Author Topic: ~|The Jungle of Jliath|~ |Open for now| |Literate| |Lycanthrope rp|  (Read 27906 times)


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Re: ~|The Jungle of Jliath|~ |Open!| |Literate| |Lycanthrope rp|
« Reply #20 on: April 12, 2013, 12:55:23 pm »

Paul Johnson

Paul began to barked with laughter as the she wolf came towards him and when she said. "I would like to rip you apart". That made Paul even die with more laughter and replied back. "I wish you could  Wolf. Matter the fact..Come do it" he smirked "I'm right here waiting" he added as he stood on his hind legs, making himself more larger, contrasting to other wolves around the forest and more serious than any other. Then started thinking about when she said "What a lovely name,Paul" that made the wolf showed a smile a face, but he knew she was joking or something. "Why thank you about my name..Also..I didn't catch your name.." he barked from the distance, not interested on following strangers.

Minutes later, Paul became bored with the she wolf and whom was probably was miles away. The young-greyish male wolf shrugged his shoulder and move deeper into the forest. Until he got a scent of Jacob..His 'Wolf Brother",but also as a friend. [Note: I just adding Jacob..He's not going to be in the roleplay often] Paul snorted and barked out. "Jacob" he called out.Jacob, the brownish wolf, ears peaked as he heard his name called. "Oh hi" he said tiredly, trying to avoid talking to him,after the big fight between them.Paul knew he was upset, he shook his pelt and contained to walk off,even more further into the forest.Jacob snorted and also walked away. 

Offline Huskystar

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Re: ~|The Jungle of Jliath|~ |Open!| |Literate| |Lycanthrope rp|
« Reply #21 on: April 12, 2013, 04:24:58 pm »

Leah Heart.

The she wolf let out a rumbling snarl, and the humans looked straight at her... Leah ran up towards, barking like a wild wolf, she bit one of them. She threw him at a tree, and her hackles were raised. Leah saw one of them grab a metal object... She snarled, and raced towards the man. He shot the bullet, but Leah jumped up, and done a sausage roll roll (lol) in the air quickly.

Soon, Leah was facing quivering people, who raced away.
-short again -_--

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

Whisper on my in-game as HuskyStar, or PM me if your confused


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Re: ~|The Jungle of Jliath|~ |Open!| |Literate| |Lycanthrope rp|
« Reply #22 on: April 12, 2013, 04:45:22 pm »

Paul Johnson

As soon as,Paul and Jacob was heading opposite directions, they ears alerted as they heard bullet miles away. The two began howling. Paul and Jacob raced down where they heard bullets coming from. Paul was in the lead of Jacob as for Jake (Jacob) who was behind him. "What is the sound coming from?" Jacob asked. Paul didn't answered, he just continued running.

Seconds later, they reached. Paul eyes wide open as he saw the same she wolf or kinda looked the she wolf that he saw back there. Jacob could see the expression of his brother's face. "Paul, you know them?" he asked. Paul didn't answered and just kept looking, seeing what was going to happened next. Jacob just stood they confused. Then suddenly, as Jacob eyes was wondering around..He saw man with bloody shoulders,man on top of trees,unconsciously..Now Jacob was really confused. "Woah..Paul do you see this?" he barked with horror in his eyes. Paul didn't answered, he couldn't stop looking at the she wolf. 

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Re: ~|The Jungle of Jliath|~ |Open!| |Literate| |Lycanthrope rp|
« Reply #23 on: April 12, 2013, 05:14:24 pm »

Leah Heart.

The She-Wolf strolled forwards, nipping at one, missing by a centre metre.  She scented two WereWolves behind her, and spun around. "Oh Great, Mr. Paul has got a friend," She murmured, loud and clear enough for Paul to hear. She looked at him, with a serious expression on her face. She looked at Jacob and laughed, "Well its either they die or we." She sounded mad, but she knew her senses.

As she waited, she heard the man in the tree awaken, and she didn't bother. He didn't have a gun, and he couldn't get down. She sat down, her tail brushing the soft soil.

