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Messages - Anarchiae

Pages: [1]
Forum Discussion / Re: Imagine Proving a Point
« on: July 21, 2020, 09:12:11 pm »
Just another comment in the wind, don't mind me.

I mean this sincerely and with no intent to insult- how are staff convincing themselves that this is absolutely the most professional, mature, and constructive means to handle this situation?

I've been watching and reading through this since it started a few days ago and I'm amazed how terribly this has been treated. No point in restating things, since that gets avoided in favor of acknowledging how the staff are doing first and foremost, but you all know what I mean. Also no point in bringing up the past threads- my focus is in this one. I don't presume to know staff, not what they're going through, and not what they've got going among themselves. But this? Passive aggressive one-liners? "Leave if you don't like it?" "We've done what we can?" "You don't know what's going on behind the scenes."

Well yes, that's the point. Transparency has been a major want from the community for I don't know how long. Sure, updates are nice. New things are lovely to have. But what's the use when the staff, the people who are supposed to be running the show, don't change at all?

Anyway, my main point, as this thread updates by the minute, is that staff have absolutely no reason to be jumping into every thread putting their opinion in. Well thought out and carefully researched [with evidence as the cherry on top] posts are coming from the opposition, sealing it off with civil statements that they do not want staff to be bullied and that FH is still their passion. The staff? Half-hearted remarks, "blunt" statements, contradicting statements, no essence of accountability, nor recognition of wrong-doing. The mention of anon hate is unfortunate, but also irrelevant to the people here trying their best to get something positive done.

People were quick to want proof about the wrongs committed these past few days, but the favor isn't being returned on your end. This is a circle because instead of truly tackling the issue, it's being dodged, redirected, or completely muddled by various perspectives from what's supposed to be a united staff team.

As stated by others, you're people. Everyone knows that. People make mistakes, people get heated. But as staff of a rather large community, it is your job and responsibility, I say this generally not individually, to be professional, mature, and the safe figure people can look up to. Paid work or not, you accepted the title and therefore the responsibility to do so. This is not an opinion, it is the truth, and so far it looks like it's an awfully difficult concept to grasp.

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