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Topics - Flufflemonster

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Self-explanatory. We are wondering why nobody is playing, yet there are 360+ people currently viewing the forums with no way to register unless they wait for a small window every day.

We don't have hundreds of players playing the game and lagging the servers so there is no need to limit the traffic by keeping registration closed. Just open up registration 24/7 again so we can have a decent, stable playerbase again.

Other Mods/Creations / Flufflemonster's Realistic Lion Roar Mod
« on: December 12, 2015, 02:11:48 am »
The title says it all. It's a realistic LION roar mod. It is not a deep heavy growl and it is not the MGM lion (which is actually a tiger's roar) roar. It is the roar of a lion claiming his territory (Like Simba at the end of TLK1).

You can find the file in the following link:

To install, copy the file and go to your Feralheart folder. Then, navigate to the media folder, then the sounds folder. You want to paste the file in that folder and replace the roar1.mp3 file with the one you downloaded from the link above.

No autographs, please.

Request a Preset/Marking / The Lion King - Scar's scar marking
« on: April 21, 2014, 11:27:59 pm »
The title says it all. I want someone to make a marking of Scar's mark.
Reference, here :

I wish for the marking to look exactly like that. Exact placement. Not in the middle of the eye, not going all up into the eye patch, but EXACTLY how it's shown; beside the eye, crossing the eyebrow, and not touching the eye patch, but it will also be slightly curved more at the top because he isn't facing the side. I'm very picky :3 I've tried to look for decent scar/claw markings and they just don't work.

No, I don't want a preset. I want a Scar marking so anyone can use it, and so it can be customized by all.

I know there is a way for someone to make a preset of a marking on only one side of a character; I think it involves having one picture with the marking and having another picture without the marking... not sure how it works, but it's possible.

Anyway, if someone makes me this marking, I'll use it all the time on my Taka/Scar and show it off to everyone and let them know how much I lurrvs it! And I'll give you floofs...lots of floofs! :D

Now, before someone yells at me about why I'm whining about this, having that window popup is like a comfort thing.

However, recently, it hasn't been showing up. At all. Only once, when I installed FeralHeart on my new ASUS Windows 8. It just skips to the game window (everything else works fine.)

Someone help? please? I want to configure a few things. and the configure thing in notepad wont suffice.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Minor tuft additions
« on: July 29, 2013, 12:41:14 am »
I know this is really minor, but it'd mean a lot to me. Could there be a 'Cheek, Full Tuft' and 'Cheek, Full Mane' choice for tufts? The full tufts don't include cheeks...

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