Author Topic: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|  (Read 155360 times)

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #1070 on: October 15, 2015, 12:38:00 am »

                                         Kennedy-Leight McCally & Jacob Bennedict

"You've got everything it takes. But it'll take everything you've got."

A smirk formed at the womans lips as she heard Clark winding Donald up, ever since leaving their 'safe place' the lad seemed rather uneasy. Obviously because he was away from Tonx and couldn't protect her, but they'd be back before they knew it. Kens lips quivered as she too was tempted to add in a comment however, she didn't want the lad to feel less comfortable with the situation, even though she knew Tonx was in the right hands, Donald probably found that somewhat hard to believe. The store she had first looked in was empty, nothing at all. This was probably one of the ones which had been recently destroyed, previously raided by themselves or maybe another group they were yet to stumble across. Eyeing the inside of the shop one last time, Kennedy would walk back out, just catching what Clark had begun to say. Well, the plan seemed good enough, she guessed she'd just grab anything that'd be as of use; weapons, clothing, batteries and a few other useful items. Giving her head a quick nod "Alright, but be careful. Meet back here in an hour or two, three at a push .." and with that the group seemed to separate, Clark and Donald wondering off, leaving just her and Hunter standing outside the empty store. Looking down at the dog she'd place her hand between his ears, wiggling her hand around quickly before gesturing for her companion to follow her down the street.

Glancing up, the brunette would read the names of the shops, most seemed useless to what they'd need. Furniture wouldn't do them any good now would it ... Her quick paced walk soon stopped as her eyes rested on what appeared to be a camping store - great. Motioning for her companion to go in and scout, Kennedy would follow in closely behind. From the outside of the shop it appeared that everything had been turned to rubble however, once getting inside everything appeared near enough in tact and few things appeared to be missing. This was great, she guessed. Sliding the silenced sub out of its holster, the women twirled the spiked-club around in her right hand, quietly and carefully running through the store, which seemed rather empty. A muffled moan would sound as Hunter managed to kill the only creature which appeared to be on the ground floor. Quickly pacing around, Kennedy stumbled across a bag, it was rather large and the material was good - better than what they had been using. Piling several of the black or khaki green camping bags - they'd be able to store quite a lot of their gatherings. Hmm, what else? ... Looking around, Kennedy also decided to grab two tents and several sleeping bags, flasks, some fishing rods, towels, torches, knives, cooking equipment, daggers, hammers, rope, hooks, axes, pocket knives, walkie talkies, water proof coats and binoculars. That should be enough from here. One shop down, many to go. Searching in this one seemed to take around half an hour to and hour, not too bad .... Dragging the bag out of the store and hoisting it in to the car, Ken decided to hide the car from the middle of the street and covered it in ash and some debris so it looked useless. Now, she set off to find another store, weapons at the ready and Hunter along side the woman, alert too.

Meanwhile, Jake had wondered around the room several times, pacing back and forth the the window, then to the couch, then the bags. All was like a repeated cycle. Although the wait was stressful, and the others had barely even been away for an hour, he was still kinda worried. No one knows what's out there, and it's not like he'd want to find out any time soon either. Running his hand through his hair, the lad would watch as Tebo and Kaisza returned from their quick scout of the building. All seemed clear for now. Taking a small sip of his water, the lad would fill up two small bowls, both filled just under or over half. If Sooty wanted to, she too could join the others in a drink. Placing the empty bottle aside on one of the counters, he'd look up at the raven haired female as she began speaking. Kennedy had a habit of turning up in strange situations didn't she? It was like danger or whatever attracted her, although now she seemed a lot less reckless seeing as she had responsibilities and crap. "Yeah, she's a good kid" he'd smile, rubbing the back of his neck, listening once more. By Tonxs' tone as she seemed to mention a group she had previously been in? It seemed this group wasn't too pleasant "I've met many harsh groups out there, you gotta get use to it though, they take advantage whilst they can .." he'd growl, mostly to himself "Least you've found a group who're willing to help you out though, many in this situation would thing about themselves, we're all lucky." Jacob would continue, offering the raven haired lass a smile, glancing towards her stomach, giving his head a quick shake. "You'll have your work cut out caring for that little'un, once they're old enough it should be easier. I'm sure you'll be able to help and crap though, and even get a helpin' hand." Letting out a rough cough, the muscular bloke would stretch out his arm, grabbing his gun and moving towards the window. Surely there was going to be more for him to shoot this time, being out of the action was something he least enjoyed however, it was nice to actually be somewhat chilled and relaxed whilst looking after another being.

