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Topics - William

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The wind howls as you stand in the dark cavern. You can't see anything around you, the darkness seems to swallow you as you're aware only of the trembling of your whiskers.

Suddenly, there's a blinding flash, and before you stands the moonstone. In the moonstone, are images of cats. Each from different times. Stories told, stories of heroics and legendary felines who govern the great territories. Stories of loyalty, romance and evil. Stories of sadness, happiness and powerful anger, and wisdom.

These cats are the warriors, and there are many stories left untold. Will these stories be yours?


Old Clans of the New Age!

We have a detailed, large map with plenty of space and plenty of exciting places to explore!

We have a site with friendly members and helpful staff, who are here to make sure you enjoy your time in our roleplay.

Also, we have a heart-stopping plot with interesting twists and plenty of mini plots for you to enjoy in between!

Plus, a StarClan map and Dark Forest map, for all the kitties who have passed on to the next life.

To join, you must have a realistic character, read our rules and be literate, mature and active. Most of all, you have to be able to have fun!

To join, simply send requests to the people below and when they're online, give them a whisper! A roleplay sample may be required to prove you want to try your best to make this roleplay fun not just for yourself but for the other members too!

The words like this are the usernames. :3

ThunderClan- Sprucestar- Stargazer90 Greystorm- Tigers

ShadowClan- Midnightstar- Shadow12 Birchshade- tiger-claw232

RiverClan- Dovestar- dark rulez Russetstride- CuPcAkEiSyUmMy

WindClan- Ashstar- Felca Vastsky- niamhwhite

Hope to see you!


In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Legand Of The Clans.
« on: September 17, 2012, 09:02:52 pm »
This uses a game called FeralHeart, if you do not have this game, download it at

You have read the books, and you know all the cats. You have wacthed these brave warriors face drama and death... but did you ever live through it yourself? Now is your chance...

Join RiverClan, the cats of the river. They live on an island gaurded by a sacred waterfall, feasting on fish, voles, and many other wild prey. RiverClan have skills that no other cat can master, water combat. They take good care of their Clan.

Leader: Ashstar, a gray she-cat with midnight violet eyes.

Deputy: Canyonstripe, a silver egyptain mau with a missing tail, copper eyes and pointed ears. (Me o3o)

Medicine cat: No-one has offered to be it yet. :/

Join RobinClan, the great cats that climb the trees so skillfully, they can almost fly. They hunt mainly birds, but can catch anything they want... exept fish. They are the enemies of Reed's Gang. They live in a giant ravine, and it is unlikely that any Clan will manage to drive them out of their camp.

Leader: The staff are still voting on it.

Deputy: The leader must choose.

Medicine cat:: None...yet.

Join Reed's gang, the cats that live in a huge sewer. Now, I know what your  thinking. ''Ewwww a sewer''. But the sewer actuelly has a brillant camp far away from the water. They own the entire twolegplace and are not afraid to kill. They are loyal to their leader no matter what. They do no follow StarClan, instead they have other cats called the Muddy Dwellers, the dead cats that whisper through the sewers to the leader of the gang.

Leader: Reed, a small, yet strong tom who was born in RobinClan, but left because he thought they hated him.

Deputy: Waiting for Reed to decide.

Medicine cat: None yet.

Wondering why ThunderClan and the rest are not here? Here's why:

A gang of cats called Cruilts Claws came to the lake. The leader, Rykirus, killed Mudstar, ShadowClan's leader, and Reedstalk, their deputy. He took over the entire Clan. Then, late one night, he led a patrol to RiverClan. All the cats were patrolling, they did not know Cruilt's claws were in the forest. Canyonstripe, RiverClan's deputy, was having kits. Mossface, a kind elder, was with her. When her two kits were born, Canyonstripe named them Otterkit and Willowkit. Rykirus burst into the den, yowling at Canyonstripe. ''Surrender, weakling!'' Canyonstripe staggered to her paws, weak after her kits came. She slid out her claws, her eyes burning with rage. Mossface and Canyonstripe fought hard, but there were nine strong cats fighting. Mossface was killed, and Canyonstripe left barely awake. They took the kits away, and Canyonstripe hated them ever since.

Then something happened... Canyonstripe's best friend, Ashstar, fell in love with Rykirus. Canyonstripe was filled with rage, and many times they argued about it. But after many arguements, Canyonstripe finally admitted Ashstar could not help who she loved. But then, many of the other Clans found out about Ashstar. They thought RiverClan had turned their backs on the other Clans, but they had remains loyal! After many insults, border confrontations, gatherings gone wrong, and other problems, they decided that was enough. They left, and met the gang, and RobinClan.

Want to join? Post here:
(Please note in this roleplay you can have two Clan/gang/tribe cats, one loner/kittypet/rougue. If you want to be another animal, you need the permisson of: niamhwhite, lionheart9, dusk2011, dawn2011, xXSoarXx, Scurry18, magic2011.
Thats all our game staff.

In-game username:
Cats name:
Cats age:
Cats Clan/Gang:
Cats rank:
Appearance: (I don't mind if you take a FH screenshot)
RP Sample:

If you are accepted, I will PM you the website URL for our roleplay. Yes, our roleplay has a huge website.

Game Help / Two problems: FH+ and a friend of mine.
« on: August 27, 2012, 01:30:20 am »
Problem one:
FeralHeart plus. I love this place, and I tried to get on. Of course, the screen was totally black. I know you have to press 'Reset home' and then 'go home.' I did did, but it said: Go to? And then when I pressed Reset home it said: Reset Home to?
A little help? D: I would love to spend time in those epic maps again.

Problem two:
I had an old friend, her username was Isolda. Then one day, she basicly disapeared. I asked Krazygurl, our other friend, where she was and she had no idea. I miss her very much, and I wonder if anyone has seen her or know what happened? D: I have not seen her for months now, and she was my first friend on FeralHeart. :(

If anyone can help me get on FeralHeart+ or if anyone knows what happened to Isolda, or if they saw Isolda, I would be really gratefull for your help! :)

The New Storys, a large, mapped, realistic and literate Warrior Cat Roleplay needs Warriors, Apprentices, Queens and Kits. ThunderClan needs a Leader too! ThunderClan also needs a medicine cat. We have a large map with all four territories, but these territories are not from the books! These are new, amazing landscapes with captivateing views. Think you can survive the call of Destiny? Think you can walk the pawsteps in the path of a warrior? Then post below in this code:

Clan cat name:
Clan wanted to join:
Rank wanted:
In-game username:
How Active are you? (Just put down how many days out of seven your online. Example: 7/7, or 2/7 or something like that.)
RP sample:

Anyway, if I get a reply, I will let the leader of that Clan know and they might be able to meet you on FH by friending you. Hope you enjoy, and Start Your New Story!

(This is a picture made by one of our leaders, Runningstar.)

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