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Messages - Aniuk

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 72
Forum Games / Re: The Illiterate Game
« on: July 11, 2014, 05:20:13 pm »
-dodges adttavk-

i am new quen of prdlenads bow two me

Forum Games / Re: The Illiterate Game
« on: July 11, 2014, 12:58:10 pm »
-i wlked in2 twhe forrast nd hwoled fur mai frends-

Well. If I might, I will share two.

The first;

Lucid brought this into my brain. It seems to be somewhat like hers. Well, for the past three years & this year, a handful of my dreams seem to be happening the next day.

Case one:
I dreamed about a large virus that spread. Everywhere. A computer virus, but lots and lots of people got it. The next day, that happened. Not kidding, either.

Case Two:
[On Tuesdays & Thursdays, my dad has to wake me up at 6:00] In this dream, I woke up at 6 too. My dad came into the room, and he said, "Goodmorning Starshine! The Earth says hello!" (It's a line from Willy Wonka) "I cannot find my keys ANYWHERE and I need to get to work now! I looked everywhere. Literally! I don't know what to do!!"
So, of course, when he woke me up IRL, I said, "Did you find your keys yet?" And he was pretty confused. However, the next day, we were going to go to the park. It was about 2:30 p.m, and guess what?!
We packed everything, but we had to leave just then because my mom was making a work call. If we didn't get out of the house and drive away, my dog would keep barking. So it was urgent. And who couldn't find their keys? My dad. He looked EVERYWHERE. They were gone. We had to use my mom's. And this was the next day too.

Case 3:
I had a dream that I was walking around these ponds, this one is short. Nothing much happened. Beautiful day, tadpoles, snakes, dragonflies, and sunfish. The next day, my dad & I were walking, and he pointed out that somebody had a pond in their backyard. It looked just like the one from my dream! No joke! It matched perfectly.


I find these all creepy.


So this one is recent, yesterday, when my dad and I were walking to the local ice cream shop. So we're walking, and he decided to take a different route. So as we walked down this road, this (no offense) creepy looking old man starts staggering towards us. His shirt is horribly stained, as are his pants, and he is bald with patches of hair. He has a limp-walk, but it just looked creepy. All the sudden, I noticed he was holding something halfway behind his back in his hand. He was attempting to hide it. I said, "Dad, what is that guy holding? He doesn't look so good.." And my dad, "Yeah.. let's cross here." So we crossed the road, and this dude follows us, but stops in the middle of the road. This neighborhood cat that has stayed in my house before showed up, and so we petted her for a while. During the time, this man was standing in the middle of the street watching us and saying things to himself. That's when we left. Creepy, right? Fun thread btw, I enjoy creepy stories.

Request/Find Meshes / Re: Can Someone Convert This Tree and Flowers?
« on: July 10, 2014, 10:42:33 pm »
Hello floofles.

@Pixel - The reason yer program crashed is because the model has 276 primitives, when normally  they have like four.

I got the tree converted. However, I was unable to test the textures because the way it was made, you need to type in FirMat/Leaf like 100+ times. .-.

Here's the mesh:

Request/Find Meshes / Re: Looking for 2 certain meshes
« on: July 10, 2014, 10:18:42 pm »
Oy vey. Terribly sorry, but neither seemed to work.

The wheel was all disoriented and broken when I opened it up, and the boots kept crashing me. Sorry bout that. ^^;

Other Mods/Creations / Re: |A n i u k ' s C r e a t i o n s| -Redone-
« on: July 10, 2014, 01:29:21 pm »
Preset added!

Introduction / Re: Something old, something new.
« on: July 10, 2014, 12:18:59 pm »
I think it seems like you're English is perfectly normal.
You sound like a wonderful person. Welcome back!
No need to be embarrassed. C:

Characters / Re: Mortifer, bringing back the Hunt!
« on: July 10, 2014, 12:17:03 pm »
Sounds like a wonderful character.
Fabulous background & overall ideas.
I also like the name. Clever.

Game Discussion / Re: How do YOU Pronounce 'Ficho?'
« on: July 09, 2014, 01:06:05 pm »
I put the word Ficho in Google Translate, and it pronounced it like "fytch-ooo" And then I put it in different languages...
Spanish: Feetchu
French: Feshu
German: Fehiyoh (idk how to spell it, try yourself :P)

So really it depends on what your native language is, but the translater recognized the word as an English word, so I'm not really sure. I just say it like Fitchoo.

And I think the whole saying t thing when there's a "ch" in the middle of a word I guess would be that if you were to say it without the "t" sound the "ch" would sound more like "sshh"


Characters / Re: ~Faolan~`s Character Army [UPDATED 7/8/2014]
« on: July 09, 2014, 01:04:53 pm »
Lovely update! Dat buck tho..
Still lovin' the gerbian shepsky.

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