Author Topic: Raz you need to resign.  (Read 13006 times)

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Re: Raz you need to resign.
« Reply #60 on: February 23, 2020, 10:07:33 pm »
anarchy is doomed to fail if you don't know what you're up against and running as a mob with pitchforks and torches towards an unknown enemy, if 2018-related events are anything to go off of.
a fh with a new host, no changes made beyond that aside from, say, quality of life+character creation oriented updates would be something i would totally incline myself to play if the opportunity presented itself.
if people run off with the source code and just make another generic ITesque server, i'll stay behind. i've already stated how i feel about fh and its modification system elsewhere and i'll stand with it.
You're misunderstanding what I'm saying. If the entire staff and xSpirit left with the source code and started a new FH server, it literally WOULD just be FH with a new server host and new updates. All they'd be doing is literally getting a new server host and moving websites, as they'd be unable to use this one due to Razmirz owning it.

It would not at all be the same as FH just turning into a generic IT server type thing- because it'd be run by the official FH staff, and for all intents and purposes, it WOULD literally just be FH under new leadership. Doing that is literally the only way to kick Raz out and replace him with a new server host- by /leaving/ and taking the game with them. They can't kick Raz off his own server, or his own site, but they CAN take the game from him and move somewhere else. That is a thing they could do.

It'd literally just be a case of taking FH, and shoving it somewhere else, under new management. Very few would stick around here if that happened and would happily move over there and accept it as the 'new FH.'

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Re: Raz you need to resign.
« Reply #61 on: February 23, 2020, 10:16:24 pm »
anarchy is doomed to fail if you don't know what you're up against and running as a mob with pitchforks and torches towards an unknown enemy, if 2018-related events are anything to go off of.
a fh with a new host, no changes made beyond that aside from, say, quality of life+character creation oriented updates would be something i would totally incline myself to play if the opportunity presented itself.
if people run off with the source code and just make another generic ITesque server, i'll stay behind. i've already stated how i feel about fh and its modification system elsewhere and i'll stand with it.

You're misunderstanding what I'm saying. If the entire staff and xSpirit left with the source code and started a new FH server, it literally WOULD just be FH with a new server host and new updates. All they'd be doing is literally getting a new server host and moving websites, as they'd be unable to use this one due to Razmirz owning it.

It would not at all be the same as FH just turning into a generic IT server type thing- because it'd be run by the official FH staff, and for all intents and purposes, it WOULD literally just be FH under new leadership. Doing that is literally the only way to kick Raz out and replace him with a new server host- by /leaving/ and taking the game with them. They can't kick Raz off his own server, or his own site, but they CAN take the game from him and move somewhere else. That is a thing they could do.

It'd literally just be a case of taking FH, and shoving it somewhere else, under new management. Very few would stick around here if that happened and would happily move over there and accept it as the 'new FH.'

hence the "a fh with a new host, no changes made beyond that aside from, say, quality of life+character creation oriented updates would be something i would totally incline myself to play if the opportunity presented itself."
i'm okay with fh being fh, but i've also seen people advocate for the game going in the direction of it being just another IT server, even before we knew we had the source code.
they say the world is endin'

well maybe it's about time!
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see you, space cowboy..

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Re: Raz you need to resign.
« Reply #62 on: February 25, 2020, 07:27:55 pm »
In all honesty I believe FH has had its prime, and its just barely holding on thanks to this community.
Do I want it to eventually die?  Nah, Don't think so.

Will it though?

We do not know for sure. When it probably does FULLY wane out, most of us probably wouldn't be as interested as we are now. Me on the other hand? I will maybe stick around til then, who knows.

I have refrained from being pessimistic but in all honesty what happens, happens. As sad as it may seem, there is not much we can do other than keep up what we're doing.
your heart is a muscle the size of your fist.

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Re: Raz you need to resign.
« Reply #63 on: February 27, 2020, 05:26:54 pm »
Ever since I saw this thread I've had a lot of thoughts. Most of them, as I look around FeralHeart in it's current state, are thoughts consisting of me being incredibly anxious for change.
In all the time I've played this game, there has barely been any change aside of community, and maps, a change sprung on us pretty quickly. It was only recently the source code was obtained after all this time and put to good use, with the changes to the character creation. But even before so, the community has been fading out. Especially when the maps were changed, of which I still grieve as a returning member, the familiarity is gone. Attempts may have been made to replicate the old maps, and some maps were named like the previous, but even then my point stands; the familiarity is gone. Without set points in maps to flock to, with community members leaving and others following, Feralheart has been waning out for a while.

What I'm trying to say, is change is essential to the flow of time, to the fate of this game, but it could easily become its demise as well as far as we've seen. It really depends on what kind of change it is and how it impacts the community, and I don't think I agree with the maps being the first thing to change considering how impactful it was and the lack of familiarity it gave to the game, but that's just my opinion. However, there are many things that do need to be changed. Customization options, running animation, map variety, bug fixes (like the one I encountered), etc. And the slower these changes are now, the more Feralheart will be caught by the tide and pushed under. I understand these things take time, and I'm not referring to that, I'm referring to the time it takes to communicate about these changes, to begin to work on these changes, to get the approval for these changes. And if all of that takes months to a year to do, with there being no advertising for the game, then Feralheart will lag behind, no doubt, as it already has.

That being said, the remaining community it has, many who are active now are old and returning members who want to see it out to the end. In that, the game will live on, and even if it continues as it is now, I'm sure it'll live for a long time, albeit with much fewer members than before. I don't see Feralheart dying out too quick, but I really think it would greatly benefit from some more work done on it. I have nothing against Raz, nor am I suggesting anything of anyone's position, but I don't think the game could work out like this forever. It may last for a long while, but it seems more like an ill animal now rather than its once thriving self.

I'm rambling, so I'm gonna stop there. Those are just some thoughts I'm having out loud about the game.
On the end note, though, I agree with KD on this line: "I have refrained from being pessimistic but in all honesty what happens, happens. As sad as it may seem, there is not much we can do other than keep up what we're doing."