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Messages - Sincerest

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glad to be back!! things are just super difficult now with personal stuff, so in between doing all of -- that -- i wanna try to reach out to people more to see if that'll somehow help things in the meantime, and yeah!!


im not really sure how this will layout since i havent used the forums coding in a while, but heres a new intro with a new me!! (or something?)

hey!! im Deanna, or Danny for short, but you can also call me Sincere! -- im in my 20s and am a digital animal artist, animator, and portrait artist who loves emo and punk music!! i currently mostly draw/animate animals when it comes to digital art, but can also do some cool things with pencils depending on who you ask!!

i ended up having to delete all of my old accounts (including the FH forum boards + ingame user) as i had to wipe my entire 'old self' off of the face of the earth, as i have recently escaped a very very bad situation due to physical safety/survival, so now im returning with,,, my 'new self'? i dont have a lotta physical belongings if any (i had to leave all of my old art stuff behind ;-; i was only able to bring 3 sketchbooks with important drawings) and basically gotta,, start from the literal ground up from zero, but maybe posting and interacting on the forums and stuff will make me meet people and stuff--

i do mess with preset creation and stuff and- now that i have,,, only freetime, i might mess with that more with requests? but i dunno- my (new) art profile is @/noshoesinthecoffeeshop on Instagram if anyone wants to follow my artwork (if i dont post a thread here as a gallery)? i plan to open emergency comms at some point but for now i gotta get new examples and stuff but yeah!!

thats it for now- im back!! uhhhhh- bye!!

Game Help / Re: cant log in on play game tab
« on: June 04, 2023, 07:37:09 pm »
Right?? It's SO weird!! I've been using Feral Heart on my Macbook ever since I got it -- so roughly 3+ years ago, and have never encountered this problem!

I tried turning ON an adblocker just to see if that could've been the issue, but the page just did what it was supposed to, so the.. 'you're running an ad blocker! turn it off to access!' thing. So I turned off the blocker, tried to log in to the Play Game tab -- and the login box did the exact same thing it's been doing.

Are you a Windows user Toon-? I always see the '_ players are online' above, so maybe my issue is just a Mac thing?

Game Help / Re: cant log in on play game tab
« on: June 02, 2023, 04:30:03 am »
posting this here just in case -- i'm a Mac user and am having the exact same issue, the game (or moreso the login tab) was completely fine a few days ago and then just suddenly went out on my end- ??

-im using Chrome
-i cleared my cache + cookies multiple times
-logging in on a different device doesnt work
-my info/login is fine since it works on the actual FH page/dashboard(??)
-ive reset my wifi as well

im not sure what to do,, this wouldnt be a big deal to me if i didnt have something super important to do ingame with friends, but im just getting kinda,, i dunno- hoping its fixed soon- ;-;

Forum Games / Re: Count to 50 before an admin/mod posts!
« on: June 01, 2023, 01:29:13 am »

I unfortunately don't have any other device to use,, The game/site was fine until a few days ago?

I'm not really sure which place to put this post, but I can't get into FH at all?

When trying to log into the main site or User Panel, once putting in my login (which is correct) manually, the page or moreso the login box itself, refreshes with no new page or access to show that I've been logged in. The exact same thing happens when I open the Play Game tab to login to be able to play Feral Heart itself -- I put in the right login information, and all the textboxes do is refresh and nothing happens?

I've cleared my cache and cookies, I've tried different browsers and clients, I've fully restarted my laptop, but nothing's working. Help?

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