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Topics - alanawolf

Pages: [1]
Forum Games / !Alphabet Game!
« on: July 27, 2015, 01:30:42 am »
Alphabet Game!
Basically in this game I will pick a topic, such as animals, and you have to go through alphabetical order with the animals!
If we finish the whole topic with the alphabet, anyone may choose anouther one!

Example :
Topic : Animals
Person 1 : Ant
Person 2 : Antalope
And so on!

Topic for this one is : States

Stories / Last World-
« on: March 17, 2015, 02:03:42 am »
Last World is based on a game i'm looking forward to make ^^

A few worlds away from where we live, there is a island unknown that has been removed from our solar system. It is exactly like earth and it thrives in a different system of planets and stars. There are no humans or anything, the only animals that lived there are Canines, Felines, Bears, Cerberus, Hydras, Dragons, and other species . We have never known of this planet until recently, it is now called "Last World" A island like form, it is no planet. It is bigger than earth, half the size of the sun. On that island there are two groups of wolves who thrive there, but have totally different opinions on there world. One side is named The Light a large group of animals who have been kind to this world for many generations and will give there life to protect it. The other side is The Shadow's a group of evil animals who's plan is to take the island for there own and wipe out The Light, the both have lived in a short time of peace. But during all this time The Shadows were planning to take out The Light. The Light knew something was suspicous about The Shadows becoming very quiet, but now we know there plan. The Shadows have now made there move, they have been spying and killing inncocent wolfs inside the areas of The Light. The Leader of The Light is Armani a keen brown wolf with a good heart and kindness, she has big amber eyes and brown markings over her pelt. The leader of The Shadows is Nukpana a light black she wolf with a dark mark on her left back leg, she has furious red eyes and a cold strict heart made of stone. 

To be continued...

Videos / :-: Shimmers Videos :-:
« on: March 16, 2015, 12:20:38 am »
Here are my Videos that I make. I hope to update them along the way. Going to be posting random ones cx. If you want to see more go to my Youtube Channel.
Personal youtube account-
Group Acctount-

Ask Me / Ask Shim
« on: March 16, 2015, 12:01:09 am »
Hello everyone! I decided that I would make a Ask thread. ouo So feel free to ask me anything c:

I hope to meet a few friends here to :o.

-Twidles thumbs-

Forum Games / --3 Word Story--
« on: March 15, 2015, 08:24:37 pm »
    Hello everyone! I thought it would be fun if we played a game, 3 Word Story, basically you continue the person's 3 WORD sentence above you with anouther three word sentence.

      • *Person above you*= Today I felt...
      • *You* =  really bad for..

    And so on! Try not to let the story end!

    Let us begin~

    My friend ate...

    Art Gallery / : ~ : S h i m m e r s a r t : ~ :
    « on: March 15, 2015, 04:26:15 am »
    Hello! Shimmer here <3, Going to show some of my art. Starting with the most recent. Let us begin!
    Realistic Wolf eye that I have drawin~
    A drawing a drew for some friends in FH <3
    "Get the mango"
    My fab OC <3
    *casually ships dogs*


    Going to POST more soon!

    Pages: [1]