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Topics - Averyln

Pages: [1]
Introduction / Averyln say WUUUUUUUT
« on: January 14, 2011, 04:50:12 pm »
Oh hai thar. I'm new here. Obviously.

I'm Averyln. And I lav 3D games in which you can customize your own characters. So as soon as I heard of Feral-Heart I searched endlessly until I found it. Now I'm just hangin' around 'till the servers are up. You may find me roleplaying from time to time, though I usually prefer to devote most of my time to drawing, plotting for world domination, and wasting time on the internet. Lawlz.

I'm usualy either really serious or really hyper. But mostly just hyper. I'm very outspoken about some things, so I expect I may eventually get into trouble for occasionally voicing my strong opinions. xD

Anyways, I'm almost always open for pointless chatter, so feel free to drop me a PM or something. |D

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