Author Topic: ~Dragons of Kirth~ [Literate and Semi-Real[Put on Hold~]  (Read 70846 times)

Offline catsanddogsandbirds

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~Dragons of Kirth~ [Literate and Semi-Real[Put on Hold~]
« on: December 24, 2012, 10:02:25 pm »

                                     Applications are open! Go on ahead and apply! :D               Dragons of Kirth
  Kirth is a sort of alternate Earth, but it contains all of the life that Earth has, along with something extra--dragons. Before Kirth, dragons just lived in human imagination,  but then, they became real when an evolving lizard on Earth split into a different dimension, leaving its normal lizard species on Earth. But the evolving species, now called the First Flyers by the dragons, began to sprout leathery wings. Their body shape changed to suit flying, and they got bigger and bigger. Pretty soon, they split into different breeds of dragons, such as the long-bodied sprinters that live in deserts, or the massive spiky dragons that dwell in the mountains. Each breed of dragon is separated by where they live. Examples are mountain dragons and forest dragons. Then those are separated into different types, which don't have a name, but are often called "names" by physical description. Like a small mountain dragon might call a big mountain dragon a spike-head, or a big-wing. Each dragon calls them different names, because they look different in each dragon's point of view.
       But now, man has learned to come into this dimension, and they are invading the lands. They are only at the point of small villages and camps with only up to 10 or 15 people, but they are quickly mastering the art of killing and taming dragons. They snatch dragon eggs and take care of them until they hatch, then raise them until they are big enough to pull carts, ride, or whatever else they would use them for. They prepare weapons and men to defend their camp or village, because they know that the mother dragoness will follow the scent of her egg to them and, unless they are ready, destroy them and take back her egg.
        The humans are wreaking havoc in this oasis we call Kirth, but perhaps you can help.You get to be one (or more!) of these dragons, and, unlike most, you get to choose your traits. So go on and make your choice!

--NO cussing/swearing
--You may only make up to four characters
--You cannot have 10 in all traits.
--All of the trait numbers must add up to at most 35.
--If your character dies, you cannot bring him/her back to life, unless under correct circumstances. (Ask me about it first, though)
--Be literate. E.G.: She roared, "Wait! No! Stop!" But he had already rammed into the rock.-- Wrong: -roars- Wait! No! Stop! -but he had already rammed into the rock-
--No powerplay or godmod.
--Remember, even though you're dragons, be realistic. You can only have one power, and you must take the time to learn it if you are young. Ask for permission for anything otherwise.
--If you want to be a dragon with the humans, then just say so in the 'Other' section! :)
--Have fun!

       ~~I might add more rules if I find them necessary~~

Main Camp (Humans): This home of the most evil humans on Kirth, the dragon-knappers, lays protected by loyal dragons and fearsome humans. These people capture dragons and make them scared of using their power, whether it be breathing fire or spitting fumes. They force them to work under their control, often chopping off or binding their wings so they can't fly away. For dragons that they ride, they choose the youngest, strongest, and most loyal dragons to that task that they trust their life with.
Dragon Training Camp (Humans): This place is a human camp that is centered around training dragons. Some people have a reward system, where they train a dragon to do something and give them something in return. Others have a punishment system: If the dragon doesn't do what you ask it, whip it. If it does do what you ask, their reward is not being whipped.
Mountain Camp (Humans): The Mountain Camp has humans that can endure the tough mountainous regions, and are experienced in hunting and capturing the tough dragons of that region. They are warriors with guns, strong nets, blades, and tranquilizer shots. They know that dragons that live up in the upper regions are sleepy in the lower regions, since they are usually cold-blooded. They often lure cold-blooded dragons lower so they get sleepy.
The Mountains: A tough, snowy region of Kirth with large, powerful dragons.
The Fields: A calm, tranquil spot with quick and often mysterious dragons.
Knucker Forest: A large, varying forest overrun with odd breeds of dragon such as midget dragons and knuckers.

S.A.S.D Camp (Humans): These humans work hard to treat dragons right. S.A.S.D stands for Secret and Ancient Society of Dragonology. The Main Camp (look above) often unleashes brutal raids on the S.A.S.D's camp, but they never back down.
Bailey's Desert: The most harsh desert in Kirth, Bailey's Desert has little life at all. Only the toughest creatures, including dragons, ever dare to venture into it.
The Dry Plains: This place is a dry, barren field with small, underground dragons. This place used to be a beautiful savanna, however.
Rocky Shore:The Rocky Shores beside the peaceful Sanctuary Ocean are anything but tranquil. Waves bash against these jagged rocks that offer a hostile realm of floods and storms.
Sanctuary Ocean: The Sanctuary Ocean is a calm body of water, often referred to by lesser-educated dragons as the "Big Water". This ocean is home to thousands of sea dragons.

