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Offline Huskystar

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« Reply #20 on: April 07, 2013, 06:19:11 pm »

The bristling wind buffeted Butch's soft fur, his blank eyes staring into the wind. His muscles ached, and his eyes felt dreary, but he didn't show it. He noticed young wolves strolling past him, going to find some food for the hungry pack. He knew he should be doing that to, but he couldn't find the energy to. His heart thumped, and his eyes drooped, but he shook it out of him. Soon, maybe a couple of seconds later, Butch pushed himself to his paws... They immediately started to sink into the cold, mushy snow, so he knew he had to keep on moving. He started to head towards the pine trees, where he normally headed for a early morning walk. 

It felt colder when he found himself deeper in the forest, and his head was held low, keeping snow away from his eyes. I really shouldn't go on my own...  Butch thought, knowing bears, loners, anything could be out there... His pelt felt like soggy fur, and his legs felt like they were going to drop off.

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

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Offline Celeyan

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« Reply #21 on: April 07, 2013, 09:23:04 pm »

[size=8]Ill let you look inside me, through the s t a i n s and through the c r a c k s

[size=8]And in the darkness of this moment, you see the good and the bad.

[size=8]But try not to judge me, 'cause we've walked down different paths,

But it brought us here together, so I won't take that back.

Inxis- the white furred female wolf lay- curled up in a snowy outcropping that had used to live right atop a rock- until a low, drooping branch coated in the white snow got low enough for the snow and the rock to create some sort of overhang- which she deemed appropriate shelter for the night- which she began to think was rare since the cold snow and harsh wind always seemed to get worse at fall of the night. That didn't matter much, anyway, night and days were always miserable for the pack, and most of the wolves in it were skinny and needed food. But the usual abundant prey was long gone- no- some game was still here, only small little things that were snacks, but what bothered the female the most was that the small game seemed to be full of the 'foaming sickness', at least that's what she called it.

That disease was absolutely disgusting and terrifying, foaming mouths, a case of insanity, the whole ordeal seemed to send shivers down the small alpha's spine. Inxis, the young female seemed to have nightmares of those foaming things, even having one dream about it biting her- and that terrified her greatly, which ended up with her waking up biting and snapping at the air like a crazed, caged, animal. The female wolf however- had a different dream this night, or perhaps a vision? That didn't matter really, the dream intrigued her when she first saw it wasn't one of her usual foaming dreams- and that was incredibly rare as she didn't seem to have any good dreams. This so called 'vision' seemed to even fill her with some sort of hope; but not a lot as she didn't understand the meaning of it at all. It was a dream of a land that had rich green grass, with the ground as soft as any moss that your paws would sink right in, and slip right out as well. No dangers were about in this land- and don't forget the large amounts of game that lived in the dream, so much that she couldn't even count the amount of delicious large elk she saw. Flowers and other bursts of color were all over the green terrain, and they all smelled of different kinds of vegetation- oh how she loved nature. The tweeting of birds and other various sounds were all in this paradise, with spring waters that tasted pure- and were full of fish that were easy to catch.

However, the dream quickly turned into some sort of nightmare- perhaps she had ruined it? No, she was back in the dreaded winter land, but nothing bad was happening, no foaming rabbits, no blood- just strange little happenings that seemed to be calling to her. Black birds that flew about her white head, beckoning her to cross the mountains, those dreaded ones that caused many to fall and die, or get stabbed by a rock and bleed to death, or possibly just get eaten by the many large creatures that roamed those deadly mountains, but she could only follow the crows, and when they finally reached the top, she could see more snow, and winter, and then, her dream ended. The alpha snapped her head upwards, her lips pulled back in an angry snarl as her head swiveled about, her ears back in a threatened way- and her tail raising as she scanned the area. She was obviously confused on what was going on after that strange dream, but quickly calmed down and gave a small yawn. Inxis stood up, stretching out her tired limbs and wincing at the pain in her gut- they'd have to find some food soon, but only small scraps were about, how would they ever find something that would feed the whole pack? The alpha female gave a small sigh, tail drooping which was not what she usually did- and walked away from the outcropping, to the main lands where her pack usually was, many were still awaking- but some were already awake. The wind blew against her fur, as the storm seemed to already quicken upon the alpha getting up, and she turned her head to look at the snow that continued to fall- and gave a sigh as she looked around. The winter was beautiful and all, but sometimes beauty became the beast. Thoughts of her dream seemed to dance about in her head, and she looked to the sky as the calls of birds were heard, she seemed to appear deep in thought, and her tail swished as another thought danced about in her head.

