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Messages - StarsRising

Pages: [1]
Meshes / Re: Inky's Converted
« on: July 08, 2016, 02:46:42 am »
Forgive me if I am blind, but I don't see a download link? Has it been removed?

Game Help / Re: Off-center screenshots?
« on: July 06, 2016, 01:25:07 am »
Okay, that tends to distort my characters, but I think i could deal with it for the sake of this. Thank you both.

Game Help / Re: Off-center screenshots?
« on: July 06, 2016, 01:18:55 am »
How can you play with the game on full screen in a tab? On my computer it always fills the screen in a way I cant get to anything else while the game is running.

Game Help / Re: Off-center screenshots?
« on: July 06, 2016, 01:14:02 am »
Changing the resolution has changed it slightly, but it is still off, now it leans upwards.

Game Help / Re: Off-center screenshots?
« on: July 06, 2016, 01:07:33 am »
Is your FeralHeart running in full screen and not windowed?

No, I don't run my FH full screen.

Aye I've had this problem before. Try changing the resolution on your computer monitor first through the control panel first and if that doesn't work try changing the resolution in game.

Is there anything I should change the resolution to specifically? Or will any change help?

Edit: I am not sure this is something I'm willing to do since it really messes with the appearance of my computer overall.

Game Help / Off-center screenshots?
« on: July 05, 2016, 11:09:45 pm »
I was wondering if anyone knew how to help me with an issue I've been having for awhile now (pre-update). Whenever I take a screenshot, it is off-center, even capturing the other windows I have open on my computer. Before the update, it was very regularly off to the left side, though still including some of the FH window. I thought it was fixed when I redownloaded for the update, but recently it has began happening again. I also noticed that how it is off-center isn't the same every time, sometimes it is in the corner, but it is always (as far as I know) leaning to the left. Another note, when it first began happening, I hadn't done anything to my game, such as redownload; it was seemingly spontaneous. This is actually a rather large issue for me since I use my screenshots to make images and show things to friends, and the inclusion of my other windows makes me uncomfortable (because I frequently have my skype up), which usually means I have to edit any image before I use it.

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