Author Topic: | M | U | D | D | L | E | D | the single gray wolf pack  (Read 10199 times)


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Re: | M | U | D | D | L | E | D | the single gray wolf pack
« Reply #20 on: September 03, 2011, 11:27:17 pm »
Is this better for shadow? And welcome, shasta :P


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Re: | M | U | D | D | L | E | D | the single gray wolf pack
« Reply #21 on: September 03, 2011, 11:39:17 pm »
yes, much better


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Re: | M | U | D | D | L | E | D | the single gray wolf pack
« Reply #22 on: September 04, 2011, 04:13:22 am »

~Name: Ukakido (goes by Uka)
~Age: 1 1/2 Years
~Gender: Male
~Rank desired: Omega
~Personality: From birth, Uka has shown signs of being a relative pacifist. The guy refuses to bare his fangs at anyone, not even at other Omegas, or those that threaten him, without reason. He's highly submissive and seems to listen to orders without second thought, no matter how haphazardous it may seem. Truth be told, he's just a generally easy-going fellow who just wants to avoid trouble. He does have his own opinions and morals; he's just too passive to say them outright. On top of that, he has horrible social skills, and stammers a lot due to being on the shy side of the pecking order. He doesn't seem to mind the position he's been assigned. He also lacks general skills in hunting and fighting, and really, is a bit too scrawny for his own good (that kind of wolf that patiently waits for the leftovers). Despite the timid, laid-back nature however, he does have his limits on when and how he will act. There are times when even this patient wolf has to draw the line and speak his mind.
~RP sample: Uka winced as a pup tugged on his ear and another messed with the fur on his tail. Between the pathetic whines he uttered, he forced a smile. "Bit of a wild bunch today, aren't we?" he commented meagerly. The pups barked their excitement; Uka was just another play thing to them. He laughed weakly as the pup that had been nibbling his ear slid down his back onto the one fooling with his tail. The two somersaulted a few inches before starting to weave and bob between Uka's legs with that good ol' puppy enthusiasm.


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Re: | M | U | D | D | L | E | D | the single gray wolf pack
« Reply #23 on: September 04, 2011, 06:16:12 pm »
you haz acheived acceptedness. omg guys my sisters cat just had a baby on her. i had no idea it was even preggers!


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Re: | M | U | D | D | L | E | D | the single gray wolf pack
« Reply #24 on: September 04, 2011, 06:45:10 pm »
D'aaawww, kittens are adorable. <3


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Re: | M | U | D | D | L | E | D | the single gray wolf pack
« Reply #25 on: September 04, 2011, 10:58:25 pm »
yea. were up to three kittens now. there soooo cute! i am more of a dog person though

Offline jesija

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Re: | M | U | D | D | L | E | D | the single gray wolf pack
« Reply #26 on: September 13, 2011, 02:41:48 am »
(:D I wanna join. I also posted an appy on the other forum,so... Yeah XD My pic is on there.)

~Name: Carmela (Cuz I wuz craving caramel candy )
~Age: 5 Months
~Gender: Female
~Rank desired: Pup (She wants to be a watcher when she's older, though)
~Personality: Around those she knows, Carmela is a happy-go-lucky, cheerful little ball of joy. Oblivious to the laws of nature and the cruelty of the world, Carmela charges head first into any situation, unknowing of any consequences. She thinks with her heart more than with her head, which lands her in pretty bad situations. Due to her nature, she isn't very obedient and is unafraid to speak her mind. This pup isn't one to go hiding behind the next nearby bush when something unknown comes along, either. Carmela loves to explore and investigate, which earns her the knowledge of knowing her way around. Curious and naive, and a bit too trusting, she is all too easy to deceive, but if you do, do not expect to be forgiven. You may also see her practicing her howling, and if anything her howl may be cringe-worthy, but one of the loudest, soul-filled howls you may ever hear.
~RP sample: The dark brown pup pranced through the sunny meadow, a demented grin plastered on her muzzle. Skidding to a stop, kicking up a bit of grass and dirt, she stopped to sniff a few colorful, blooming flowers. Carmela smiled wider, raising her muzzle to the sky, and letting loose an ear-blasting howl. The howl died down after a few good minutes, and she finally gasped for air after howling so long. What she didn't expect though, was a reply, some sound in the distance. Calling to her, coaxing her to follow. Carmela's green eyes flickered with curiosity, and she ran after the sweet sound.
Siggie is not mine O_O
But the avvie is. So please dun steal it ;~;

Offline DeathHowl

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Re: | M | U | D | D | L | E | D | the single gray wolf pack
« Reply #27 on: September 13, 2011, 11:34:45 pm »

~Name:FallingDawn(Goes by Dawn)
~Age:3 years
~Rank desired:Scout
~Personality:Kind,Gentle, and flirty sometimes, FallingDawn is the best wolf to hang around with.
She enjoys jokes and pranks, but when scouting, its a WHOLE different matter.Her attitude changes from a quirky personality to assertive in a blink of an eye.
~RP sample:FallingDawn trotted towards the lake, in search of fish.
She snorted and then leaped into the rapids.
She flung her paws from side to side trying to uplift some fish.
Finally, a fish sprung out of the water.
Dawn leaped up and snatched it in her jaws.
Just as soon she was about to leave, a pack of wolves confronted her.

« Last Edit: September 13, 2011, 11:36:25 pm by kierra »


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Re: | M | U | D | D | L | E | D | the single gray wolf pack
« Reply #28 on: September 13, 2011, 11:50:50 pm »
both accepted. the map is done so ill put it up in a sec

Offline jesija

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Re: | M | U | D | D | L | E | D | the single gray wolf pack
« Reply #29 on: September 14, 2011, 12:28:37 am »
Yay ^^ Excited to see the map.
Siggie is not mine O_O
But the avvie is. So please dun steal it ;~;