Author Topic: In need for characters for my story: Mane - A Lions' Fable  (Read 1036 times)

Offline RayRayGirl

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In need for characters for my story: Mane - A Lions' Fable
« on: December 29, 2012, 11:34:16 pm »
So I'm writing a story about lions in real life. This already has a plot and a bunch of characters, but I need more (because mating seasons coming.) So I need you to make a character for this.
If you're interested or have a questions just leave a comment below.
This is how you create your character:

1: Details: Name, Age, Gender, Personality (Give away as much detail as possible) and How did it join the pride (Was it a rogue, was it from a zoo, or was it born in the pride?)
2: The body: First think about the size and shape, is this a slender, plump, lithe character? Is it sleek, is it scrawny, does it look starved? Use all the adjectives you want, just be clear!!
3: Fur: Is it soft, is it rough, is it clean, is it dirty? Whatever it is DESCRIBE IT!!
4: Colour/Color: These are the colors for your pelt: Black, dark gray, pale gray, gray brown, dark brown, brown, pale brown, cream, pale golden, golden, pale ginger, russet or tawny? You can have lighter underfur if you wish or you can have ANYTHING. Your mane and/or tail tip has to be darker than your fur. Also think about the color of your eyes. Since the appearances aren't realistic you can have any color you want (except black). Also add the colors of your: mane/tail tip, nose, eyes and markings: (Like different color paws or ANY markings you want)
5: Battle marks/stories: What scars do you want, deep, long, serious? And how did you get it? Do you have ripped ears, missing eyes or perhaps missing body parts? Whatever you want just write it down!! And how did you get them???

If you would like to know more about this story click here:
If you want to read the story I have so far click here: there will be new chapters every day or month