Author Topic: -.LIMBO.- [Open & Accepting!]  (Read 10597 times)

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Re: -.LIMBO.- [Open & Accepting!]
« Reply #30 on: November 25, 2013, 06:57:37 pm »

Avery tensed as it went by, its disgusting features looked as if it was oozing. She watched it silently as it lumbered by them, not even seeming to notice them ecxept sniffing the air a few times. Once it slowly went out of sight, Avery stood and turned to look where the creature had walked. "What the hell was that." She said in a sharp whisper, slowly putting her dagger back in her pocket. Her eyes were curious, wide, yet calm. The female looked over at Kaos, who looked just as shocked as she was.

Madison woke up in a jolt, screaming as she opened her bright blue eyes, "AVERY!" The female breathed in gulps of air, never seeming to get enough into her lungs. She looked around cautiously, hearing the echo of her voice in the distance and noticing how loud that was. Where was she? Madison swallowed, slowly standing. It was beautifully kept and was a sight to see, but the stench and memories were not welcoming. Madison recalled rushing home after having been walking home from school a little late. She came into a room to find her little sister crippled on the floor and surrounded in blood. Madison and ran in front of her body and punched her father straight in the face. What an idiotic decision that was. The female remembered the pain in her head as his fist crashed down on her skull.

Madison shook her thoughts and slowly stood from where she was, feeling almost nonexistent and out of place in the silent forest. The female nervously pulled at her sleeve, looking down at her black sneakers. Everything was so perfect. The trees unscratched, rocks not worn down, and the grass freshly cut. Unfortunately, Madison had never felt she was in a more un-prefect place.

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Re: -.LIMBO.- [Open & Accepting!]
« Reply #31 on: November 26, 2013, 12:33:14 am »
Kaos shifted slightly to see the beast walking off, glancing back at Avery at her question. "And you think I would know?" She hissed, but even though it was meant to be sarcastic, it didn't sound like it. She sighed and straightened, running a hand over her face and through her hair another time. "Well, now we know we aren't the only ones here." She mumbled as the uncomfortable silence returned once more, now that the disturbance was gone.

I'll be creating another character later. C: So that there's at least one guy in the RP. xD))

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Offline Vask

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Re: -.LIMBO.- [Open & Accepting!]
« Reply #32 on: November 26, 2013, 04:14:07 am »

Avery nodded and ran a hand through her red hair as well, blue eyes shinning. Immediately Avery tensed, hearing her name being called from a distance. "Did you hear that?" She said, craning her head around the area to search for the sounds. It echoed off the trees, and clearly had been said from a ways away, so the voice did not sound distinct. Narrowing her eyes, "You heard someone call my name too, right?" The females bright blue eyes looked around. Hunting Skills don't fail me now... The female thought to herself. Avery crouched down to the ground her head low as she concentrated. The echoing had not quite stopped, and the ground would give her vibrations on where it came from. She put her hand on the ground gently, closing her eyes and feeling for vibrations. The smallest of feeling under her hand that came with the echo told her where to go. Avery looked over at Kaos, "It came from that way." Avery said, pointing forward.

Her loud scream from when she woke up finally died down and left her with eerie silence. Madison tried her best not to panic, remembering what Avery did when she was upset(Besides attacking her problem with fists or sarcasm of course) . Madison took in deep breathes, closing her eyes tight. As she closed her eyes, the sounds of the forest became more evident, and it was no longer silent. The leaves would rustle every so often, and the sounds of silence was the loudest scream. In the distance she thought she heard a sound, maybe a word. Madison opened her bright blue eyes, looking around the foggy clearing she was in. Hm...

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Re: -.LIMBO.- [Open & Accepting!]
« Reply #33 on: November 26, 2013, 08:27:40 am »
"Stop staring at my face. There's nothing extraordinary about it."

Kahl Lukeson [Usually called Luke or Cain.]


Close to 20.

Kahl is an easy-going, free guy. He hardly cares about anything at all, unless it endangers others. He looks and acts like he's selfish and absolutely devoid of sentiment, but if somebody's life is really in danger, he'll try to help the best he can. He's just a big softie inside, though sometimes he is strangely closed off and quiet, since he tends to have the attention span of a sparrow and thinks a little too much.

Kahl was born in a wealthy family, the youngest of four sons and three daughters. His parents were in charge of a large company, and Of course, since their parents were working or busy for every single minute, the kids were left to themselves, and were being sent to special schools. Kahl, despite his studies, was the most troublesome and mischievous, always giving extra problems to his parents and the servants in the mansion. He was usually ignored by others and eventually his father forced him to 'Be the figure that your siblings are', using harsh threats - And sometimes even carrying them out, which caused him to lose the sight in his left eye. Since then he had pretended to become good, but most of time - Since he's usually free, because his older siblings were taking care of the problems - He would usually go out to the less common parts of his town and simply relax or talk to others, returning before anybody in his family found out.

