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Topics - dinosaar

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Updating
« on: July 16, 2012, 06:40:57 pm »
Well, if no one remembers me from my previous post, I have issues with mapserver, i lose connection and fail to connect to mapserver after just moments of gametime. so pretty unplayable. :[
I did many things to try and solve this issue, but nothing worked. So i took my laptop to my mothers and it worked there so it isn't the computer. So i'm guessing its just my internet connection? Is anyone else having this issue and has anyone found a fix for it without have to pay more for a better connection? i'm already helping my dad throw down about $50 for the DSL internet we have so i doubt he'd want to get a more expensive one just so i can play a few online games :( But i'm guessing that is the only thing that would help my case sadly, but you never know right?

Member Bio & Journals / All my vids
« on: July 13, 2012, 05:11:03 am »
Hello, da name dinosaaar, i just got one video really lol, but i'll probably post others and put them up here. Mostly to show off my charries ;D since i can't enter the game cause of bad internet  connection. but i can usually get to the first map fine so i just run around filming stuff. yey. :P

its really bad quality, i should find other programz to use fo sho.

Game Help / lost connection to map server/ other stuff meow.
« on: July 10, 2012, 12:43:03 am »
Hello, i'm a noobie here. Downloaded this game early this morning, started it up but right after i entered the gameplay only like 5 seconds passed before lost connection to mapserver popped up ;[ Sometimes when i finally get to the entrance leading to another map it starts "reconnecting" and i lose connection to main server.

I'm no computer wiz so use laymen terms for me porfavor?

i did read the big help thread that red had posted but it didn't really solve anything for me, just told me to wait it out which i did all day. tried it after waiting a couple of hours inbetween. I tried doing a few things myself as well to try and get it working, (updating drivers and checking my internet connection, adding it as an exception in my firewall, restarting my computer and modem) but like i said i'm no wiz.

So if anyone has any ideas or explanations throw them at me? i'd be grateful ^^ Seems like it'd be a fun game, hoping i don't have to give it up.

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