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Other Games / Re: Unique and improved FH & IT game idea
« on: July 20, 2016, 05:09:29 am »
I could limit them to maybe 6 or 7 each, I suppose. And don't worry about the scientific names. xD I'll do that.

With all of these animals being added, I'm not sure if I'll do prey and pets now. Players wouldn't be able to distinguish between themselves and npcs, esspecially since I'm thinking about not adding nametags. Unless I make some other worldly creatures/sprites that players wont be able to play as. But then I'd feel like there needs to be a story to go along with them, which I don't really want to do... I want to keep it focused on chat and roleplay.

Other Games / Re: Unique and improved FH & IT game idea
« on: July 18, 2016, 07:41:30 pm »

Alright. So I've been doing some thinking about the creatures I should make playable in this game. My list is kinda long and I might cut it down to about 10 per section. Or slowly add 5 at a time into the game until all of them are in there. Idk.

Anyway. Right now my limit is 15 and I'm doing them by scientific classes and families (besides the fantasy section). Mammalia and Aves are already filled. All I really need help with is Reptilia and Fantasy Creatures. I'm stumped because I don't know a lot of reptiles, and I don't know what people would want to play as in that class. And I have no idea what other fantasy creatures to add. Unless you guys think my list is just fine the way it is right now?

Here's my list. I'm just looking for reptile and fantasy suggestions. Please keep the reptiles modern. There are already plenty of other games being made for dinosaurs.


  • Felidae (feline)
  • Canidae (canine)
  • Equidae (horse, donkey, zebra)
  • Cervidae (deer)
  • Bovidae (cattle, bison, gazelle, wildebeest, sheep, goat)
  • Ursidae (bear)
  • Hyaenidae (hyena)
  • Herpestidae (mongoose, meerkat)
  • Mustelidae (otter, badger, weasel, wolverine)
  • Didelphidae (opossum)
  • Leporidae (rabbit, hare)
  • Sciuridae (squirrel, chipmunk, marmot, prairie dog)
  • Muridae (mouse, rat)
  • Phocidae (true seal), Otariidae (seal, sea lion)
  • Odobenidae (walrus)


  • Corvidae (crow, raven, jay)
  • Strigidae (true owl), Tytonidae (barn owl)
  • Accipitridae (eagle, hawk)
  • Falconidae (falcon)
  • Cathartidae (vulture)
  • Phasianidae (pheasant, chicken, partridge)
  • Balaenicipitidae (shoebill)
  • Gruidae (crane), Ardeidae (heron), Ciconiidae (stork)
  • Trochilidae (hummingbird)
  • Alcidae (puffin)
  • Laridae (gull)
  • Columbidae (pigeon, dove)
  • Alcedinidae (kookaburra, kingfisher)
  • Anatidae (duck, goose, swan)
  • Spheniscidae (penguin)

Suggestions by greenart6

  • Testudinidae (tortoise)
  • Chelonioidea (sea turtle)
  • Pythonidae (python)
  • Colubridae (uh...snake)
  • Boidae (boa, anaconda)
  • Agamidae (lizard, dragon)
  • Chamaeleonidae (chameleon)
  • Iguanidae (iguana)
  • Gekkonidae (gecko)
  • Scincidae (skink) THESE ARE SO IMPORTANT
  • Varanidae (komodo dragon, crocodile monitor)
  • Crocodylidae (crocodile)
  • Alligatoridae (alligator, caiman)

Fantasy Creatures

  • Quadrupedal Dragon
  • Bipedal Dragon
  • Snake/Eel Dragon
  • Fish Dragon
  • Gryphon
  • Hippogryph
  • Hippocampus
  • Pegasus, Unicorn
  • Kirin
  • Chimera
  • Manticore
  • Hellhound
  • Cerberus
  • Foo Dog
  • Nekomata

Screenshots / Re: What do you think of this ReShade shader pack? :D
« on: July 16, 2016, 06:59:25 pm »
Sorry this is slightly unrelated, but I noticed your GUI. It looks amazing and I wanted to check it out. Where would I be able to download it?

Anyway. That shader is awesome. I'll have to try that out too.

Both of these are really making me want to create my own mod. I was just messing around with making an easy way to create and install GUI mods by simply changing a few things in the resources file and making a better library for GUI templates and materials last night. This is getting me pumped up lol.

Game Help / Re: Bump mapping for textures?
« on: July 16, 2016, 10:22:14 am »
Normal AO Specular Mapping Shader for OGRE

You'll need to install the .cg and .program codes in the game files, preferably in the media/materials folder. The link above provides those and the .material codes you'll need for the models you want to put the bump maps on.

