Author Topic: ?Talent Seekers? ?Fantasy, combat, creatures??Open and Accepting?  (Read 60021 times)

Offline Verinian

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Re: ?Talent Seekers? ?Fantasy, combat, creatures??Open and Accepting?
« Reply #70 on: September 08, 2013, 07:48:15 pm »
It isn't a story.  It's a world of it's own that goes more into theorem and the darker real histories of man and their myths and darker unspokens.  Focusing on these and bringing them into a fantastical world.  It's for an RP but I can't uphold RPs at all.  I created it literal years ago and had a single friend helping me create sort of a history and certain portions of the world through RP.  Can you not rush the site and then update it after with Draco's help or such?

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Offline Verinian

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Re: ?Talent Seekers? ?Fantasy, combat, creatures??Open and Accepting?
« Reply #71 on: September 18, 2013, 03:48:29 am »
*Grits his teeth and barely bears double posting*  Still.  Here.  ?__?

The shadows that surround us.

The Plight of a Dragon.  Chapter 2

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Offline Wolfish Grin

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Re: ?Talent Seekers? ?Fantasy, combat, creatures??Open and Accepting?
« Reply #72 on: September 23, 2013, 01:03:29 am »
Okay, it's been way too long since anyone's posted here, and I know I am at fault too. I haven't been on the FH site much at all lately, but I decided to swing by and check a few things, and I got a rather old reply from Draco regarding the activity decline of Talent Seekers and a couple of other things. Not feeling up for a summary, let me just quote her:

Yeah I was afraid of that and expected it. I really wish that Talent Seekers was more active and everyone was happy but the timing is just really bad. I plan on just putting full focus on it when I get internet, because I'm not really rping on FH and I only rp with a few people now. So I'll stay focused on the site and Talent Seekers.

Also I wouldn't worry about the forms too much. I'm just starting over. Once I get internet my entire focus will be on Talent Seekers if I'm not busy with school or something. I wish I could do things for Talent Seekers now but with no internet I'm afraid it's not possible. Anyway, I would just stop with the rping because we're not getting anywhere with just a few posts and with so few people. I would also suggest that even once we get internet and all to just wait before we even start the rp and wait till we get more members, and I mean active members, not people who stick around for a short while then suddenly stop. I didn't want to be but I'm afraid we're going to have to be much stricter on that rule.

So once again we have to start all over e.e I know you guys are probably sick of it, I'm sorry, but this rp isn't getting anywhere and I can't really start from the middle. I mean everything will still be the same, I just mean start the rp over. I don't know, I have to think more about it. Anyway tell Aster and Tomas this and if they want they can quit, I won't blame any of you if you guys do considering how horribly Talent Seekers has been doing lately. But I don't really want to deal with depression and all that, rps is supposed to be fun and enjoyable, I can understand it's upsetting when nothing is happening but I want everyone in goodspirits.

I'll try my best, we have our house and all X3 but we don't have the money for cable and all that yet. Just wish me luck and hopefully we'll get internet soon. Do your best Wolfy, and thank you for sticking around for so long. I hope you'll continue to do so.

Now, before we all hang our heads and just give up, I have good news ( yeah, 'all' as in Aster, Tomas, and myself ). And I will be brutally honest with both you and me; I hadn't even started the TS website because I was extremely busy, and even unsure that the RP would continue on, so I didn't want to devote my time to something that would just end up failing right after. Now, how is that good news? Well, that part wasn't but this is:

I made the site.

Yeah, I did just a few minutes ago, and so it ain't much, but I will be working on it now trying to get at least the threads open and the character pages as well as the OP (information, rules, etc.). But, I don't think I can work on much for the rest of the weekend, and maybe not much into next week because I've still got lots of school work to do, but now that I actually sat down and registered the url and such, I think I'll have some more motivation to come back and work on it. If not, someone just spam my dA and tell me to get my -Removed by Moderator- together.

Now, regarding the PM I got from Draco, I think she's right. I don't know about completely starting over the RP as from, like, being there day 1 and all that, but maybe restarting what's happened so far. I don't know, we'll figure that out later.  I think, though, we shouldn't do anything besides OOC posts until we get some new, active, and longterm members. I hope both you guys, Aster and Tomas, are still willing to stick with the RP, but if not, both Draco and myself understand. I know Aster still comes around, but I haven't seen Tomas around the FH forum much, but I still talk with him a little bit on dA, so I can contact him there if need be. But I won't go chasing down your butts if you don't want to stay with the RP. I have a little bit of doubt myself, but I'm not going to give up. Not yet.

So, that means we need to advertise for new members. Somehow. And I don't think just putting an advertisement out somewhere on the forum will get us much members- or at least members that will stay for awhile so we can get some good RP in- but maybe reaching out to certain members we all know that might be interested in. I could do some of that, but we won't have to do that just yet. Maybe after I finish the site, we can go recruit members.

Now, I have  a feeling I won't be back to the thread for awhile, but I'll try to come around and I'll try to work on the site. I might swing by to review some posts, but I may not post because I can't stay on the computer. I don't know, we'll see.

I'll keep you guys updated on how things are going when I can.

EDIT: And no, I'm sorry I won't be posting the site url just yet. It's way to unfinished, and I'd rather not have anyone join/judge/look at it until I have at least some material up. And I don't want to have someone keep going back to it and realize I've done close to nothing over a period of time. I work very sporadically and when I have time; in chunks. Please understand, thanks.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 03:24:03 am by Kynvuu »
I really need to get around to updating my siggy.
Meh, but that would require effort.

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Re: ?Talent Seekers? ?Fantasy, combat, creatures??Open and Accepting?
« Reply #73 on: September 27, 2013, 05:49:58 pm »
Well.  I see my previous post doesn't exist here...  Still here.  Still waiting for a more casual place to message any of you.  Or chat or whatever...  And Wolfissh.  You might not like to know that you are the only people I've really associated with on FH.  So.  Not really anyone for me to invite to join us whenever it gets going...  You can't create a simple chatting part on the site so we can all talk and address the "how it should be done" part on site?  And then create it as we go.  It'd work better...

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The Plight of a Dragon.  Chapter 2

I...  Might literally be losing my mind...  It's scaring me... ;-;

Offline Dracowolf4

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Re: ?Talent Seekers? ?Fantasy, combat, creatures??Open and Accepting?
« Reply #74 on: April 01, 2024, 11:41:41 pm »