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Topics - Splatterz

Pages: [1]
Game Discussion / What do YOU like to RP?
« on: June 03, 2013, 01:53:50 am »
I've seen many RPs out and about in FH, but I've always wondered what seems to be the most popular. I'd personally have to go with Lions and Warrior Cats, but who knows!

Game Discussion / Rid of FH bullies one by one.
« on: June 02, 2013, 07:16:56 pm »
I recently just read a topic, that got me thinking.

I know it seems long, but all I ask is you please read most of this and just think twice about how you judge others on FeralHeart and in real life.

Okay, so, of course, there is always going to be online bullies. Over Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, you get it. My question is, but why bully others on an online game when you're both here for the same reason? - To get away from that drama in reality. There shouldn't be any of that on this game, isn't there enough in real life? Everyone wants to be themselves on here, and make their own unique characters. Just because someones character isn't your definition of 'beautiful' or 'pretty' it doesn't give you the right to tell them to change. It's just like in real life. You can't change how you look in real life, but you can in FH. If they thought their character was ugly and they didn't like it, they would change it. They feel happy with their character because they made them and they are unique and one of a kind.

It's the same thing with RPs, people make fun of other peoples RPs because they don't like them. I've seen unicorn RPGs, Reptile RPGs, and even bacon RPGs (I'll admit, I giggled at that one.) But I didn't say anything rude to their face, because trolling or not, it would be rude. Maybe they wanted to try something different. Maybe for once you should join a unique RP other than a lion, cat, or wolf RP. That's pretty much what FeralHeart consists of. I've joined prey RPs before, and though I was hesitant at first, it's a lot of fun! RP's that don't involve cats or lions or wolves are quite rare. It makes you feel better when there's other people out there that have the same tastes as you. You eventually don't care what other people think, all you care about is having fun with your other RP buddies that like the same thing as you.

Last but not least, excluding...This is one thing that gets on my nerves because I have to deal with it almost everyday, in reality AND in FeralHeart. FH is a big community of people that should all care and respect for each other. I've seen people say that a certain person cannot join their group because they simply don't like the way they look. "So what if you don't like the way they look?" Is all I have to say. When in small groups of people on their OC charas or something, they tend to ignore someone if they don't know who they are. Maybe they just want to be friends. All I have to say is stop ignoring them and ask them how they're doing. Trust me, it'll make their day just to hear that someone actually notices they're there and maybe you'll make a new friend out of it. I can guarantee this is the best way to make friends on FeralHeart. I have one friend that became one of my best friends because I stood up for her. She was being publicly bullied in FP, so I befriended her. We ended up hanging out everyday and RPing just the two of us, because I said we could be outsiders together.

Thanks for reading, -Splatty

Game Discussion / Spot claiming in Fluorite.
« on: May 30, 2013, 11:04:43 am »
So, I'm sure most of you have gone to fluorite plains by cape portal to recruit for your role play. Mostly you will find warrior cat clans down there, and I swear I love warriors, but the people. I remember once I went to recruit, and so I went and sat down in a random spot. It was pretty quiet out there, so I just kinda did my own thing, advertised a bit. Then all of a sudden, if I'm right, her name was Jaystar or something, came up to me. She just kinda sat there in front of me. Then, she said; "ur in my spot". I was just sat there like wutlol. She claimed that I had to move. She lost connection, but I was still just sat there like 'wut'

Another time I was on my OC Splatterz on the rock, and this giant white feline with white wings came over. Her name was Snow Queen, and she told me and the people on the rock we HAD to get down this very second. We were like; "No, you can't tell us what to do, but you can come up here with us if you want." Of course, her reply was; "GET DOWN NOW" And she started getting very frustrated because she couldn't force us to move. XD Though it is very annoying when people try to claim spots, I find it amusing listening to other peoples stories on other characters trying to force them to move.

Hello there, and welcome to my little shop here.
I recently received my tablet back after being grounded, so I've been in a drawing mood lately.
I can draw wolves, lions, and cats, whichever. Only animals.

There's my deviantart ^^ So you can take a look at what I can draw.

I'll take requests for line arts, full pictures, detailed pictures, pictures for friends, pictures of two characters, your OC's, you name it.

Sadly I do have exams coming up so I can only take 5 requests at a time.

Code: [Select]
Username/Forum Username:
Type of drawing:
Brief Description of your character(s):
Gender of your character(s):
Derpy or realistic:

Slot 1: Beasty // Progress - 20 %
Slot 2: LordSuraguha // Progress - 10 %
Slot 3: Huskies-Eat-Ponies // Progress - 0%
Slot 4: Rustys // Progress - 0%
Slot 5: Brittnie // Progress - 0%

Here are some examples of my art: (As you can see, I like warriors.)


Game Help / Please help! Portal's won't delete (FIXED)
« on: May 20, 2013, 10:04:57 pm »
I was going through a few troubles with a map so my friend said I should delete all my other maps. I have WAY too many portals in cape, and I want to get rid of them. I've deleted every single trace of a map I've ever owned, and the portals are STILL there. Help please? I want to delete them because they go so far out that I get blocked from flying out that far, it's not even a part of them map anymore. - If that makes sense.

Thanks for your time, ~Splatterz

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