I haven't tested this, but hopefully it works for you.

Game Help / Re: Markings aren't showing up on character
« on: July 16, 2016, 06:30:43 am »
Oh... Thank you. That solved it.

Strange that preset maker does this... I don't remember having to do that before, but maybe it's just been that long since I've touched the custom options in there. xD;

Game Help / Markings aren't showing up on character
« on: July 16, 2016, 05:49:35 am »
I just downloaded the new update and wanted to check things out. My home internet just shut off for the night (don't ask me to explain, it's not relevant to my problem here anyway) and I'm not able to login for the time being.

So, I decided to mess with the preset maker being stuck offline. As I did that, I found that none of the markings I selected showed up on the character. The character doesn't even turn white. The markings just aren't there. I checked my texure files, marking file, and resource file to see if anything was wrong. Everything looks fine.

This is only in the preset maker, as far as I know. I have no idea if it'll be the same when I log in and create a character or what it'll look like when I roam around ingame just yet. I'll let you know when I have internet again.

Also, switching the rendering subsystem changes nothing for me. It does the same thing with Direct3D9 and OpenGL.

Other Games / Re: Unique and improved FH & IT game idea
« on: July 14, 2016, 03:11:45 pm »
That sounds very cool! I would play this game for sure, I hope this can be made one day :D
A good idea too can be add some languages to choose, that would be very useful and more international :3

If I can find people who are willing to translate the game rules, the entire GUI, and moderate the chat for that language. I would absolutely make the game international friendly.

Discussion Board / Re: Does FeralHeart make you a furry?
« on: July 13, 2016, 06:42:38 pm »
- What is a furry to you? -

In all honesty, I think being a furry should be simply narrowed down to whether or not you consider youself a member of the Furry Fandom. I've seen many people argue about what makes someone a furry and what doesn't for YEARS. The argument never really ends. Everyone wants to create terms and conditions that'll make someone a furry even if they don't want to be one. I don't think that is right, so this is my conclusion. Furry is a label you choose upon proclaiming yourself as a member of the Furry Fandom.

I've seen tons of animal artists who have a fursona but want nothing to do with the Furry Fandom and the label "furry." Out of respect, the fact that they love animals and have an animal representation of themselves does not make them a furry. Literally anyone can love animals or anthropomorphic animals and have a fursona. The label "furry" belongs to the Furry Fandom anyway, and for someone to call themselves a furry but not be a part of the Furry Fandom would be strange.

- Do you consider yourself as a furry? -

I've been part of the Furry Fandom since I was 15. For 8 years. I was much more active in the fandom for the first 5 years, but lately I have rarely paid any attention to anything anthropomorphic. Even simply drawing animals has dropped pretty low for me, as I've been focusing a lot more on human characters.

I have been to local furmeets and a furry convention. They're interesting, to say the least... Not entirely my kind of people. Ironically, I actually relate a lot better to those who aren't furries and probably also avoid them.

- Do you have friends who play FeralHeart that don't consider themselves as a furry? -

I've never actually had a friend here. Possibly because I'm more of a lurker and content provider (even though I'm not so great at continuing what I start...) than anything else. But that doesn't matter.

- Do you believe playing FeralHeart makes you a furry? -

Absolutely not. My reason was already stated when answering the first question.

- Why do YOU enjoy FeralHeart? -

Sometimes I honestly don't know... As many times as I've tried to get away from this place, I keep coming back. Maybe it's because of the fact that I can create things and add it into the game. Although, I haven't even created anything for FH in a long while...

Other Games / Re: Unique and improved FH & IT game idea
« on: July 13, 2016, 05:51:29 pm »
Thank all of you for your compliments. :3

Other Games / Re: Unique and improved FH & IT game idea
« on: July 13, 2016, 05:06:08 pm »
Sounds pretty neat, actually ^^ Hopefully there'd be birbs to play as >.>

Absolutely. There would be more species than just canines and felines. Although, they would be kept within skeletal types and just use deformation sliders like FH has to change them into other species. For example, you can choose an equine and make it look like a horse or a zebra. This would keep the actual amount of character models down and also give people freedom to sort of create their own species if they wanted to. Basic fantasy creatures would also be included.

Would be rather interesting to see the two concepts of IT and FH (although similar) put together and merged into one full game. Although I'm quite sure if this was to happen, the "FH" side of things would just feel like IT anyway; unless the game models were placed in there with the mass markings and etc. I'd love to see this happen!

The game would have its own models and textures. It might not look like either game at all. Basically, it would only have the same features that were mentioned. That's all that would be similar.

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