Thoughts of Elyaris.

Offline ShadowClasher

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« Reply #22 on: April 07, 2013, 10:48:27 pm »

Sunlight drifted through the opening in the den, causing Apollo to open his eyes and stare out of the den. Then spot next to him where Arya had lay sleeping peacefully next to him was now empty and cold. He could see fresh snow piled naturally near the den entrance, and quietly, hoping to not disturb any of the fellow subordinates still resting, he hauled himself to his feet and pushed his way out of the cozy den into the barren forest. Blinking, Apollo could make out the figure of Sampson stretching and beginning to wander, Butch heading out for a morning walk, and Arya staring out across into the distant snowy woodland.

With a huff, he remembered she was being a stubborn elk again and had been refusing to eat for the past two days. Apollo had tried many times to get her to eat, even force-feeding but every time she managed to ward off his attacks. If he mentioned the word "food" in front of her, he'd probably get a hard bite to the ear. He turned away without a second glance and retreated to a nearby patch of sun. The snow was thinner in the little space and green blades of grass stuck out of the ground. The small amount of warmth given was enough to let the male relax down onto his side, letting his multi-colored fur absorb whatever heat the sun gave. Apollo's eyes closed, his breathing slower until he was in rhythm. His head laid on the side and his tongue lolled out the side of his mouth. The soft sound of crunching snow and scent of his alpha gave Apollo a burst of alertness, his ears pricked up, but he didn't open his eyes. Her scent suddenly wafted over him and he opened his eyelids, golden eyes narrowing through slits as he gazed around the scene again. Inxis had indeed arrived from her slumber, and he immediately glanced at Arya who looked away from her leader quickly.

Please, He begged silently. Let there be an uncomplicated day today. The last thing we need is another argument or fight. Apollo said that about the whole pack. Without food there would be short-tempered moods and snappy replies. The male could name a few who would take that aggressively and start an unnecessary fight, whether it was for food or just because of the unjust circumstances the lands were facing. A tugging suspicion in the back of his mind was suggesting that more wolves were becoming resentful to Inxis's rule, through no fault of her own, but just because of her age and experience.

Frost had covered her fur. The first light rays glinted off Arya's eyes as she stared off into the forest, like she had been for a while. Blinking a bunch of times, Arya shifted from her position of sitting beneath a bare pine tree that had luckily not fallen down yet. Her muscles ached like fire as she moved to her paws and hunger gnawed at her stomach. She hadn't eaten in two days despite Apollo's pleas because she did not feel she was literally starving yet, even if it felt like her insides were being eaten. The stubborn female had refused to eat until she found it truly necessary, though Arya was not dumb enough to go without water.

Arya stretched her limbs, shaking the snowy ice off her pelt. As she did so, Apollo shuffled out into her view, but did not appear to be noticing her. Leaving it at that, she searched for others who might be awake. She wanted to go hunting, but she was certain Apollo would only say something like: "How 'bout you eat first? Then we'll see." or "Saffy, I'll shove a squirrel down your throat before we do that.". He was annoying that way. The tight den where the subordinates slept was still quiet, except for Sampson who seemed to be up early and, of course, Apollo who was always up early.  Huffing indignantly from having snowflakes drop onto her muzzle, Arya shook herself again, ruffling up her fluffy, heavy winter coat. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw one of the council wolves heading out of the clearing into the forest. She held her breath for a moment, deciding whether or not to follow him, then thought against it and faced the way she had been before, leaning back onto her hind legs to sit down again and ignoring the burning sensation in her bones. Wind seemed to lick her face as it passed, leaving the fur brushed out of her eyes and a clear vision. Arya shook involuntarily from the cold but kept her ground sitting there, waiting and watching for anything to happen. Weariness crept into her mind, battling against the will to stay awake.