Joelle Icklein [Eldest/First Sister]
Ray Icklein [Eldest/First Brother]
Jade Icklein [Middle/Second Sister]
Devin Icklein [Second Brother]
Mellany Icklein [Youngest/Third Sister]
Jordan Icklein [Third Brother]
Daichi Kelson [Fourth Brother]

Cause of 'Death'
Of course, being in the most uncommon part of the town meant being in the part where thieves and murderers lay. Not a wise choice to be when you're the son of a wealthy family. He was murdered and stolen from. His body is still lost, and hasn't been found yet.

-Ever since his left eye had been lost, he's been wearing some bandage around it, and usually wears sunglasses to cover it up.
-He's been adopted by the Icklein family, together with Daichi.
-He's pretty intelligent.
-He has good drawing skills.
-He dislikes it when his missing left eye is mentioned, or when somebody keeps staring at his face.

Kaos shifted uneasily, tilting her head slightly up as though trying to listen. "I guess." She mumbled instead, glancing over to Avery. "You have somebody else who followed you here or something?" She raised a brow, watching as the other crouched and placed a hand upon the ground. Deciding not to question it, she simply looked around, waiting for either somebody to come, or for Avery to start leading. She glanced back up when Avery pointed, tilting her head as she looked at the direction in which the younger had gestured to. Her eyes narrowed slightly. "And what if it isn't a person?" She suggested, steps cautious as she started walking forwards slowly.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2013, 09:35:07 am by Kaos~ »

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Offline Vask

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Re: -.LIMBO.- [Open & Accepting!]
« Reply #34 on: November 26, 2013, 05:52:44 pm »

Avery looked at Kaos when she suggested this, "Well I guess we'll find out." The female took her dagger out casually and started to walk in the direction of the sound. Her bright blue eyes searched for a sound, a sight, anything that indicated life. There was a clearing ahead, and she heard a few ruffles of sound there. Before they could step into the clearing, Avery ducked behind a bush, peaking through the shrubs holes. It was definitely human. Two legs, two arms, and hair. The hair was a medium length, so it was safe to say it was a girl. The female in the clearling was walking around it aimlessly, probably confused. Slowly, the female put her dagger away but kept her bright blue eyes locked on the human. Once the human got close enough for Avery to make out... she had to hit a hand over her mouth to keep from screaming, and almost fell back. Madison... Oh my god. Her thoughts screamed. This can't be her. It's just a hallucination or something! She thought angrily, and tired to believe her thoughts.

Madison looked around the clearing she was in, the evident feeling of confusion hitting her like a ton of bricks. Where was this? Was she dead? Was this hell? Was there anyone else here? Her thoughts cut short when she thought she heard the smallest little bit of leaves rustling out of place. She shook her head and continued to pace, tugging nervously as her sleeve. A habit of hers.

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Re: -.LIMBO.- [Open & Accepting!]
« Reply #35 on: November 26, 2013, 06:50:21 pm »
Kaos followed silently, hands shoving into the pockets of her jacket. She looked around as they walked, thoughts wandering about. Hopefully it wasn't a creature. They surely couldn't have talked - or even know Avery's name, if it was a strange being. She paused her steps slightly when the girl quickly ducked into a bush, looking from there. Kaos didn't really bother to hide, just shuffling over to another tree, just to lean on it. Her green eyes roamed about until they came to a stop on a teenager. Definitely older than Avery, and probably younger than Kaos. She blinked, simply studying the stranger when a slight movement caught her eye. She turned her head slightly so she could see Avery, who had suddenly covered her mouth. Kaos raised a brow, eyes narrowing slightly. "What is it?" She didn't really bother to whisper, simply speaking as though it was nothing.

Kahl groaned slightly as he felt consciousness rushing back to him, awaking his senses. The first thing he noticed was the soft ground he lay upon. It wasn't  as soft as a bed or even a carpet, but more like...Clear dirt. And grass, he added, fingers flexing slightly to feel the short blades of grass underneath his hand. Well, this was nicer than whatever he was sleeping on last night - He could practically just lay down here and relax all day. Plus, there was nothing but silence to bother him.

Wait, last night....Something jolting awake inside his mind, the young adult suddenly sat up and opened his eyes, blinking slightly to adjust to the new light. Once that was over, he noticed a slight throbbing behind his left eye, dull, but powerful enough to the point that it almost hurt. Immediately a hand flew up to his face to inspect his eyes. His sunglasses weren't there - That was reasonable, they had dropped and shattered during the struggle - But the bandage wasn't there. He let out a small gasp, the only thing breaking the silence around him, and he grimaced slightly as his fingers gingerly touched the edge of the gaping hole where his eye once was. He pulled back his hand to see blood, but it was only a few spots of it. He sighed and burrowed his face in his hands, taking his time to think about what had happened.

