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Messages - Scarr

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Praise / Re: Happy Birthday PrettyReckless~ <3
« on: June 22, 2013, 01:30:05 am »
Happy birthday, darling.
You deserve all the success, happiness and love in the world.
Hope you a have a wonderful day ahead of you, dear. Enjoy it. [:

Hurr. I don't deserve thanks, silly, I've done absolutely noooothing. x'D


News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: June 18, 2013, 06:40:25 pm »
I am the silent and observant type of person, both in-game and out. I rarely give out my own opinions on matters unless they seem important and worthwhile.
I privately believe that disabling General chat was an excellent idea. There has been numerous reasons for this, posted well above me. Keeping it short. - Less rule breakers, spam, and offensive behavior.
I don't want to seem rude, however some people showed >great< lack of respect, towards many members and staff, bringing up unnecessary excuses about it and ranting out at certain people or staff because of such changes brought into the game.
People should use their common sense, and appreciate the work many members and staff put into this game. It's mainly voluntary work they do.
The reason/s for disabling General chat are valid and honestly shouldn't be questioned, it will not be by me at least, though I understand the annoyance of those people who use it to advertise their RP Groups. But, now its a great chance to show us all, how the community will work without it. Whether people will be motivated to stay on this game, move their characters within maps and socialize / find Roleplay groups without the use of General chat.
Everyone should try accept this change as for now, and somehow get used to it.
If people behave well enough, follow the rules assigned to the game and forum, as it really should be, as I would honestly like to know how many people actually bothered to read the game rules right through and understood them, as for what is happening within the game, it clearly shows that people have not done such, nevertheless, maybe one day things will return to normal.


Characters / Re: Cessie~
« on: December 30, 2012, 11:11:06 pm »
Ressy ninja'd me with her comment, however I must say it myself, your characters are extraordinary. You do have unique ideas for your characters.
I have to say, Cessie is pulchritudinous!! ;]


Other Games / Re: A challenge!
« on: December 30, 2012, 05:24:10 pm »
Aye aye, you should blame me for putting it up here x) I just had too! 8D

Ninja Scarr? 8o

Then I demand some ninja comments on Bio's and art! x'D

See you around!

You just HAD to spread the most annoying game to complete, right here? Heh, good you did. ;]
Yus, Ninja Scarr. ;D
Aye, will do!

Other Games / Re: A challenge!
« on: December 29, 2012, 02:54:25 pm »
You can climb the hill, I have done it Scarr~ x) But it's ridicoulsly hard, and I haven't gotten farther then down hill before I fall... I just can't stop playing it though ._. ---> #BlameRessy

Nice to see you at the forum~ ;3

+ floof~

Oh I know it's possible.. made it almost to the very end.. but obviously had to trip over somehow.
I know, I just have to finish it myself too! Well you blame Ressy.. I blame you, dear. ;]
I'm always around the forumz, although I'm the silent type. ;P
Thanks for da floof!

Screenshots / Re: NEVER give Buffy a shrinking ray and a sward. >;]
« on: December 28, 2012, 03:30:08 pm »
'ninja skillz' Pff, I'm telling Ressy you're lying to people

Ohh I know you're just plain jelly of my skillz.. ;]

Screenshots / Re: NEVER give Buffy a shrinking ray and a sward. >;]
« on: December 28, 2012, 03:00:52 pm »
CREEPER SCARR!! -points- x')

Ohh.. Don't forget I'm le awesome Creep! Usin' mah mad ninja skillz to stalk y'all around. Daily..

Screenshots / Re: NEVER give Buffy a shrinking ray and a sward. >;]
« on: December 28, 2012, 02:42:17 pm »
Stabbin' le nub? - Oh I see how it is.
Buffy I personally prohibit you from owning sharp objects. ;]

Other Games / Re: A challenge!
« on: December 28, 2012, 12:42:58 pm »
Why did I even.. enter this thread. D:

I like the game, but it's impossible to finish it.
The creator/s haven't tweaked the friction to let you climb that hill (your front hooves can not slide at all, they stop the horse immediately no matter at what speed you're running), resulting in a blocked game (unless you grind the ascension of the hill through erratic movements) - What I kind of did.
I think the wonky physics are the total point of the game. ;]

However! A little tip. K+L > H > J+K > H > repeat - If you do this in a steady rhythm you'll get far.

Game Help / Re: Failed connecting to map server?
« on: December 28, 2012, 01:59:00 am »
I don't believe it has anything to do with your preset. As it may be the map that you are trying to log in. I do believe it may be full.
Either that or the server may have some issues.
If you'd share more info maybe it can be solved. But If you keep trying, I do believe it will eventually let you into the map.

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