The sound of padding feet forced Arya glance behind her, eyes narrowed. Her muscles stiffened as Inxis walked into her view, but not toward her. The female alpha was beginning to wake, although Arya herself had been awake for hours. She snorted, averting her gaze from Inxis and back to the forest ahead, her thoughts wandering. We need food. If Inxis doesn't do anything soon, someone needs to knock some sense into her. Hasn't she heard of Elyaris? Maybe we should... Her mind drifted off. Arya wasn't sure whether she actually believed in Elyaris or not, though tales of it from Apollo sounded like it was real. Apollo had never made her think that he could pull a cruel prank like that, and it surely wasn't him that knew of Elyaris in the first place. All of the wolves in the pack probably knew about the rumors.

*wink wink*

?  There's this little thing called love ?

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« Reply #23 on: April 08, 2013, 04:08:53 am »
Life is just a loop, untill you get too tiered to continue

Offline okami129

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« Reply #24 on: April 08, 2013, 05:13:02 am »
Name: Yeva
Nicknames/Alias: Yeva
Gender: Hermaphrodite (Functionally female)
Age: Around 1 year
Rank: Subordinate
Mate: None [If I'm right, unless you're an alpha you can't have mates anyway]
Pups: None
Infatuation: None
Description of your character: A pale white coat with beiges and light greys showing through, the beige being the usual top layer with the white underbelly and face and the greys being subtle but streaking the back from where the neck starts to the tail base. The ears are tipped white and the legs are white all the way to the elbows and knees, climbing up the front of the back leg by the knee to line it until it reaches the under belly. The tail is tipped with grey and its underside is white. It is ill thin. Lastly, the eyes are yellow and it has a thick fur coat.
Sample post: It's so cold, so very cold. In a place like this, one would need thick fur to survive this frozen desert. And fortunately that was what a particular tundra wolf had. The pale figure carried its pace with a slow trot and a low head. Its golden eyes glanced back and forth to scan the terrain. Fortunately, there was none, this gave the young figure a chance to ease itself, letting the hairs flatten somewhat on her back and shoulders. Though relaxed she'd be better off with another life form of some sort near by, for how thin she was her skeletal structure began to show its shaping from behind her skin. She could of found prey, preferably smaller forms of it in fact so she wouldn't have to struggle with it, after all she was a bit frail from malnourishment, so a dead or decaying corpse to give this walking skeleton some more energy would suffice, heck plants to dig up usually have bulbs that would suffice. If there wasn't a prey, then another pack may have the ability to offer it something if generous enough, or, like most predators, they'd be willing to put it out of its misery. Without the ability to talk, though, the tundra wolf would have to hope and rely on another wolves sympathy.
Photo unless described well enough above: Look around
Other: Yeva is a mute
escape to elyaris
earth beneath my paws
« Last Edit: April 08, 2013, 10:56:19 pm by Okami129 »

The liar and the thief

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« Reply #25 on: April 08, 2013, 06:11:53 am »

