Spiecies: Wolf
Description: She is all dark brown with a darker underbelly. Her marking and the tip of her tail are a lighter brown. She has black on the bottom of her eye and white on the top. Her eyes are amber with a tint of darker orange.
Powers: When she is angry her pupils disapear and her teeth and claws grow bigger. She can also control weather and fire.
Other: She is very rough, but will be softer toward her own pups. Even though she is a very rough wolf, she has her standerds. She says she has no fears, but really she does. One fear, which is actually two. But for now it's one. She is afraid durring an attack to get hurt or defeated. But if this does happen her pupils will return, her claws and teeth will return to normal size and she'll squeal like a pup. So, try to protect her the most you can even if she denines your help.

I had the 4:ItemIdenitfyException, and now it wont let me on. I tried reinstaling, I thought it would work but sadly it didn't. I don't know what you mean by getting rid of the mods? Also, I did download a map which is why (I'm guessing) it made FeralHeart not let me on. I looked at the files, and yes there was some Bonfire files. I deleted them, but that still didnt work. I'm losing hope here and almost nothing else on here is helping me.


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