((Lol, were the only ones roleplaying xD))

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

Whisper on my in-game as HuskyStar, or PM me if your confused


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Re: ~|The Jungle of Jliath|~ |Open!| |Literate| |Lycanthrope rp|
« Reply #24 on: April 12, 2013, 06:05:55 pm »

Paul Johnson

Paul rolled his eyes. He had no time for the she wolf and her anger issues. "Whatever" he huffed in his wolf forum "Anyway..What happened here?' he asked, as he was stepping to the clearing. Jacob saw Leah laughing at him. (Can Jacob know Leah?) He rolled his eyes and walked forward. "Be quiet, Leah" he began, walking to the clearing besides Paul. "What are you even doing here? You know,no human suppose to see us!" he snapped. Paul quickly turned to Jacob, whom was standing by his side. "You know,That" he said, growling at the she wolf. "You know him??." He snapped. Jacob didn't response back. Paul rolled his eyes and shook his greyish pelt. Then turning his head directly at the human in the tree then back to Leah. "Do you want to kill this man?" He tilted his head towards the human "I can get it off your paws...if you want" he sniffed,trying to be nice this time. Jacob turned to the innocent man, but didn't say another word.(Lol.)

Offline Genesis9

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Re: ~|The Jungle of Jliath|~ |Open!| |Literate| |Lycanthrope rp|
« Reply #25 on: April 12, 2013, 06:50:19 pm »
You guys should slow down lol! Might leave some people behind otherwise :S))


           "Xavier. XAVIER!" The foreman's intrusive voice rose up and startled the hired gun out of his reverie. He had been staring off into the forest, his dark eyes trailing the forest line while he held his Sniper rifle in hand. The long black metal glinted dully in the pale light, as smoke from the fires near the North site had rose up so high it was starting to blot out the sun. "Xavier get down here!" barked the foreman again, tapping his heavy steel toed boot into the ground while he watched the man vault over the side of his lookout and slide down the makeshift ladder with easy before jumping off at the last second and landing lightly in front of him. "What's the matter?" he asked and the foreman took on a more serious expression as he jerked his head for Xavier to follow him. "There's been sightings of Lycan's at the Northern camps. Those oafs were caught un-prepared, and I want you to go there and /deal/ with it. If you could, once the bulk of them have been scared off, take some men and go after them. I want them hunted down and destroyed." he said coldly, whistling for a jeep to be brought over as the two stood in the mud, Xavier slung his Sniper over his back and let it click into place on the holster.

            "It's not like we've done nothing to aggravate them you know. Cutting down their forest was bound to make them react." he said with a frown, his voice hinting at the slightest of Irish accents. The foreman looked over and narrowed his eyes "You're not having second thoughts are you? Xavier-" he rested a hand on the taller mans shoulder "They're not human. They're monsters, that need to be put down. You know that they choose to live out here in the wild? With no...humanity about them or technology that we even offered to give them?" asked the man and Xavier shrugged off the hand. "You mean we wanted to put them in cages and set them up on display." he said coldly and the foreman sighed. "Just do what you're paid to do. I didn't hire you because of your ethics or opinion. I hired you because you're the best." he said flatly, nodding towards the Jeep as it pulled up in the mud. Thunder rumbled ominously in the distance. A storm was on its way. Xavier sighed and climbed up into the back. A few other hired guns were already there. Miguel and Fabrique, they were locals, hired no doubt from the nearest city, and they both seemed to prefer heavy machinery, as they were carrying semi-automatics. "Eh, Xavier. Good to see you. Time to light up these freaks eh?" asked Miguel with a grin and Xavier just nodded, his dark eyes looking out to the trees again as the driver started driving them all towards the north site. "Ah, he's just sad we're coming with him. No doubt he wanted to kill them all himself!" laughed Fabrique from the front and the two started talking in their native tongue before the Jeep finally pulled to a stop violently, throwing the other two forwards with a shout. "Hola! What was that for eh?!" snarled Miguel, rubbing his forehead where it had hit the back of the front seat, but the driver didn't respond, he just stared, wide eyes at the three Lycans that were gathered on the far end of the camp.