Katalia hadn't slept that well that night, her mind was elsewhere but her body stayed behind, her mind had traveled to a wonderful place. Where there was no pain or suffering, there was also enough food for the pack to live off of for generations to come. The sound of crunching snow shook her from her fantasy, some of the subordinates were already awake. Katalia sighed and slowly stood up, times were tough, the pack wasn't as large as it used to be, no pups had been born in awhile, mainly due to these troubling times. Katalia slowly stepped out of the den, the bright morning sun shined down over the land, she looked at the sparkling snow. The sight was beautiful, it almost made her forget about their current situation. It was quickly reminded by the sound of a growling stomach coming from a nearby sleeping pack member. She sighed once again then looked for Inxis, many questioned her leadership but Katalia never did, Inxis was doing the best she could. She looked over to her alpha before trekking into the pine forest to try to find anything to eat, which was also troublesome since it wasn't easy finding food that wasn't..infected by that mouth foaming disease.
Katalia was a little way away from the den site when the sound of flapping wings entered her ears. She quickly dropped into a hunter's crouch then proceeded to stalk forward. Her ears did not deceive her. There in front of her sat a raven, it's sleek black feathers shimmered under the sun's rays. Katalia studied the bird carefully, last thing she wanted to do was sink her fangs into a disease ridden bird. The bird was acting normally, he was just digging in the snow, obviously trying to find a meal for himself. As quick as she could she sprung forward, the raven squawked in anger and fright and began pecking at her muzzle. Katalia growled and bit down, the crunching of it's fragile bones entered the air. She raised her head then began trotting back to the dens. Small wounds were speckled across her muzzle, but it didn't bother her all that much, they didn't hurt. She saw Inxis sitting and looking up towards the sky, she appeared to be deep in thought. Katalia slowly made her way towards her, the raven dangling from her jaws "Hello Inxis." she greeted with a respectful nod. She dropped the raven at her alpha's feet "Here you go, thought you might be hungry." she smiled, she nudged the bird closer to her. She knew it was lucky to find a bird of this size, this might be the last time she will ever be so fortunate. "This was a lucky catch, he was too busy foraging to even notice me." She chuckled. She turned her head to look at the slowly falling snow "It's beautiful isn't it?" she sighed, then decided to ask the question "Do you think Elyaris is a real place?" She lowered her ears then looked down at her paws "Sometimes I do." She lifted her head "Well I'll see you later." she nosed her shoulder "Don't worry too much." she grinned. She walked back to the den, taking a seat at the entrance. She then watched the snow fall, the small white flakes soon mesmerized her, making her forget about their troubles.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2013, 06:20:13 am by Auriakuri »

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« Reply #26 on: April 08, 2013, 08:16:24 am »

Butch stared into the sky, his eyes blank with fear. What if we don't make it past these harsh times... This is the worst Winter ever... Butch thought, wondering how many other were sick, but didn't show it. Suddenly, while he walking, he smelt something unusual in this Winter weather. His leathery nose picked up a scent, a delicious scent! Squirrel... His heart pounded, and he wondered if he would ruin this chance for the pack to have a little more food. Remembering his mentoring, he ducked down, his ears flattened on his head. Great, the first chance to find food, and I'm weak as a weasel, and dark as a bat... He stalked forwards, and saw the red Squirrel facing the opposite direction, licking his paws eagerly. Butch breathed in deeply, and started to stalk forwards, his heart pounding. Then... He bounced, and landed directly on the Squirrel. Butch gave a short, sharp yelp, but he didn't know why, but it hurt. He found out that the Squirrel was biting him, he growled, and tugged it off. He bit its neck with a sharp bite, and it soon stopped moving. "I done it!" He barked, and chased his tail happily.

He reached the camp, the squirrel smell overwhelming, but he knew he had to give it to a different member of the pack. He looked around, wondering who he should give it to... Then he saw a male wolf, Apollo. He trotted towards him, his tail flicking.
"Hi Apollo, you hungry?" He asked, dropping the limp Squirrel on the snow covered ground. "You can have it if you want." He offered, wondering what the young male was thinking. "Morning walks do help find prey!" He chuckled, and sat down. The snow was making his black pelt more white, so he flicked some off.

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

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« Reply #27 on: April 08, 2013, 10:53:36 am »

[size=8]Ill let you look inside me, through the s t a i n s and through the c r a c k s

[size=8]And in the darkness of this moment, you see the good and the bad.

[size=8]But try not to judge me, 'cause we've walked down different paths,

But it brought us here together, so I won't take that back.

