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Topics - ResslessV

Pages: [1]
Leaving / May be inactive for a bit.
« on: March 23, 2013, 09:26:34 pm »
Hey everyone, V here.

As you might have noticed, I have not been on the forum or game for a while. Why?

Well I don't really know myself.

I guess I just don't feel in the mood to go on Feral Heart. Whether it's on the server or game, I just don't feel like going on. It is not because I hate Feral Heart, it is an amazing game, it is just that I find that I have more things that I need to take care of. And that leads me to being inactive.
Also, I am finding myself pretty busy lately. Mainly with either drama, school, stress, or just other things in my life that need to be taken care of. I don't find much time to be active.

But I am not leaving Feral Heart, so don't think I am.

I will just be off and on with being online. It won't be like how I used to be on almost every day. I hope you understand. I will definitely be more active when summer break comes, even though that is very far away still.

Take care.


Characters / ~.:ResslessV's Floofbutts:.~ {WIP}
« on: February 20, 2013, 01:23:25 am »

Name - Vokas Anree Calius (Vo-kiss An-Ray Cal-E-Us)
Nicknames - V
Gender - Goes by both male & female
Age - 2 Years
Species - 83% Wolf 17% Fox
Sexuality - Bisexual
Mate - ?
Pups - ?
Mother - Pari
Father - Hakis
Home - Ficho Tunnel
Song that best describes V - IDGAF by Blood on the Dance Floor.

Personality -  V is very anti-social and shy when first approached. Once she gets used to you, she is very funny, caring, helpful, and crazy. V hates getting in fights or arguments. She usually doesn't fight back, but if she has to she will without hesitation. She is also very protective over the ones she loves.

Name - Remix Koffas Tursomi  
Nicknames -  Re-Re
Gender - Male
Age - 3
Species - 78% Wolf 22% Unknown Species
Sexuality - Mainly hetero
Mate - ?
Pups - ?
Mother - Kassee
Father - Jazos
Home - Flourite Plains
Song that best describes Remix - Disturbia by Rihanna

Personality -  Remix is much like Vokas. He is a little shy at first, but eventually he does warm up and he is crazy. Remix is known best as the jokester, but is serious when he needs to be. He is also very mysterious.

Stories / The Monkey (A True Story)
« on: February 17, 2013, 11:04:14 pm »
This is the story of why I hate monkeys >:I

2 years ago, I went to Collingwood (In Ontario Canada) On the second day of being there, me and my family went to the zoo, because I love animals. In the middle of the zoo were the monkeys. I got out my camera and started to take pictures, but the monkey in the cage kept running to one side of the cage, to the other. I said "Stay still >:|" And it stayed, and then right as I took the picture, the monkey begain to run around again. I groaned, because the picture was blurry. Then the monkey started to point and laugh at me D:<. I tried again to take a picture, but the same thing happened. So the entire time I was being laughed at by a demon monkey.
So I started to walk away from the monkey, and then it stuck its tounge out at me.

Now you have learned why I hate monkeys.


Ask Me / Ask ResslessV Your Questions
« on: February 17, 2013, 01:41:58 pm »
Hello! I am ResslessV. You can ask me any question you'd like, and I will be sure to answer it for you! Try not to get to personal, though.

Well, ask away!

                                         Questions already Asked

Q 1: If you could trade half of your lifespan for your greatest wish, would you do it?  If so, what would you choose?
A: Yes, I would. I would choose to be either a wolf or a lion c:

Q 2: If you could take immortality, would you accept? ((Note, that means everyone you know and love would die around you and you'd probably end up being the lonely last person of Earth with nothing to do... Choose wisely.))
A: No, most likely not.

Introduction / Hello!
« on: February 16, 2013, 09:51:01 pm »

I made an account on here a while back (Never introduced myself in the forums) and I was hooked on the game. But then in September I quit (not forever of course) FH because of school and I didn't really know what to do anymore and I just got bored. Now I have decided to come back and make a new account to start fresh.

Anyway, I am ResslessV. You are probably thinking my username is spelled wrong and it is supposed to be Restless, but I misspelled it on purpose. Some nicknames I go by are as follows; Ressless, Ress, and V. I will mainly be in game, probably hanging around in Bonfire or Flourite (I always spell that maps name wrong, so if you need to feel free to correct me.) On the forums I will mainly be found helping others or playing games.
I hope to make a biography of myself soon, so look out for that.

Sorry for this fairly long introduction. I am a big talker. Just to let you guys know, I will pop in game whenever I can. On weekdays, most likely around 3:30 PM-7:00 PM I will log on, or on weekends any time around 8:50 AM-11:00 PM EST. I would love to make some new friends in game. On my other account I never really talked much because I am shy online and offline, but I am getting better!

So once again, hello everyone!


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