Author Topic: Hacking?  (Read 172450 times)

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Re: Hacking?
« Reply #350 on: November 29, 2015, 05:05:28 am »
 Did KovuLKD leave or something? Or go on hiatus or something?

Offline Harkan

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Re: Hacking?
« Reply #351 on: November 29, 2015, 05:06:05 am »
Too bad this happened on the long weekend (for us in the US anyway) I know a lot of us were looking forward to a long rp session.

You could always try the RP section of the forum

EH. I've never had any luck there. Nobody likes my charries XD Plus the bios are all in game, yea?

Regardless they said it'd be up by the weekend's end. So I can wait. Its just a little sad yea?


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Re: Hacking?
« Reply #352 on: November 29, 2015, 05:06:17 am »
Did KovuLKD leave or something? Or go on hiatus or something?

He left.

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Re: Hacking?
« Reply #353 on: November 29, 2015, 05:07:03 am »
Did KovuLKD leave or something? Or go on hiatus or something?

KovuLKD abandoned the game a while back, there really hasn't been a trace of him since he announced the creation of "Feral Tales" (a facebook game which he never finished) which was back in early to mid 2012.

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Re: Hacking?
« Reply #354 on: November 29, 2015, 05:11:46 am »
Did KovuLKD leave or something? Or go on hiatus or something?

He sort of just left the community without notice. He tends to "disappear" from most of his media for a while and only stays in touch with his really close friends. The door of the Feral Heart community has never been shut out to him regardless of weird rumors some silly folks will make up out there. He chose not to return and has since gone on to pursue other side projects like Feral Tales on Facebook etc. Chances are he has no desire to return back to Feral Heart or its community. It's unfortunate really but it is his own choice to do so. He has no obligation to return. It's rare that LKD really sticks to any of his projects for too long.

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Re: Hacking?
« Reply #355 on: November 29, 2015, 05:17:40 am »
I thought it was just my account having problems.

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Re: Hacking?
« Reply #356 on: November 29, 2015, 05:20:00 am »
[12:12:35 AM] That One HP Weeaboo:

hideyoshi confirmed. That's hide's tumblr.
[12:12:43 AM] That One HP Weeaboo: The same one that's been harrassingn me for months.

Another person has been confirmed. I recognize that tumblr url as the one who has been spamming my inbox for months and harrassing me. I've got over 15 of their proxy IPs and accounts banned on Moonrise.

You want all that, Sura?

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Re: Hacking?
« Reply #357 on: November 29, 2015, 05:25:36 am »
[12:12:35 AM] That One HP Weeaboo:

hideyoshi confirmed. That's hide's tumblr.
[12:12:43 AM] That One HP Weeaboo: The same one that's been harrassingn me for months.

Another person has been confirmed. I recognize that tumblr url as the one who has been spamming my inbox for months and harrassing me. I've got over 15 of their proxy IPs and accounts banned on Moonrise.

You want all that, Sura?

Of course as I said before this goes for you and anyone else, please feel free to send any info you believe could help to our inboxes. It's better there anyway rather than on a public thread where it can easily get lost in all the pages etc It's also better to keep reports private to avoid unnecessary drama and or issues if the users turn out to not be the ones that need punishing.

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Re: Hacking?
« Reply #358 on: November 29, 2015, 05:26:20 am »
I stand by my belief that this was not an attack on FeralHeart only, really. In fact, it was probably just a cover up. If it was really the staff these people hated, why simply sit there and spam a link to some other game's site?

If it was the FH staff these people were against, and what they wanted was to harm FH itself in some way- why didn't they demote all the staff or something that makes sense(if their reasons are true) like that? I'm not saying they should have done that, just that, well, if the staff were really who they were against, that is something they would have tried to do.

But instead they spammed the link to my website and framed CerealSoup. I wholeheartedly believe that this was an attack on CS and MR, and a lame attempt to start a big war between the sites for their own amusement.

To be honest I'm a bit concerned that everyone seems to be freaking out that "FH might shut down!!!" when it was really MOONRISE and CEREALSOUP who were having their links spammed/were being framed and are being targeted. FH wasn't harmed. However, in the event that someone got into CS or MR, we could literally lose everything bc our sites are hosted by Proboards, we don't own the servers, and we can't back everything up.

If you really look at the situation, FH wasn't really harmed at all and came out perfectly fine. The hackers obviously weren't trying too hard to screw with FH itself. What they want is a site war, or to target CS/MR.

Plus there's the fact that one of them is a long-time enemy of mine who hates me to death and hates Moonrise as well. That's a pretty big red flag.

It's difficult to speak so surely as to who did what in situations like these. This issue has poured itself outside of the boundaries of just Feral Heart. When it comes to trouble makers this community has had its fair share of posers who are really good at pretending to be someone they are not. The same way they claimed that Cereal Soup & or MoonRise had something to do with this is the same way they can adopt these particular names and pretend to be those people too. I'm not trying to doubt you or say we shouldn't consider that it could be these people, but rather that we should approach this cautiously before passing this information around so surely yet alone publicly.

So basically what I'm saying is that there is no white or black in this situation... It's all really gray. It will take time and careful deliberation before we can even consider exactly who is to blame and punish.

Also harm was indeed done to Feral Heart. It didn't have to be game breaking damage to leave a mark either but rather it was left as a small seed of evil. As I said in my post they not only disrupted the happiness of many but they also stirred concerns for security amongst users. Many users may not feel as safe as they used to prior to the hacking regardless of the fact that no personal data was compromised. They tainted the innocent nature of the game with the fear of hacking and or shut down. Their behavior did indeed ruin the peace and order that staff work so hard to preserve. They also made a mockery of the staff team and our ability to secure the game by accessing our accounts and then slandering us with them over the entire map chat. They are trying to make the community turn against the staff team by posing us as some sort of idiotic, immature, shady, and nonprofessional individuals. What better way to build doubts and break a community then by attacking it at its head?

So yes harm was indeed done to Feral Heart. This issue is also being discussed so heavily about Feral Heart and not Cereal Soup & MoonRise because it was a direct affront to our community as it occurred in our own game (just look at the Tumblr title "deathtofh"). It's not that we are trying to belittle or turn our back at a potential danger to those other communities but rather we are trying to address what happened in our community and what that means for us. We are responsible for Feral Heart and only have authority here.

We do wish the best for your communities as well and wouldn't wish anything terrible against another community that stands for good and fun. For now though everything is still in the works. Lots of speculation still.

Don't go assuming things here, guys. We don't know if they have something to do this or not, for all we know they could have be targets just like CS and Moonrise as well.

Indeed. Keep in mind that they were running around on staff accounts pretending to be staff, that is just as easily as they could have used others accounts to mask their true identity as well. Do try to avoid any accusations at this time as this issue is still under intense investigation.

If you believe you have some evidence that can help the staff please send it via private message to one of the staff. Leave the dirty work of rooting out the bad apples to us ^^

Guess I can see your point there. Still though, it is disappointing that a lot of the posts I've seen on here, Tumblr, Youtube, etc are mostly blame being directed at MR and CS rather than support, while the animal mmo community media is being flooded with people only freaking out about FH.

MR and CS are mostly getting blame here or just being ignored. That is pretty disappointing tbh. Especially considering the confirmed culprits are a group of people who have dedicated months to harrassing me and Moonrise in general.(Of course, not everyone knows that bit but I have stated my suspicions in many places.)

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Re: Hacking?
« Reply #359 on: November 29, 2015, 06:15:52 am »
You guys are awesome.Not to be rude but why would someone hack feral heart?