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Araceli Darque

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« on: January 23, 2011, 04:03:06 pm »
A R A C E L I ' S  C H A R A C T E R S

NAMNE: Araceli Darque
SPECIES:  Karg (Mix between feline and canine)
AGE: 25 human years
GENDER: Female
SIZE: Medium-sized wolf, around 70cm
POWER:  Water and telepathy
PUPS: None
FATHER: Unkown
MOTHER: Mistweaver

Araceli is a hot tempered femal, she often makes an act
before thinking it over wich in most cases results in her getting into trouble.
Her mental stability is. It happens time to time that she loses her self-control
and even attacks the ones dear to her. Arrogant and self-confident are words
often used to descride her. She would never doubt her own powers neither
would she trust anyone to do the work for her. If she wants something to be
done she does it herself. She isn't wise or quick-witted in any way, as said
she likes to act before thinking things over nevertheless is it wise to
underestimate her capability in battel.

Araceli doesn't like to have prolonged conversations with strangers, or anyone
for that matter. She never takes the time to express her words in polite phrases
she rather amuse herself by irritate the ones she meet.
Araceli is coldhearted, never has she cared about anyone but herself and she
would never hesitate in taking another beings life. She's filled with hatred
towards everything and everyone and an eternal search for revenge.

They were born into a world at war, the two puppies with their strange blue markings.
Their fait was from the second in wich they entered this world already decided.
Thay were going to change the dark future of the Shinoku pack. But for now
the both puppies had falen in deep sleep next to their mothers warm body,
unaware of the hard life waiting them...

Her legs were shaking by the effort of keeping her tiny body from falling to the ground,
time after time she tried to resist the blows delivered to her sore body. Next to her
laid her brother, his white body was colored red by blod and he didn't move.
The voice echoed through her head
"You have to deal with the pain... deal with the pain... the pain" Finaly she had enough,
the little pup roared. The markings on her body started to glow in a bright blue color
and within a few seconds she had thrown herself towards the trainer and her jaws
had taken an almost convulsive grip around his throath. No more hard blows was
delivered to her body but still there was no more energy left in here and suddenly
everything turned black.

"Alpha Mistweaver, Araceli's and Azrael's training is making progress" The beta showd
the small wounds around his throath where the little she wolf had buried her teeth
into his flesh. "Good... Increase their training" The ice cold, blue eyes were enough
to convince the male who at first had seemed a bit doubtful.
And so the little puppie's training that had started the first thay they had been old
enough to leave the den continued. The both puppies had been longed for, only every
thousand generation a litter of two pupps with enormous powers were born.
Pupies who wore the markings of the ancestors and the power to stop anciet
war between Shinoku and Haruka.

The black wolf were thrown backwards with huge force, his body hit a thick three before
he motionless fell to the ground. The same thing happened to another black wolf but
it was thrown in the opposite direction. Araceli glanced at her brother who was standing
with his back against her and was concentraiting on the wolves who walked towards
him ready to throw them selves over the white wolf.
As the next group of wolves approached them a loud and demanding voice suddenly
stopped them. "STOP!" the beta male took a stride into the glade and everyone turned
their gaze at him. An amused grin appeared on his scared face.
As he walked through the glade every wolf except Araceli and Azrael respectfully backed off.
He let his gaze walk over their bloodstained bodies and then said "Indeed.. your now
ready to return to alpha Mistweaver"

Araceli and Azrael followed their beta through the dense forest. Araceli had to think
more and more about the purpose with their training, why they both still were willing
to accept this kind of treatment. They had been always been told that it was their duty
to serve and protect the pack.. but why was it her duty to protect something that
only caused her pain. She turned to Azrael as they walked a few steps behind their
beta and said with low voice "I've had enough of this Azrael, I won't tolerate them
controling my life like this.. family or not, I have no duty towards them" with these
words she once again turned her gaze towards the beta and took a leap towards the
unsuspecting male, ending his life by taking a steady grip around his neck and break it
with an unpleasant sound that didn't seem to bother her. "Araceli what are..." Araceli
 interupted Azrael in the middle of his sentence "As i said.. I have no duty towards this
pack and now I'm leaving it with hopes that every member of it ends up like our dear
beta here" She nodded her head towards the lifeless body "Lets leave this place brother..."
she turned from him and started to walk deeper into the dark forest, away from the trails
 that the members of the pack had marked out. "No.. I'll stay, it's our duty" these words
leaving her brothers mouth made Araceli freeze in the middle of a movement, she tried to
keep the tears away as she answered him "I have no duty towards anyone... then, goodbye brother"
she started moving once again nowing she might never meet her brother again,
the only one she had ever been able to trust...

NAMNE: She can't remember ut goes by the name Masquerade
SPECIES:  Karg (Mix between feline and canine)
AGE: 20 human years
GENDER: Female
SIZE: Medium-sized wolf, around 60cm
POWER:  Emptyness and Reversed energy
PUPS: None
FATHER: Unkown
MOTHER: Unkown

This little femal is a very confused soul.
Early on in her life she memory was deleated by a reaon she can't remember at this time.
The loss of her memory also erased her experience and knowledge about life.
She can't remember anything from her past tough she slowly starts to regain her memory
 but at the time she's very watchful against straingers. She's lika a small pupp that just
has started to explore the world outside th den, unaware of what's out there.
She takes side agains neither the evil nor the good, all she wants for now is to know who
she realy is. Masquerade is the name she's given herself until the day she gets to know her actual name.

Masquerade is a dapper and lite built wolf.
Her body is lean, on the edge of being skinny and the legs are tall in propotion to the body.
She's therefore built for flexibility and speed, not brutal strength. She has foxlike traits, large pointy ears
 and a big bushy tail. The long fur wears a greyish-black colour with a silverish mane travelling down her
neck to the begining of her tail. The eyes look turbid grey and her vision is not as good as a normal wolf's.
The most remarkably with her is but the many scars that covers her face. The scares are a clue to her
past but she prefers to keep them hidden under a mask, therefore her nickname Masquerade.

The powers within her are particulary rare and very powerful. One of the powers she can't control,
it affects the living beings around her. It makes them feel nothing at all, a complete emptiness.
This can at this time only be avoided by not beeing near her. This power she has started to
emptiness with a thought on it's effect on others.
Masquerades second power she's capable of controling, even if she can't master it completely yet.
She calls it reversed energy. It's a sort of telepathic power that makes whoever she wants to do the
opposit of what it want to do. If another creature is controled by this reversed energy it may for example
 lift its right paw instead of its left one or walk backwards instead of walking forwards.
 A peculiar power she starts to examine even more.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2011, 03:21:02 pm by Araceli »


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« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2011, 07:06:48 pm »
:O woah! -tracks-

Araceli Darque

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« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2011, 09:25:49 am »
Hehe ^^,


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« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2011, 03:30:04 pm »
^^ Amazing! Great job~ :3

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« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2011, 01:45:53 pm »
Amazing ^.^
Love your char! ^.^