Author Topic: Flaring Hope ~ Part II ~ A New Beginning (WIP)  (Read 1020 times)

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Flaring Hope ~ Part II ~ A New Beginning (WIP)
« on: June 02, 2013, 06:36:22 pm »
"An intense story of a wolf who never lost hope"

Name - Breeze
Gender - Female
Age - 2 years
Birthpack - The Tribe of Strong Winds
Mother - Rain (Deceased)
Father - Storm (Deceased)
Brother(s) - Owl, Ice (Both Deceased)
Sister -  Dawn (Deceased)
Current Pack - The Tribe of Broken Shadows
Rank - Alpha Female
Mate - Vodka
Pup(s) - Thunder (M), Eclipse (M), Wind (F), Moon (F)


Breeze is a modest, young she-wolf who was born in the Tribe of Strong Winds. She has soft black fur with dark grey belly fur and is known for her grey colored celtic markings and her beautiful teal eyes. Breeze has the advantage of surprise when it comes to fighting. Because her body looks thin and her legs are long, then enemy will believe that she is weak. In reality her legs are sturdy and she is strong and tough for her size. On her right shoulder there is a long scar that never completely went away.


  Breeze is often calm, patient and hopeful. When she speaks, she always speaks from her heart and soul. She's never afraid to speak her opinions aloud even if its against others and believes that anything can be done if you never lose hope. Above all, Breeze's spirit is kind and her heart is pure. But the events in her pup hood scarred her inside and out and the scar on her right shoulder will never let her forget the events that took place then. Each night she sneaks out of her den and stares up at the night sky, remembering her past and worrying about her pack's future and most of all, her own. She believes in peace and tries too avoid fighting but when she or her pack is threatened or provoked, Breeze is a merciless killer. She is known for her unique fighting skills and how harsh some of them are. The ending blow is when Breeze knocks the enemy down and sinks her teeth into the enemy's neck without letting go until he is dead and no matter what pain Breeze is enduring, she will always fight as long as there's breath in her body.

Part II
~A New Beginning~

   After Breeze had to leave her siblings behind, she moved into a den made out of a fallen oak tree far away from her last home. Five long months had passed since the death of Rain and her pups on that dreadful day. Breeze still couldn't go one day without reliving the terrible day her sibling and her mother were snatched out of her life. Breeze couldn't understand why her entire future was snatched from her. Her whole life had seemed to be cursed, her father was murdered, her mother was shot, and her siblings were mauled by a bear. "I have nothing else to live for." Breeze thought silently, "I don't even have a pack of my own."
    That evening Breeze found herself day dreaming next to a flowing river. A twig snapped behind her. She looked over her shoulder to find nothing there. "Just a squirrel." Breeze thought to herself. Then she looked across the river and standing there was a large black male wolf with a white tail tip and white streaks above and below his subtle purple eyes. He paid no attention to Breeze as he stalked over to a large small deer carcass and began to eat. She thought about how long it had been since she last ate and her stomach started to growl. She crouched and crawled towards the carcass. Suddenly Breeze lost her footing and fell into the current. The wolf looked in her direction as Breeze's head was submerged. She tumbled and turned as the current tugged at her fur. Then she felt teeth grasp the fur on her neck as Breeze suddenly resurfaced and was dragged back on to the soft evening grass. "What exactly were you trying to do?" He asked. Breeze blushed with embarrassment, "I was hungry." She said stupidly. The male gave her a friendly look, "Wanna come eat?" He asked nicely. Breeze agreed to eat with him and they both sat down by the carcass and ate together.
    She hated the silence and decided to break it by asking the wolf what his name was. "My name is Vodka." He answered. "What's yours?" "My name is Breeze." She said calmly. Vodka looked at her, "Breeze? That's a nice name." He complemented.  Breeze started to feel comfortable near Vodka and they started asking questions to get to know each other better. When she and Vodka had finished eating a full moon was already high above their heads. Vodka bid her farewell and Breeze started in the direction of her den. "Wait," Vodka said, "Umm..... do you want to meet again tomorrow night?" He asked. Breeze knew she couldn't avoid this question. "Sure" she said. She went back to her den feeling surprisingly excited for the meeting the following night.
    The next night was absolutely gorgeous. The full moon high above tinted everything down below with a shiny silver. The crickets chirped and sang their musical songs while the fire flies lit the valley with a golden yellow. "What a night." Breeze thought. She led herself down a steep path and flopped over onto the soft summer grass next to a surprisingly familiar pool of clear, starlit water. Vodka emerged from the tall grass only moments later. His soft warm eyes were a welcoming sight to see and he walked up next to Breeze and flopped down beside her. They both giggled and started asking more questions, then the same thought appeared in her mind again. This place seemed familiar. "Vodka, what is this place?" Vodka took a few moments to think. "I'm not sure, I found it when I was exploring." Breeze peered over into the water, a flashback suddenly occurred in her mind. This was the place she woke up in when she was attacked by the bear. She tried to forget about the pool by asking Vodka if he lived here. "Yes, my pack and I live here. lI'm the lead fighter in my pack." He said. "Oh," Breeze murmured. She was about to finish her sentence when she suddenly became aware of how tired she was. Soon, both Breeze and Vodka fell asleep under the moonlight.
    When they awoke the pink-grey of dawn started to appear in the sky. "It's morning." Breeze thought. She got to her feet and stretched her back. Her thoughts were still fuzzy as she looked around for Vodka, who was not next to her when she woke up. Suddenly a dark figure leaped into the pool at the edge of her vision. It was Vodka. A big, fat rabbit dangled from his jaws as he waded across the pool in her direction. He dropped the rabbit down on the grass in front of her. "Do you want breakfast?" He asked. "Of course. I'm starving." She replied. They both ate and by the time they had eaten their fill the first golden rays of the sun had touched the skies above the horizon. "Do you want to meet again tomorrow?" Breeze asked. "Sure, why not?" He agreed. They said goodbye and left the pool.
    Somehow three months flew by. As each night was spent with Vodka, Breeze felt herself growing closer to him. They no longer spent nights with each other, but also started to meet in the warm afternoons. Only briefly did memories of her pup hood flash in her mind, but when it did Breeze spent hours on the floor of her den, worrying about her future, "Will I end up like my siblings? Slaughtered by a monster?" She thought.
    The cool October wind started to blow, as Breeze got ready to meet Vodka at Sunset. Suddenly a thought came to her mind. "What will I do when winter comes?" She thought. She drove the thought to the back of her head and set off in the usual direction to meet Vodka. As she trotted away from her den, her thoughts started to wander. What her her life been like so far? How will she survive the winter? What will become of her in the future? Suddenly she herd something rustling in the forest. "Vodka?" She called. The only reply was utter silence. Breeze looked around. Suddenly razor sharp claws slammed down on her head and pain seared through her skull and she went unconscious.

Don't worry, she's not dead. I just need to finish the rest of part two and it'll be done ;)

~Author's Note~
 Sorry about writing a book instead of a bio :/ It is impossible for my to write about something without making it long :/ But I still want you to tell me if this is good or not so far. I also want you to state your thoughts on the story too.  I worked my butt off writing this and put a lot of work and effort into this. I'm also sorry for the violence and sadness in part one. Aleast Part 2 seems a bit happier ;)

Family Tree
(Sorry about the poorly taken pictures, I will retake them as soon as I have time)








(Since Vodka isn't my character I don't have a picture of him. However if my friend gets on FH then I'll take the picture)



(Sorry, she's so dark she doesn't show up well)


Preset Download
Will be less active until October 7th.