Author Topic: In the Name of the Thane! (Fantasy RP) [Inactive since 09/02/2013]  (Read 13216 times)


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Re: In the Name of the Thane! (Fantasy RP)
« Reply #60 on: February 08, 2013, 03:41:34 am »
It appears we hit a standstill. I hope we speed up again soon... :c

Offline Kasai

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Re: In the Name of the Thane! (Fantasy RP)
« Reply #61 on: February 09, 2013, 01:11:04 am »

Bojana Nacimiendo

A chuckle sounded from the goatman and Bojana got slightly nervous, though her expression didn’t change from her playful smirk. The chuckle was followed by a confirmation of her request along with the suggestion of her being his bedchamber maid. As the Jarl laughed at his own suggestion, the snakewoman gave a smile, leaving it a mystery for now if her smile was because of the suggested position or because of his "joke". Glancing around as the drums picked up again, she moved a step closer to Blasphemious as she scanned the area, unsure of what was happening.

She noticed the guards forming a path. Directly behind them was a caravan covered with lovely ladies dancing to the instruments that had started up. While still an attractive individual, Bojana now lost her seductive look as she stared on like a curious child, her smile gone and her lips slightly parted as her attention was grabbed by the new turn of events. Her focus was broken when she heard Blasphemious chuckle behind her at the drunk who was trying to jump onto the caravans. She then stepped more towards the Jarl’s left side, standing beside him.

Her eyes were on the festivities and her hands gestured to the caravan, as she put on an act once again. Instead of speaking about the celebrations, she referred to their original conversation. “I must rejoin the crowd so I'm not drawing too much attention, but I will be at the feast." She paused as the start of a smile played on her lips. "Perhaps afterwards I can uphold my side of the deal,” she explained casually, her eyes flashing over to Blasphemious before returning to the festivities.  “Until then,” she began, turning to him and bowing her head only a little, “I bid you farewell.” Her black eyes fixed back on the maroon eyes of her new teacher and her typical seductive smile fell into place before turning on her heel and going down the stairs at a normal pace until she could reach the crowd. Now slightly covered by the people, she weaved through the small gaps they allowed her until she was looming beside a merchant’s tent unnoticed by most of the crowd.

Marcellus Ancelli

Marcellus let his fingers graze the edges of his materials as he waited for the priestess to finish her note. He glanced up at her as she addressed him and his eyes drifted back to his materials eventually. “The pleasure was- um, all mine, Piper- I mean, priestess- uh, Priestess Piper?” he stuttered out, pretending to fix a button on his coat. With how elaborate the coat was it was easy to make it look like he was adjusting something on it.

He let her drift to her own thoughts and heard her mutter a few words loud enough for him and a few others to hear, making him glance up from the imaginary mishap on his coat. He noticed some other servants looking over at her, but they turned away as she looked around to see if anyone noticed. The scribe gave a small smile at her offer. “You seem to have a lot on your mind, but, um, if you would like to stay for awhile longer, I wouldn’t… object to it,” he replied carefully. The small smile on his face looked friendlier now instead of his previously semi-frightened smile. Marcellus looked down to the doorway and then around them as he moved a little closer. “To be honest, and between us, it would be nice to have someone with-well, half a brain around the palace.”  Obviously he hoped she wouldn’t blab that sentence to anyone else. Doing so would imply that not only the scribe’s fellow co-workers were dim-witted, but that the Jarl wasn’t intelligent either. Of course, the Jarl was smart in his own right, and Marcellus understood that, but the scribe thought of knowing multiple languages as being impressive, not seducing an attractive woman into your bed. Everything the Jarl loved, the bookworm could care less for.

Picking up his materials from the ledge, he held his ink-stained hand out for the scroll the priestess held. “If you would like, I can run that down to-… On second thought,” he started, giving the stairs a look of worry, “maybe we should have another servant run it down to him,” he explained. One of the servants hovering in a nearby hallway was one Marcellus was familiar with and had a decent relationship with. Of course, she would typically be mocked by her fellow servants for treating the skittish bookworm so nicely, but her motherly nature towards everyone always won her favor with the rest of the servants. “Esi,” Marcellus called gently, catching the plump woman’s attention. Coming over, the servant smiled warmly at the two, though she looked a little curious about the woman that got their silent scribe to speak. “Would you mind taking this priestess’s scroll to Blasphemious?”

“Not at all, dear.” Esi turned to the Piper and held out her hand for the scroll. Once given the scroll, Esi would travel down the stairs to give it to Blasphemious, appearing just after the snakewoman had left. “Sir, this is a note from a priestess. She is currently upstairs speaking with Marcellus… as unbelievable as that is,” she chuckled.

Back upstairs, once the scroll was handed off, the scribe turned away from the priestess as he began to lead the way to his office. If she were secretly an assassin, Marcellus would make the perfect target. With the number of assassins growing almost daily, it was a surprise to most everyone that Marcellus hadn’t been killed off just as a practice kill for an assassin. The scribe, although well hidden in his office, had little to no physical strength and seemed oblivious to most threats despite his skittish nature. If Piper wanted to talk on the way to his office, he would oblige her, but if she didn’t start the conversation, it would be a silent trip to the office.

The scribe’s office was decorated with warm red colors and was a little cramped, fitting seven bookshelves and a window. His worn-out, armless, wooden chair was on the ground, likely knocked over in his panic an hour or so ago. Two other chairs, likely comfier than his, sat against a nearby bookshelf and had a few books and stray papers sitting on them. The room was in disarray, looking like a windstorm had swept through it. Papers were everywhere along with open books and scrolls. His desk was the messiest part of the room, though it looked like it had some form of organization. “I apologize for the mess,” he said quickly, a light blush tinting his cheeks as he cleared off one of the chairs. “The festivities have been keeping me a bit, um, busy,” he explained, motioning to the mess. He figured at the least his book collection was impressive enough for a woman such as her. From actinology to  zymology, the scribe had a book on nearly every science along with books on a variety of languages and miscellaneous skills.


[So sorry for the delay in response, everyone x.x I had a project due today so this week has been hectic with schoolwork and extra-curriculars.]
« Last Edit: February 09, 2013, 03:21:05 am by Kasai »