The young female wolf continued to scan the skies, her tail wrapped around her body in an attempt to warm herself up some more- and due to her smaller size, it helped some but not a lot. She gave a small shudder- black dancing about in the sky which made her think back to her dream. She shook her head, a chocolate-dipped muzzle raised to the sky and following one particular blur of black that went off in another direction. Inxis was completely lost in observing these things- and even though she knew they were prey- something was strangely off about them. It scared her- a bit at least, they might have the foaming disease, and that single thought made Inxis curl her lips back in fear. She continued to ponder, deciding whether or not to follow these birds- she shook her head and lowered it as others continued to awake. The alpha nodded at some, giving her usually friendly smile- however it was weaker today and more-so forced than a genuine grin, mostly for the fact she knew the pack was growing angry of her decisions. She'd have to move fast- before someone would attempt to over throw her. She was about to walk up to a few- maybe a quick chat to the main council? But was quickly interrupted by Katalie- a nice female that was pretty friendly to her. "Hello Katalie." The alpha said, tail giving the smallest wag- however not much as she stared at the raven being offered to her. Her eyes widened slightly, and her copper-eyed gaze studied the dead bird. She quickly snapped out of it, giving a weak smile to her. "Thank you." It was a nice offer, really, but the female would rather offer it offer to another member of the pack- so they'd at least have some food in their stomach. Then, the other asked her a question, and Inxis eyed her, and for the first time in the day- gave a small genuine smile. "Of course I do, Kat."

Copper eyes observed the female as she walked away, and gave a small swish of her tail at the bird- eyeing it as she scanned the skies- hoping this didn't screw up the chances of her dream. Oh how silly she was! Trying to follow a dream? Inxis gave a small sigh, head lowered as she stared at the bird, nodding at the sleek feathers but otherwise didn't eat it, mostly lick it to enjoy the taste and possibly groom it, but otherwise left it alone. She didn't want to waste Katalie's offer though, and lowered her head to thank the raven for the food, before eating a small portion of it, then gave it to another pack member to enjoy- sharing was something needed now-a-days. "Here you go, I have even a little bit, but I want you to have some food as well." Then, with that, Inxis dropped the half-eaten bird at her paws, giving a friendly smile before trotting away, past some other wolves before deciding that they'd go on a morning walk- maybe to find more food for the pack? "I think we should all go on a walk to find some food." She called to the pack, tail raising slightly as her ears became erect. The alpha trotted towards the forest, beckoning the others to follow as she moved at a steady pace, as to make sure others could follow her as well before she and the pack got too far.

The young wolf scanned the area, occasionally finding spotting a bird on the ground, to only realize foam danced around it, perhaps something else had killed it? Inxis shook her head, her eyes continuing to scan the terrain as her tail swished about, before her head snapped over towards the left as a black blur flew right into the trees. Completely forgetting she had possibly had the pack following her, in an instant, the female alpha took after it, her tongue dangling from her mouth as she raced after the bird, only freezing when she realized that she couldn't see it anymore. The female desperately scanned the area, head swiveling this way and that that any others watching might think she'd gone crazy. Then, she spotted it, perched right atop a snowy rock- looking directly at her, or looking her way? The female didn't care, only trotting up to the bird as if she was mesmerized, the bird didn't seem scared however, it actually stared right back at her as she eyed it, becoming so close that her muzzle was only a few inches from the black bird. She didn't attempt to kill it, only stare at it as it gave a small call towards her, pecking at her nose a bit before flying into the sky- strangely joined by a few other of its kind, they flew in a formation for a bit overhead the rock, making the alpha give a small bark at them- before they all flew off into a direction- a direction she hoped she didn't have to follow.

Her dream was going to lead them to the mountains, or so she began to think, and her tail twitched nervously as the calls were continued to be heard, she gave a low bark once more, before she stared at the birds who were leaving. Oh no.

(( Wifuh, read the rules. ;o ))
« Last Edit: April 08, 2013, 10:56:35 am by ??????z?????z???? »

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« Reply #28 on: April 08, 2013, 12:22:14 pm »
(I am so sorry for the triple post. I had clicked post a few to many times because it was freezing. =c)
« Last Edit: April 08, 2013, 12:25:35 pm by *~?RainbowPass?~* »


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« Reply #29 on: April 08, 2013, 12:23:18 pm »
(Triple post >.<)
