Author Topic: Lions of DarkFlame Forest  (Read 2012 times)

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Lions of DarkFlame Forest
« on: October 01, 2011, 05:55:03 pm »
I wanted to start a series of stories and videos's about a forest called the DarkFlame Forest and the lives of the lions that live here. I'm going to start about telling you the story of the first character.
This is a 100% true story, and it happened one day when i was playing as a cub called BluePaw on FeralHeart.
I wanted to tell you the story, and i don't know if this is the right poll, but anyway, why don't you read.

BluePaw sat in the Adoption Centre fearing everything around her. She walked to a corner and lay down in it, tears streaming down her cheeks as she thought about her parents death. Just then the pup and cub carer Dust came over to her and asked: "Is anything wrong BluePaw?". BluePaw said no, and wiped away her tears. BluePaw was a orphan lion cub, with a blue tuft of mane, and blue and purple body, black stockings, and a green underfur. Everyone thought she was beautiful. One day, a kind looking tiger who never said her name, adopted BluePaw. She was nice to BluePaw, until one night, BluePaw's mother left and never came back. BluePaw travelled for ages trying to find home, and one day, she did. But of course, her home was the Adoption Centre. When she got back there, BluePaw met a young outlander, called Sarah, looking to adopt. BluePaw and her "boyfriend" were adopted by this outlander. They met another lion named Nuru after that. He became a good friend of Sarah's. Thats when Koda, BluePaw's boyfriend, vanished. One second he was there, the next, not so much. Then, Sarah left and never came back. Once again, BluePaw went back to the Adoption Centre. To her it was beginning to feel like home. Then she met Cole, a young cub the same age and size as her. BluePaw's friend Kara got her mum to adopt BluePaw and Cole, and that brought the two together. Cole and BluePaw fell in love, but their and Kara's mum had to leave, and so, she went. BluePaw and her brother and sister were deeply saddened, but it didn't stop them from having fun and being lovebirds. Soon BluePaw grew to a teen, and so did Cole. They mated, and BluePaw became pregnant. But then disaster struck. The cub inside BluePaw died and so the two were deeply saddened. Then BluePaw decided she would open a adoption centre, so she opened one in the cave at bonfire island. It was a great, and BluePaw adopted a orphan named Cobi. After that the family lived happy together. But then Cole mysteriously vanished, and he was never seen again. Cobi was getting older, and he didn't have much of a good education because his dad was no longer there to help him. BluePaw was very sad, and she was so sad she got terribly ill. In the end BluePaw died, and Cobi got angry about it. Cobi started to act like scar from the lion king, and he felt angry at everything and everyone. Cobi turned evil, and wrecked havoc. BluePaw's younger sister Kara got badly wounded in the fight between lions and wolves everywhere. She was later picked up by Cobi, but Cobi didn't really think it was to fair on his aunt. He was still angry, and he gave her some serious wounds, but left her. Nobody knows what happened to Kara, we will just have to find out.........

Thats the story of BluePaw, Cole, Cobi, and Kara.
Special thanks to all who played in that rp and helped me!

Fan art can be made, i don't mind.

Blue eyes with blue around it (very light blue) a light pelt colour with blue and a bit of purple (very light) black stockings with paws visible (very dark) green underfur (medium colour) small spots on muzzle (very dark black) white muzzle (very white) adult (dead) (good)

Brown pelt (very light) greyish black full mane (medium) brown eyes (dark) around the eyes is pelt colour. adult (vanished) (good)

Cobi: brown orange pelt (medium) white paws (very light) green eyes (very dark) black tuft of mane (very dark) teen (evil) (alive)

Kara: light cream colour (medium) white paws (very light) small tuft of mane (dark cream) teen (good) (alive)

Thats all their descriptions if you wanna draw them or make videos about them or something.

Thanks for reading all this!