Author Topic: Tails of the BroCats ~1~ To the City [W.I.P]  (Read 1026 times)

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Tails of the BroCats ~1~ To the City [W.I.P]
« on: November 17, 2013, 12:10:35 pm »
Heyo! While you're waiting for me to complete YogsClan, I shall make a few short chapters of pewds and cry as cats! Enjoy.

Chapter#1: A Bro's First Start
There was a fence between the thick forest and the cold city. 2 cats balanced there, facing the city. A blonde cat spoke, saying, "Hey, Cry. Ever wanted to explore the city?" Cry was a dark brown tom with a white expressionless mask on his forehead. He replied,
"Are you crazy!? There are tough cats out there willing to kill! We could die!" With horror on his face, he shot a glance at the other cat as his friend meowed,
"You serious? Come on! I'll leave you here!" He winked as he leaped down the fence, flicking his tail to signal that Cry comes.
"Alright." The brown tom groaned as he followed after his companion. "Pewdie?" He asked as they headed towards the city.
"Yes?" Pewdie answered.
"How are we gonna survive this?"
"Bro, you gotta yolo." Without another word, they put all 4 paws into the city. Ahead of them, there was an alleyway with bins. The 2 set off over there to see what they could find. Noisely, they rummaged through the dirty cans but then Pewdie sensed a mouse. Breakfast. He thought. A small grey creature came into view. Tentatively, he crouched low so his fur brushed across the ground. Then, leap! Pewdie shot like a dart to the mouse and snatched it with his claws. He carried the mouse over to Cry, who was still looking through a bin. Cry noticed Pewdie's arrival and bended over to share the mouse with him. They decided to explore the city abit more before night came. Nothing much. Just streets with twolegs walking around. They got back to the alleyway and curled up next to each-other. Both mewed goodnight to each-other and shut their eyes slowly. Descending into their dreams...

This is SmokePelt, peace out!
« Last Edit: November 17, 2013, 12:35:03 pm by SmokePelt »

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