(Sorry if my RP is a little wonky.~)

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Re: -.LIMBO.- [Open & Accepting!]
« Reply #36 on: November 26, 2013, 08:08:07 pm »

Avery looked up at Koas, just a slight confusion on her face. "That's...that's my sister. She whispered. Looking at the female in the clearing. "At least I think so..." Her bright blue eyes narrowed towards the female curiously. The teen had turned to where they were outside the clearing, only able to see Kaos. "Hello?" Avery heard the female say cautiously. Oh god it was her. Avery stood slowly, revealing herself to her sister. The girls face lit up with relief as soon as she spotted Avery. "Oh my god..." The female in the clearing whispered.

Madison smiled, but had some shock and suspicion in her face. " are you here? Where is here?" She said, her voice was clear and gentle always. Unlike Avery's who mostly like to speak with edge. She walked towards Avery and the female next to her. Madison was watching Avery carefully and adoringly, but seemed to be almost scared to move too much, as if if she did, her sister would be gone in a hallucination. Madison watched Avery with her brilliant bright blue eyes. That was how you could tell they were siblings. With hair, they were opposites. Brown and red. But, if you loooked at their bright blue eyes, they were practically the same, and told the same story. Avery gave her a small smile, "We don't really know where here is either unfortunately. That's what we're trying to figure out." Madison nodded, "Who's this?" She asked not meanly, but more curiously. Avery stepped to the side so Madison could see better. "This is Kaos. Kaos, this is my older sister Madison." Madison smiled her perfect smile, already showing to be much different than Avery. "It's a pleasure, Kaos."

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Re: -.LIMBO.- [Open & Accepting!]
« Reply #37 on: November 27, 2013, 08:02:42 am »
She watched the exchange between the sister quietly, finding herself smiling slightly at the small reunion. She remembered she used to sit atop the roof of some building and watch as families and couples passed by, laughing and simply enjoying the night or day. Her attention returned to the two when her name was mentioned.

She smiled towards Madison. "Nice to meet you too." Both of the sisters acted exactly the opposite, strangely. Well, at least she wouldn't be stuck with Avery alone. She glanced around the forest, though there really was nothing to see. "How'd you end up here?" She looked back at Madison, head tilting slightly to the side.

He was just walking back home, quite late at night, in fear that his parents had already returned home. He passed by an alleyway where a small crowd of people were sitting. He knew that they were a gang so he hurried on, walking a tad bit faster. He never really expected a gloved hand to so quickly cover his mouth and something sharp to stab him at his neck. Not painful, but everything went dull at that moment. Then, black.

Kahl frowned, sighing and lifting his head so he could see where he was. A forest, of course, with all the trees...But something was off about this place. It was a little too quiet, no sounds of crickets or birds. He slowly pushed himself to his feet, staring at the ground. Freshly cut grass, no insects, and nobody seems to have trampled over the grass. The bark of the trees was smooth, like something out of a child's book. Shaking his head, he looked around again, wanting to find something to cover the hideous wound on his face, but as he looked around, there seemed to be nobody. Of course, who would be in a place like this? Seeing as it was completely fine, he left his thoughts to the side, and felt around his pockets.

His phone wasn't there. Neither was his watch, or wallet. "Damnit."

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Re: -.LIMBO.- [Open & Accepting!]
« Reply #38 on: November 27, 2013, 06:04:53 pm »

Avery looked back at Madison when Kaos asked this, "Yeah. How did you get here?" Her voice was curious, her bright eyes locked with Madison's. Madison had cast her eyes down to the ground, her eyes regretful. Avery put her hand gently on her sisters arm reassuringly, causing Madison to look up. "What happened, Madison." Avery asked, putting her arm down.

Madison cleared her throat, looking at both Avery and Kaos. "Avery I. I thought you were dead. I came home from school later than I normally do. You were on the floor in the corner bleeding out, and Dad... He just kept kicking and punching you. He had been drinking, I saw his liquor bottle in his hand-." Madison stopped for a moment, swallowing then continuing as if it hurt to say the words. "I ran in front of you-your body-and hit Dad as hard as I could. I was afraid, and didn't know what I was doing. I blacked out after Dad hit my head. I thought you were dead..." Madison now locked eyes with Avery. "I'm so sorry I didn't get home sooner." Madison had just revealed much about Avery's past she did not like to tell. She had an abusive family. As much as Avery hopped Kaos did not hear, she knew she must have. Avery pulled her sister in and hugged her tight, Madison resting her chin on Avery's shoulder.

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Re: -.LIMBO.- [Open & Accepting!]
« Reply #39 on: November 27, 2013, 07:30:45 pm »
Kaos frowned slightly as she listened on the story, though she knew she wasn't supposed to, really. Her frown deepened as Madison explained on how abusive their father was. Maybe it was good that she didn't have a family. She glanced up, looking at the two sisters hugging and feeling very much out of place.

Something clicked in her mind. Avery had been severely injured and blacked out - Not sure if it was death - And Madison did the same as well. Kaos was injured and blacked out...Well, she believed that she died. Nobody could survived from being stabbed in the neck. But they all had something in common, didn't they?

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