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Messages - xXTerraDragonXx

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Muser, none of your images are working x


Professional Maps Coming Soon...

Old ... Somewhere around 2012/13?
v Map Is Abandoned And Free to Use For Public RP's

Downlaod Link ~

you know this image doesnt work, right? >.<

Meshes / Re: [New!/SoAObj]Inky's Converted WoW Meshes!
« on: July 18, 2017, 02:12:36 pm »
The images dont load anymore. x

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: an actual 'pause' screen??
« on: December 03, 2015, 07:57:37 pm »
A theory a friend and I came up with:

[19:39:12] Jakey: Okies. I just. Dunno. flails
[19:39:23] Terra: interested in helping me debunking what happened and how it happened?
[19:40:01] Jakey: Jake will try
[19:48:24] Terra: rolls idk how this happened
[19:49:36] Jakey: So i don't entirely know whats up. The developer left, i get that, and simba apparently issued a nonofficial patch that worked?
[19:50:21] Terra: uhhh, rather, Simba made another version
[19:50:25] Terra: but there was a hacking a few days ago
[19:50:35] Jakey: Oh ok.
[19:50:58] Terra: ye
[19:52:52] Terra: boop
[19:54:32] Jakey: I haven't finished reading the whole thread, but from what i know about programming, you can't extract the source from, at least you shouldn't be able to, otherwise people would have torn into basically every single proprietary program, nobody would need to pirate photoshop because a free 100% clone would exist. So i guess that simba had the original source and probably was less experienced code ninja and left an exploit, or gave someone access who was untrustworthy.
[19:54:59] Terra: possibly. o3o
[19:55:38] Jakey: Orrrrr someone hacked the original dev's system and got his epic loots (i.e. source)

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