Author Topic: Yasamin Gets a Job  (Read 2331 times)

Offline OutofBreath

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Yasamin Gets a Job
« on: June 05, 2016, 09:52:17 pm »
Yasamin, my chicken character, gets a job working at my other chicken character's bakery. Henrietta doesn't actually own a bakery, nor does Yasamin work anywhere.

Yasamin walked down the street, bobbing her head back and forth as chickens always do when they walk. She was going to get a smoothie at the smoothie shop that was close to her house. On the way to the smoothie shop she passed several buildings.
For several days, Yasamin had thought about getting her first job soon. She had many ideas on what she could be. She could be a lifeguard at a nearby gym, or a cashier at a grocery store, or she could work at the smoothie shop.
As she walked, she glanced around at all the stores and the display cases in the front windows. In the windows, Yasamin saw different types of clothes, antiques, toys, and signs with advertisments on them.
At a crossroad, Yasamin was going to go towards the smoothie shop, but instead turned and went down the street. She had seen a building in construction a few days ago and wanted to see if it was finished.
She spotted it and stood up close to it. There was a sign standing next to the almost finished building. Yasamin hopped up to it and read it. It said "Henrietta's Bakery: Coming Soon!" in fancy, cursive writing.
Yasamin knew where she wanted to work now. She was very good at making pie, doughnuts, cookies, muffins, cakes, and all that. She even knew how to make frosting and chocolate syrup. She couldn't wait until the building was finished, so she could try to get a job there.
So, Yasamin turned and waddled back down the other way, stopping at the smoothie shop and went inside. She ordered a strawberry smoothie with whip cream and handed the hen working there two dollar bills and went to her table. She sat there, sipping the smoothie, thinking about how nice it would be to work at a bakery shop.
A couple days later, Yasamin went to go check on the shop again. She was very happy to see that the lights were on inside, and a sign that said "Open" in front of the window. Above the door was a huge sign that said "Henrietta's Bakery" in the same, fancy writing.
Yasamin waddled up to the door and pushed it, ringing a bell. There was a hen cleaning the tables, and straightening the flowers in the vases. She looked up when Yasamin walked in, and went over to her.
"Hello!" she clucked. The hen had pure black feathers, a smaller comb, and a very fluffy bunch of feathers under her beak, similar to what looked like a beard. Two mufflings stuck out on each side of her face. She wore a white apron with a pocket at the front. "My name is Henrietta, and I'm the owner of this bakery. What may I do for you today?"
Yasamin glanced around the shop before replying. The tables were made of wood, and had light pink tablecloths covering each one. The chairs were made of the same type of wood as the tables, and had soft, light blue, fluffy looking coushins on each one. There were jars of fifty cent cookies along the counters, which were tile. A big bowl of free candy was near the jars of cookies. The cash register was close to a door which lead back to the kitchen, which was out of view. The floor was a different kind of tile than that of the counters, and there were teal rugs under under every table set. The whole building smelled strongly of bread.
"Hello, Henrietta!" Yasamin clucked in return. "I'm here to apply for a job, if that is alright."
Henrietta's tail wagged momentarily as she thought. "What can you bake?" she asked.
"Oh, lots of things," Yasamin clucked. "Pies, cookies, muffins, doughnuts, cupcakes, cake, bread, all of that. I can also make frosting, I like topping sweets a lot."
Henrietta clucked approvingly. "Before you're highered, go in the kitchen, right over there," she pointed to the doorway near the cash register, "and make a fresh batch of cookies for the jars on the counter."
Yasamin nodded and hopped over to the counter, glancing into the jars for a moment. They were chocolate chip, her personal favorite. She moved on and stepped into the kitchen.
The kitchen had smooth, lightly colored wooden floors. The counters were of what looked like marble. The sink was on the left side of the room, with cabinets above it. The pantry was close to the sink, and when Yasamin opened it it was packed with flour, chocolate chips, MnMs, sugar, and several other ingredients. Next to the pantry was a big silver refrigerator with a freezer at the bottom. Yasamin opened this and saw eggs, milk, butter, as well as many other things. The oven was under the sink. She opened the cabinets that were above the sink and saw different tools for cooking: spoons, stirring tools, bowls, and other things. Yasamin spotted two boxes in the corner of the room and opened one. It was full of menus. The other one had forks and spoons.
Then, Yasamin started her first batch of cookies. She took out a tray from the cabinet and spread some tinfoil over it, and oiled it with a bottle of oil spray made especially for baking or cooking. She took a bowl and measuring cup. She went to the pantry and got flour, chocolate chips, and oil. She got the milk, butter, and eggs from the fridge.
She measured the milk and poured it into the bowl. Then she measured the oil and poured it in. In another bowl she put flour and water, mixing it well. She dumped it in with the milk and oil and stired it again. She put the eggs and chocolate chips in, then stired it. Yasamin kept stiring it but it was too liquidy, so she added more flour, and stired until it was firm enough to not be runny.
Yasamin took her spoon and took spoonfulls of batter and laid it out evenly on the tray until they were all perfectly sized little circles. She covered the entire tray with these, then put it in the oven. While she was waiting for them, she read the menu.
"Henrietta's Bakery Menu" was what it said on the top. Under that there were sections with the titles "Cupcakes", "Doughnuts", "Muffins", and "Cookies".
Then it listed under each one the type of cupcake, doughnut, muffin, or cookie you could get. Under cupcakes there were different types of frosting or sprinkles. Under doughnuts there were different jellies one could stuff them with. Muffins simply had berries or fruit baked into them. Cookies had MnMs, chocolate chips, and other things like that inside of them.
At the bottom it said "Drinks". All it had was water, milk, or soda. Yasamin had just finished reading when the timer on the oven beeped loudly.
She ran over and grabbed an oven mitt and opened the door. The cookies looked beautiful, and smelled nicely, too. Reaching her wing in, she grabbed it with the mitt protecting her from the heat. She took it and hurried over to the counter, because the heat was starting to go through the mitt.
Yasamin took the mitt off and put it away, closing the oven door. She put the ingredients away. The tools she washed well and put away. By the time she was finished, the cookies were done cooling. She piled them all neatly on a plate, took the tinfoil off the tray and threw it away.
Yasamin took the plate of cookies and presented them to Henrietta, who took a cookie and pecked it. She seemed to enjoy the cookie and when she had finished she wiped her beak on a napkin.
"Very good, Yasamin!" she said. "You can have the job. Go put these cookies in one of the jars over there."
Yasamin, feeling happy and proud of herself, dumped the plate of cookies into one of the jars and took an apron off a hook near the door and put it on.
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Re: Yasamin Gets a Job
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2016, 10:00:11 pm »
*claps* YAY FOR YASAMIN!!!!
Very nice job on the story though!

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Re: Yasamin Gets a Job
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2016, 11:06:35 pm »
Good Job Yas ~!
Love this c:

Keep on traveling across this road called 'Life.'

Discord: Haku - Haku#74O7

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Re: Yasamin Gets a Job
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2016, 01:54:41 am »
*claps for Yasamin*

Lovely story you got 'ere. Makes me crave cookies.

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