Author Topic: PRESET ISSUES: Look here if you're having problems //UPDATE 7/1/11  (Read 35151 times)

Offline Delay

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So as far as I know, presets should be working just fine.
If you're having a problem then it must be one of the following issues. Read the titles carefully and see if you have a problem like that.

*Small Directory*
This is just so you don't have to read through everything incase you know you have already tried to fix some issues
Common Installation Mistakes
~Sent/Recieved Correct File
~Correct Folder
~Incorrect Capitalization ("glitch")
~Space in Username (SOLVED)
~Messed up Exporter (Not solved)

//*Common Installation Mistakes*
This is mainly to have you double check that you installed the preset correctly.

//1) Export
When you are complete with your preset, make sure that you click the export button and it exports completely. As far as I know, there have not been any failures in the exportation. *Note: This will export the file into your Presets folder as a .fhp.

//2) Sent/Recieved correct file
When you are sending your presets to others or receiving your friends preset, make sure you send the .fhp that was created! Sending anything else will NOT work.

//3) Correct Folder
Make sure that your .fhp is placed in your Presets folder! NOT the Exports folder OR the My_Presets folder!


//1) Incorrect Capitalization

You know how Caps matters pretty much everywhere? Well it matters here, too.
If you've registerred as kirsui, then you have to log onto the game as kirsui as well. See, the preset maker with export the preset with the username that you have in the log in box, so if you've got Kirsui, it will export as Kirsui_1.fhp. Anyway, people won't be able to see your preset if you're logged on with different caps than yer .fhp file.

Well, can't I just fix that by logging on with the same caps as the .fhp?

Yes, you can, but YOU would only be able to see it. People see your username as the one you registerred, for example YOU could be LeapFrogNinja but if you registered as leapfrogninja, people will see leapfrogninja.

How do I fix this, then?
Simple. Type your origionally registered username in the log in box, go to preset maker, and export everything again. This should export the preset correctly, therefore people will be able to see it.

**Note: IF THIS DOES NOT WORK, see Issue #3!


//2) Space in Username

Okay so I've spoken to a few people with this issue.

Their preset coding and textures and EVERYTHING is correct, and they exported and placed in the right place, but when they try to find the preset ingame, it won't appear!

Well I've learned the reason of this glitch is you have a space in your username. I'm not quite sure what it does, but my hypothesis is that, because you have a space in yer username, it places a space somewhere in the encoded coding of the .fhz, and just chaging the title of the .fhz does NOT fix it.

As of now we do not have a sollution to this issue, and I can't really estimate when we will have one. But I'll keep you updated when need be, and hopefully we can fix this issue soon.
UPDATE: This issue has been fixed and added in the new patch!


//3) Messed up Preset Exporter
So, you are probably lookin' here because issue #1's solution did not work. Well, I'm here to tell you why that reason is.

You have a problem with your exporter. This was proven whenever I managed to export and see someones preset just fine, while when they exported it, no one else could see it.

So far there is not a known fix to the exporter; I'm told that reinstalling does not help.

But what you can do is, send a trusted friend all of your textures and your .material for your preset, and have them go to their log-in, type your username in, then go to the preset maker and export it. This will export it with your username. Now, they will send you the file, and then other people will be able to see it.

The ONLY reason no one else would be able to see it even after this process, is because they have a shot exporter too.

I will retype the explaination up ther later, probably made no sense LOL

tried these and it still doesnt work? I'm trying to find all of the issues. So send me a PM and I'll discuss the issue with you.

Coming soon: Preset Coding Fixes

« Last Edit: August 08, 2011, 05:10:17 pm by Delay »

Offline Delay

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Re: PRESET ISSUES: Look here if you're having problems //UPDATE 7/1/11
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2011, 05:59:00 am »
Updated a bit.
-Added 'Small directory'
-Added 'Common Installation Mistakes'
-Added Issue #3: Messed Up Preset Exporter (no sollution yet)
-Made it a bit neater :P