Types of Dragons:
Water/Sea/Ocean (serpents, most likely)
Ground (underground)
Tundra [Suggested by Arkanis Void]
Nocturnal (Suggested by Gamma)
Sky (Suggested by Gamma)
Canyon (Suggested by Gamma)
Mystery (shape shifters and color changers) (Suggested by Gamma)
Intelligenis (Smarter dragons with larger brains. They devote their lives to science, healing, or philosophy.) (Suggested by Gamma)
  ~~Tell me if I should add one! :)~~

 Application Form:

  {* means optional)
 Type (Forest, mountain, desert, etc):
 Description and/or Image:
 Relatives (Mother, father, aunts, siblings, etc):
 Age (take how old you'd be in human years and subtract seven. E.G.-- If I were a human I'd be 14, so as a dragon I'm 7)
 Strength (1-10~10 is best):
 Speed (1-10):
 Agility (1-10):
 Cleverness (1-10):
 *Power (only one!):

   Current Members:

 Kithea ~Played by Twizzlerr
 Mountain Dragon
 Power: Lightning
 Sister to Kurith

 Kurith ~Played by Twizzlerr
 Mountain Dragon
 Power: Water
 Brother to Kithea

Laysa ~Played by Twizzlerr
Forest Dragon
Power: Fire
« Last Edit: April 14, 2013, 08:57:53 pm by Twizzlerr »

Offline catsanddogsandbirds

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Re: ~Dragons of Kirth~ [Literate and Semi-Real--OPEN]
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2012, 10:03:17 pm »
Current Members Continued...

Kurmii ~Played by Gamma
Field Dragon
Power: Energy(She can use the energy gathered from light and sound to form huge sonic waves. She still has alot of trouble with it so she uses a simple attack - she uses light energy to temporarily blind her opponents, giving her time to escape)
Mother:Skillo (Alive)
Father:Kiltzu (Dead)  
Brother:Celmor (pronounced sel-moor)

Bailey ~Played by Twizzlerr
Desert Dragon
Power: With a flash of the spike on her tail, she can temporarily paralyze whatever she hits.
Bailey is owned by a 17-year-old human girl named Elizabeth. She is Jessica's sister, and they are both the head dragon trainer's daughters. Jessica does not have a dragon yet, since she is only 11 years old, but she often trains on top of Bailey.

Magno ~Played by Dragonite
Forest Dragon
Power: Electricity
Description: Coming Soon
Just like the picture but the tail is longer, the spines are made of fur, and the body is covered in fur. The fur on the body is dark grey and the fur where the spines should be is black. Samala has golden eyes.
Samala ~Played by Gamma
"Feline Dragon" (Felis dracos)
Power: Energy/electricity
Although she is young, she has traveled almost all her life, never staying in the same place for too long. She has seen many things, and knows how to write in runes and in English.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2013, 01:09:35 pm by Twizzlerr »

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Re: ~Dragons of Kirth~ [Literate and Semi-Real--OPEN]
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2012, 11:04:40 pm »
Go ahead and apply! :)
« Last Edit: December 26, 2012, 10:43:21 pm by Twizzlerr »

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: ~Dragons of Kirth~ [Literate and Semi-Real--OPEN]
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2012, 02:45:51 am »
-Will make app later-

Offline catsanddogsandbirds

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Re: ~Dragons of Kirth~ [Literate and Semi-Real--OPEN]
« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2012, 04:47:43 pm »
Ok :) Go on ahead!


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Re: ~Dragons of Kirth~ [Literate and Semi-Real--OPEN]
« Reply #5 on: December 25, 2012, 06:02:54 pm »

 Type (Forest, mountain, desert, etc):Mountain
 Description and/or Image: She is a baby dragon, and skin is white
 Relatives (Mother, father, aunts, siblings, etc): While she was sleeping, something mysterious to her parents. But she never knew them
 Age (take how old you'd be in human years and subtract seven. E.G.-- If I were a human I'd be 14, so as a dragon I'm 7) A baby dragon (Idk)
 Strength (1-10~10 is best): Weak for know but later would be strong, so 2
 Speed (1-10): 10
 Agility (1-10):right now a 4
 Cleverness (1-10):5
 *Power (only one!):Fire
 Weaknesses:Darkness :-\
 *Other: Nope
« Last Edit: December 25, 2012, 06:20:46 pm by Thrillex »

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Re: ~Dragons of Kirth~ [Literate and Semi-Real--OPEN]
« Reply #6 on: December 25, 2012, 06:06:35 pm »
Nice, but could you put a number for Cleverness and Strength?

