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Game Help / Can't Connect to Front Server.
« on: January 05, 2016, 04:39:34 am »
So I haven't played on FH in a little while, a couple months. I read the new login method message, and logged in on the site with my account and proceeded to try connect to the game's server but all attempts fail. I've tried other my sister's account too, same results. I know usually someone would just delete and re-download FH but that's such an effort and I'd like to avoid it if possible as I'd have to make copies of soo many files.

Thank you for taking your time to read and I really hope you're able to help.

Game Help / So uhm, FH Crashing..
« on: August 08, 2015, 10:45:40 am »
Yes so, I was exporting a map with lots of objects and whenever I did ANYTHING to my computer FH crashed, this process happened like three times and now it won't even start.

Game Help / Lag in MapMaker?
« on: August 08, 2015, 06:29:47 am »
I'm making a map and sometimes it just really really lags, the mini map on the screen also glitches and does that thing where it stretches and becomes a bunch of lines, is there some way I can stop this, does anyone know why it's happening?

Finished Maps / My First Map, Opinions?
« on: August 06, 2015, 03:19:45 pm »
Okay so this is my first map and this is just the inside of the cave that will become a gate to my first map BUT it is a map, and it is finished. I'd like to credit "Genesis199" on DeviantArt for the base of the height maps (Called 17 Height Maps/Masks for you!) I did modify them, but not too much. I'd also like to credit all the floofs who made the object meshes, they're not mine. And finally I'd like to credit all the other floofs who helped me solve the problems I encountered when trying to figure out how to make a map. THANK YOU EVERYONE!!

Here are some images I took, Warning: Probably crap images xD
PS: Please, PLEASE let me know what I can do to improve, or if you like the map, any comments would be helpful c:

Finished Maps / My First Map, Opinions?
« on: August 06, 2015, 03:19:39 pm »
Okay so this is my first map and this is just the inside of the cave that will become a gate to my first map BUT it is a map, and it is finished. I'd like to credit "Genesis199" on DeviantArt for the base of the height maps (Called 17 Height Maps/Masks for you!) I did modify them, but not too much. I'd also like to credit all the floofs who made the object meshes, they're not mine. And finally I'd like to credit all the other floofs who helped me solve the problems I encountered when trying to figure out how to make a map. THANK YOU EVERYONE!!

Here are some images I took, Warning: Probably crap images xD
PS: Please, PLEASE let me know what I can do to improve, or if you like the map, any comments would be helpful c:

Site/Forum Help / Where do I put this on the forum?
« on: August 06, 2015, 02:37:20 pm »
I have made my first map, it's only a part of the whole thing (Within one gate) I haven't finished the other gate yet. I want to share my work (Screenies) on the forum to get Floofies' opinions on it and my building skills, since I haven't built before. So can someone tell me where to go, or link me the thread, thank you beautifuls! c:

Request/Find Meshes / I've been searching for days ;n;
« on: August 05, 2015, 10:05:24 pm »
I've been looking for some meshes, I've seen vine meshes and giant ribcage meshes in screenies of maps, and I was hoping someone knew where to download them, I have scavenged the forum and google and deviant art and haven't found any. Please help, I'm so desperate for them xD

Game Discussion / Does anyone use the PresetSync?
« on: August 05, 2015, 01:01:32 pm »
So I was just on YouTube and actually, I've come across an interesting video. I have never heard of it and it makes me so very curious if it's still or actually ever was a legitimate thing. The preset syncing thing is meant to be something that downloads other local presets before you run your game? Thus removing the effort of having to go to individual bios to get a link and so on... here is the link to the video,

Please let me know if it's a thing, would actually be so useful.

Game Help / Mesh Texture Issue, Downloaded Meshes.
« on: August 04, 2015, 09:31:13 am »
Some of the Meshes I've downloaded never appeared in map maker, I've since learned you have to create the object in object maker and then add it to the object via that for it to appear in map maker, HOWEVER, When processing these objects, many of them wont texture. It comes up as BaseWhite, which is annoying, and I don't know how to texture it. I type the material file in, it says it's not found, I type it in the normal form (Eg- CeilingMat) and nothing still. I've tried using other default textures, but not all of the objects like that. I tried to open the .mesh file but no program will do it, not even NotePad. I'm so terribly frustrated. Can someone offer any help?

Game Help / Objects I've downloaded won't appear in Map Maker?
« on: August 03, 2015, 02:46:55 pm »
So I've gone on a rampage and I've begun downloading loads and loads of object meshes and what-not to put in maps. However, not all the objects are appearing in the object menu when I am in Map Maker. Not ever file has a .object file, and I'm not sure if that is the issue. I'm also unsure of how to place particles? I've downloaded some, but I can't see a New Particle button, Any help would be much appreciated, thanks c:

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