Setting himself near the window, he'd point the end of the rifle out, looking through the scope to lock focus in what seemed to be a shredded Z scrambling down the street, moaning and groaning as it jerked and thrashed around. Squinting one eye, Jake would line up his shot, take a deep breath and and pull the trigger. BANG! The zombie would drop dead within a matter of seconds. Nodding, he'd turn the gun, facing it towards another beast and performing the same stunt, before pursuing to shoot down several more. At her question, the lad would smile, killing off one more Z before sitting up and placing the gun aside, how was he finding all this? ... Hmm .... Ruffling his hair with his hand and running the tips of his fingers over his stubble, he'd lean against the wall. "Well, I had often planned scenarios out in my head when I was younger. I though the whole idea of an apocalypse was a 'great idea' of some sort. The films and games only seemed to build on the excitement I felt as a kid. Turns out, it isn't that easy, but some scenarios were right ..." he'd smile, pulling over one of the uneven chairs and setting himself down on to it, taking a quick glance out the window, before looking back towards the younger lass. "I've kind of gotten use to the whole killing thing, canny(quite) easy if you ask me - once I got the hang of it anyways. It was pretty lonely for a while, was up here alone, killing off those things below .." he'd huff, remembering he'd been protecting the group for a while before he was even noticed and decided to reveal himself "Already know of some of the groups around here, I guess for a while I helped protect the one you're in - from up here, killing those things down there. It was lonely, so I decided t show, besides I had missed Ken after a while. Now here I am" offering her a while, before chuckling to himself, Kennedy was going to beat the shit out of him once he revealed himself, she'd probably do more damage than the things down there .... Giving his head a shake, he stood up from the wall and looked out the window, awaiting her reply.
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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #1071 on: October 17, 2015, 06:46:09 pm »

Tomoko ?

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #1072 on: October 20, 2015, 08:44:21 pm »
((I shall go since Luna hasn't posted in awhile.))

Christine Parker
"Oh stop crying, this will never end, deal with it."
Christina Parker



23 years old

Chris is mostly seen as a crazy woman that has a huge obsession for pies and cookies. when in stores, she always looks for chocolate chip cookies. If she won't find any, she'd go on a rampage and most likely destroy the whole store. Chris is dependable and quite a role model. She is friendly and nice, always there to lend a helping hand, along with noce and courageous words. She's a good listener and decision maker, an alpha or beta. She likes to joke around a lot, always try to put a smile on someone's face. Chris is strong-willed female, she'll always refuse to give up and will do her best at saving someone or standing last in the battlefield. Crazy, wild woman on loose. Call the police if you see her.

Chris was born in a poor family, her parents were alcoholics and she was the only child. At school she'd always get bullied, but in second grade she stood at the bullies and helped children who got bullied. That's how she became the most known student in school.
Chris got good grades and some parents were curious how girl who's a child of alcoholic parents get better grades than their children. She always showed her physical strength in gym and in class, her sharp tongue when annoyed, and her great learning skills during tests and classes.
The idea of joining the army crossed her mind when she was in 11th grade, during a presentation about soldiers. She joined the army when she was 18, there she met Theo who's she accompanied to today. She prove her strength in battlefield with that male right next to her, climbing to the best spot during those few years. When they were able to leave back home, Chris didn't want to any single bit, but she had to anyways. When she got back, the first thing she saw was a huge mess in her parents' flat, along with stench that caused the girl to head outside for a second. When she came back in with a scarf around her nose and mouth, upon investigating she found her parents laying dead on the kitchen floor, only moments before they attacked the girl. Killing them and then realizing that it's the end of the human race struck the world, she went out to find Theo and survive with him.