 Once you do that you're accepted :)


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Re: ~Dragons of Kirth~ [Literate and Semi-Real--OPEN]
« Reply #7 on: December 25, 2012, 06:08:50 pm »
K, edit.

Offline catsanddogsandbirds

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Re: ~Dragons of Kirth~ [Literate and Semi-Real--OPEN]
« Reply #8 on: December 25, 2012, 06:47:23 pm »
  ACCEPTED! ~Let's begin the roleplay! :D

   Kithea flew silently through the rocky mountains, dodging cliffs and falling rocks. She breathed in the fresh scent of the cool breeze flowing in from the fresh-water sea beyond the mountains. She was in a good mood today, mainly because prey was easy to catch and her brother, Kurith, hadn't bothered her--yet. She sighed in amusement as she recalled the last time he had tried to make a snow avalanche hit her. She had dodged it as easily as if it were the average boulder tumbling down the mountain. Kurith had been so angry that she had laughed. Luckily, she didn't live in the same region as Kurith did. Her brother lived higher in the mountains where there was thick snow and low amounts of oxygen, but he liked it. She didn't understand why, but then again, he didn't understand why she would want to live in the bare rocks of the middle of the mountain, or why she liked warm air more than cool air. So she never really pondered the thought of why he liked snow and hard breathing. Now, Kithea didn't think about her brother. She simply flew in the warm currents peacefully.  
   Kurith stared at a pile of snow on the rocks. He poised himself and spread out his wings. Suddenly, he shot forward and hit the snow head-on. It collapsed and tumbled down the mountain. he heard a small squeal and then an angry roar. As he looked down, he saw two dragons--one a small hatchling and the other a massive mother. The hatchling was covered in snow, but the mother only had some on her head. The mother looked up at him. He smiled.
 "Hi," he called down casually.
 "Did you do this?" the mother growled, pointing to the snow on her head, and then to her hatchling. Kurith nodded. The mother roared and shot up after him. Kurith laughed and flew away. He could hear the mother's wing beats behind him, but he loved the thrill of the chase. He shot into an icy tunnel and the mother followed. Kurith could hear her breathing.
 Gotta find a way out, gotta find a way out... he kept thinking to himself. He looked around the never-ending tunnel, now feeling desperate. finally, he spotted a small hole just big enough for him to fit through. He folded his wings into his side and turned to it. He tried to flatten himself as much as possible, and he closed his eyes.
 The next thing he knew, he felt free, cold air on his scales, and he was outside of the tunnel. He slowed down and turned around to see the mother's claw sticking out of the hole. She was roaring with fury. Her claw moved around and clenched, trying to grab Kurith. He laughed at her attempts.
 "Pick on someone your own size," he chuckled, and zoomed off.    

   Laysa kept low, quiet, and still. The buck didn't notice her. She crept forward, but still, the giant male deer didn't move. She crouched lower, keeping completely silent. Her green scales blended in with the surrounding foliage in the forest perfectly. He jaws were open. She was downwind of the buck. it was a perfect situation. She tensed her claws and leaned back on her hind feet. She growled.
 Suddenly, she saw a small, green dragon fly out of the bushes, landing on the startled deer and digging its claws in. Laysa, although in fury, kept still and quiet, waiting until the dragon brought the buck down. Once it did, she burst out of the foliage, snarling and lashing her tail. Smoke fumed form her nostrils. She roared.
 "Get out of my territory!
  The dragon looked up at her and smirked. "Or what?" he scoffed. Exactly what she wanted him to say.
 Laysa smirked and leaped into the air, nipping his shoulder and ripping off a few scales. He blew some green gas at her, an, once she smelled it, knew it was acid. But, luckily, he had missed. Laysa roared in fury and shot flames at his weak spot on his shoulder she had just made. The dragon screeched and zipped off, its long tail hitting Laysa in the face. She snorted and clenched her teeth angrily, but knew better than to go after him. She had succeeded.
 She leaned down and began to devour the buck.  


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Re: ~Dragons of Kirth~ [Literate and Semi-Real--OPEN]
« Reply #9 on: December 25, 2012, 07:01:07 pm »
Cynder was in her nest, all alone, no to talk too. She crawled to the edge of the nest-that her mother created- and looked down, she was frighten and step back. Then looked to left to right, she saw some dragons, but they probably didn't look friendly. She sighed, and putted her weak wings on top of her face, ashamed and embarrassed. All those other dragons have moms and dads, besides me! she said to herself. Cynder  was also hungry, she didnt eat when her parents disappeared, so she decided to walked around the nest, so she can forget, but she couldn't, so she tried to take a nap, and drifted off to sleep.