             The men in the truck stared for a second before Xavier suddenly grabbed his Sniper and stood up, setting it down and immediately getting the wolves in his scope. He was about to take a headshot to one of the male wolves when suddenly Miguel shouted "Open fire!" and he and Fabrique jumped out of the jeep and started firing round after round of bullets towards the Lycans, staying close in case they needed to take cover. Xavier cursed as the movement from the others threw off his scope, and when the Jeep suddenly started to move (as the driver clearly had no intent on staying so close to the beasts) Xavier reached into his coat and pulled out a silver pistol, which he pointed at the drivers head. "Stay here. Or I will kill you, get down under the seat until we're ready to go." he said quietly, but the driver seemed to hear him well enough and did as he asked, a slight whimper coming from him as he did so, he was clearly out of his mind from fear.

            Kicking open the Jeep door, the young man jumped out and skittered towards a pile of logs where he decided to take up point again, keeping in mind his companions positions while he looked towards where the Lycans were to see if any were hit. With all those rounds the two were popping off, he'd be amazed if they got away unharmed, but that was the case....he'd finish the job. A slight whisper of a groan murmured up from the mud beside him though, and he looked down for the fraction of a section to see a mauled human being, bleeding out on the ground and no doubt about to die. Maybe he had been wrong, thinking that Lycan's could be anything but inhumane. Maybe they just were animals. Did this man really deserve to die? He looked around at all the carnage on the North site before frowning feircly and taking aim.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2013, 06:52:53 pm by Genesis9 »

What we do in life, echoes in eternity.

Offline Huskystar

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Re: ~|The Jungle of Jliath|~ |Open!| |Literate| |Lycanthrope rp|
« Reply #26 on: April 12, 2013, 06:56:04 pm »
Sure, and can Paul and Leah get to like each other, as friends of BF/GF I don't care :P))

Leah Heart.

"What happened here?" Paul asked. Leah gave a short sigh and explained, "I like the forest, I don't want the forest to get cut down. So I killed them," She truthfully barked. "You be quiet mutt," She snapped back, I think Jacob would understand her sharp comebacks, and that sometimes she didn't mean it, just blurted it out. "Anyway, the won't see us, there dead!" She chuckled, shaking her pelt. She watched the wolves look at the man in the tree, and she shrugged simply. "I've done enough today," she shrugged again.

He is a bit cute, but... Never mind.. She thought, and her yellow eyes focused on the two males, mainly Paul. She had a bit of respect for the greyish male, and smirked.

((Sorry Genesis, I'm a bit eager with this role play... I will try! ))

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

Whisper on my in-game as HuskyStar, or PM me if your confused


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Re: ~|The Jungle of Jliath|~ |Open!| |Literate| |Lycanthrope rp|
« Reply #27 on: April 12, 2013, 07:23:43 pm »

Paul Johnson

Jacob snarled and backed up. "I don't like your lack of respect,Leah" he snapped and marched away. Paul chuckled and nodded. "Whatever you say..Leah.." he smirked. Jacob turned around and glanced over Paul--Whom was still next to Leah--"Uh..Paul you coming or staying?" he barked, ready to go and sleep or something. Paul turned his head and shook his head and began walking away;leaving Leah alone. Then suddenly,the young greyish wolf turned his head and said. "Bye Leah" he barked and continued towards Jacob.

Seconds later, Paul reached to Jacob. Jacob signed, "Finally..Let's go!" he barked and disappeared into the forest, then Paul disappeared. When the two wolf brothers was deep in the forest, Jacob playfully bogon Paul beside the hind and began chuckling. "Hey! What was that for?" He snarled. Jacob began laughing, "I know you like Leah" he smirked. Paul halted and began growling. "What-! No..I don't!" he lied. Jacob continued  showing a smirked on his  face. -To be continued-
(@Husky: Thanks and sure..That'll be awesome..Wait..Do you mean..First they like each other as a friend..Then becomes Girlfriend and boyfriend?
 @Genesis: Sorry,Genesis. The roleplay is getting good.>.< I'll try, though))     
« Last Edit: April 12, 2013, 07:32:25 pm by Thrillex »

Offline Genesis9

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Re: ~|The Jungle of Jliath|~ |Open!| |Literate| |Lycanthrope rp|
« Reply #28 on: April 12, 2013, 07:28:06 pm »
um...:C I did post at your characters...should I remove my post?))

What we do in life, echoes in eternity.


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Re: ~|The Jungle of Jliath|~ |Open!| |Literate| |Lycanthrope rp|
« Reply #29 on: April 12, 2013, 07:33:44 pm »
What happened...?))