M16 (the last one)

Melee weapons
Army knife
Army knife with rope handler

Family ties

Not Blood related family ties
Theo (not blood related brother) (Phroghress)


Milo, Belgian Malinois. Trained to be very harsh with others and listen only to Chris. Gives no trust towards others. Sharp canines, massive build, big strength. Easy to kill another canine. Knows fatal places. Male. chain collar, big brown collar.


Theo Benedict
"Do I look like a dog for you? No? Then stop telling me what to do."

Name: Theo Benedict.

Age: 25 years old.

Gender: male.

Personality: Theo is an easy-going guy that prefers to make friends and stay calm rather than go aggressive at people he doesn't know. Of course, there's a small portion of self-defense and protection is there. He's not selfish, more likely, he's generous. Open minded and strong willed.

History: Ask him in RP.

Weapon(s): Massive, black AUG with strong metal case bullets. Special part - day scope. Can zoom in 30 times. Also carries a small box with sleep-bullets that will effect the predator/animal in 10 seconds. Aswell two pocket knives.


Name of Major. Black, massive german shepherd which is fast, strong, intelligent companion. Survived 3 years, still young (don'tknowwhattowritexd).

Other: Sorry for short bio and 'find out in RP'. I like to do it. Oh, and End!

Not the necklace, though.

Theo drew his hand towards the female, resting it on her shoulder as if he's asking if she's alright and supporting her. His other hand resting on his gun, his finger on the trigger in case something will occur inside or outside the camp. The brunette leaned slightly onto his hand, throwing some of her weight on him with a slow sigh escaping her lips. "I'm fine, ish." She mumbled, a faint spark of smile peered the girl's lips, though, she didn't seem to be happy, not at all. Her stomach was rumbling in pain, both in hunger and because of the bite on her neck. She snatched a chocolate bar from her pocket, opening it slowly before eating it quickly, throwing the paper into the fireplace, creating a faint amount of black smoke that flew up in the air. Bright red sparks flew up in the sky, up from the dark logs, catching the brunette's sight, making her lose herself for a second. Theo, on other hand, didn't felt like eating or drinking. He felt like going to kill some zombies outside the camp and looking for supplies with Major. Maybe, maybe that's what he'll do.

Getting a tighter grip onto his gun, Theo stretched his arms, cracked his neck before glancing at the brunette. "I'm going to search for supplies. Stay in the camp for now." He simply ordered the girl, seeing a simple nod from her and her dark silhouette disappearing into the dark corridor of the building in front. Whether she's going, she ain't leaving the camp. Either sleep or guard. Grabbing his backpack, throwing it over his shoulder before turning around and heading for the fence gates, Major on his heels. He opened the gates quietly, sneaking out and rushing away from the camp, heading off into the darkness with a single flashlight attached to his gun.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2015, 02:06:16 pm by Phroghress »
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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #1073 on: October 27, 2015, 08:58:23 pm »
Alright.. I'm probably going to end up asking to have this thread locked. I hope one of you will recreate it, or more or less I give you guys the permission. I don't want to have a thread that I can't be active in. I'm sorry guys!

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #1074 on: October 27, 2015, 10:17:53 pm »

No worries, Lakota, it's perfectly understandable. I shall go ahead and re-create it.
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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #1076 on: October 28, 2015, 06:38:20 pm »
Hey, don't worry about it, Lakota. Just thank you for making this thread in the first place. It's my favourite roleplay right now :) I'll give Luna a message to tell her.))

Tomoko ?