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Topics - luckdragon

Pages: [1]
Finished Maps / A Kingdom in ruins V.1.7 [Open to anyone]
« on: August 12, 2012, 01:14:22 pm »
The haunted ruins of Paro Kingdom v.1
(I literally made up that name for the hell of it. I might change it~)

-Paro kingdom V.1.7

It's currently in WIP...
The_ruins.ZIP V.1.7 ---> Mediafire link
More pictures here ---> Photobucket link
Currently 12 haunted/horror/jump scare sounds such as: Screaming, crowds of people screaming, Guy getting crushed under rubble .etc
I recommend you have your music low or muted to hear the sounds.
All audio sounds are at least 10 minutes long.
Some are longer because I want the sound to reappear every 5 odd minutes.
So you'll have to search around .3. Dude bring a friend or something to keep you un-bored while you look around.
This map is based after a disaster and you hear all the dead people and stuff... I'll explain when it's finished.

You can't swear.
Territory claiming is only for RP's and you can own it for only 2 days.
Yes you can openly RP here.
Because this is a WIP version you can openly let other people download it. But do not claim as your own :/
No other rules.
Objects FH link
Map and idea by me .3.

Finished Maps / Clashclan V.1 (13 pictures!)
« on: April 02, 2012, 11:15:17 pm »
This is a first kind of map for Clashclan.
I spent only one day on it. Because it might not get successful (or any members at all T_T).
*Main part
*Underground Dens
*Escape tunnels
*Map download link
*Upcoming updates

Clashclan Territory!

Underground Dens (Not all of them)

Med den

Apprentice den

Warrior couples den

Passage from nursery to the escape tunnels

Escape tunnels

(Starting off on the ceiling. Can't fix ^^'
Just walk off XD)

Download link:
Upcoming updates:
*Complete re-do.
*Clashclan's forest will have better tree's
*New forest for another clan (Must have my permission)
*Custom ground texture.

Species / x-The Alotinu Wolves-x v1
« on: August 26, 2011, 11:52:33 pm »

Game Help / How do you? |Solved|
« on: July 12, 2011, 06:43:14 pm »
How do you make a music group?
It's for map maker. I've seen people mention it on other music help threads. But I'd like to know how.

Only so people don't have to listen to the SAME song over and over  ;D

How do you change the colour of water?

Also I know this is asked a lot. But I can't find any other threads for it.
How do you do it? :3

<3 OneLastTime

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / |-Creekclan-| Open
« on: July 11, 2011, 07:37:44 am »

"When the blood drained away. The water turned fresh."

Season: Greenleaf
Medicine Cats Announcements: Everything is well
Security Alerts: 0%

Welcome to the Creekclan. We're a Warrior clan, with the special skill of water. We live in a lake territory with many rivers and only a few hills.
This clan has formed in memory of the fallen.

If you wish for more information. Click this -Link-.
Sorry about the bad forum. It's not showing the skin to me.


All RP's are done here, on the FH website. In-game RP's are still being sorted.
The clan map is being made now. All those accepted will be sent a link to the download.

Code: [Select]
-Insert 200 x 200-
[color=White]-Gender-, -Age-
-Species-, -Health-
-Mate-, -Kits-[/color]

Roleplay sample


Code: [Select]
-insert 200 x 200
[color=White]-Gender-, -Age-
-Species-, -Health-

[b]Roleplay sample[/b]


Code: [Select]
-insert 200 x00
[color=White]-Gender-, Age-
-Species-, -H. Health-
-Parents-, -Siblings-[/color]

Roleplay Sample


-Image goes here-
Male, 25 moons
American shorthair, H. 100%
Squirrelflight, None


Characters / X|One-last-Time's Warrior catsX|
« on: July 10, 2011, 01:09:38 pm »

Current: ClashClan
Past: Ravenclan
Kit: Shadekit
Apprentice: Shadepaw
Warrior: Shadefire
Deputy: Fallenfire
Leader: Fallenstar
Father: Pinefur
Mother: Larchlight
Siblings: Hawkstrike
Mate(s): -x
Kits: -x
Auntie(s): Sandpaw
Uncle(s): Viperkit
Grand-father: Julian
Grand-mother: Bloodfur
Mentor(s): Willowleaf
Apprentice(s): Rosepaw
Clashclan Deputy Position
Preceded by: Farlight
Succeeded by: -x
Clashclan Leader Position
Preceded by: Farstar
Succeeded by: -x

Stories / =The family of Blood=
« on: June 14, 2011, 03:34:17 pm »

Presets & Markings / Luckdragon's Presets
« on: May 29, 2011, 10:09:05 pm »
My canines






-None yet-


My felines

Warrior cats

-Making soon-

-No link/Being re-made-


-Making soon-


Presets made for others

-Link being sorted-

Pages: [1]