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Topics - chalketh

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Self-Made meshes not appearing in map?
« on: July 29, 2012, 08:14:38 am »
I just spent a few hours making a map, then decided to test it out ingame
All of the things I would have had to import myself (such as mushrooms, waterfalls, etc) were gone, as well as all of the things I made using the basic stuff (basiccube, basicsphere, etc)
Can anyone help? These items just aren't appearing in the map, and it qould be great if I could get it working
Thanks! c:

Game Help / Mac Patch?
« on: June 14, 2011, 06:07:38 pm »
Yes, yes, I know, you're working on it. I feel bad because I'm complaining, but this is really ticking me off now. I don't really like public maps because so many other people are there, the lag, and I've honestly otten used to hanging out in custom maps. But I can't do that anymore because no one can hang out with me in the maps. And no one can see my presets. And vice-versa. Once again, sorry for complaining, but when is the Mac patch intended to be released? Thanks.

Game Help / More than three textures in a map
« on: June 12, 2011, 05:28:28 pm »
Can anyone tell me how to get more than three textures in a map? It'd be greatly appreciated, thanks!

Leaving / Temporary Leave
« on: May 24, 2011, 08:40:27 pm »
Unfortunately, FH has just been hard to play recently because it won't work. I seriously hope the problem will be fixed when the new patch comes out for Mac. Well, hopefully it's out before the summer ;3;

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Group Ideas
« on: May 20, 2011, 01:08:51 am »
1. The option for subgroups. This isn't too important, but say you make an RP that has multiple packs/prides/whatever. It would be nice if each pack/pride/whatever could have it's own group, but still stay in touch with the other prides/packs/whatever.

2. The option for a second-in-command. Say you're away on vacation, but you still want to get members in your RP. You select the most reasonable person in a group and they can add members whenever they wish. However, they cannot rename, kick, or delete the group and it's members.

Yeah, I know not that good o3o

Finished Maps / Notanoce Island
« on: May 01, 2011, 11:13:44 am »
Notanoce Island

Notanoce Island is a peaceful island where canines and felines can live happily. Basically, it's animal paradise. With plenty of food to hunt, places to live, and things to do, Notanoce Island is the place to go!

*turns off advertisement mode*

This map literally took me all night. From 1:30 to 5:45. All the meshes were either already in FH, came with ChocolateLand(XD) or wereeither of the two edited by me.


The island from above :3 ^^^^

The Campfire :P ^^^^^^

The Great Falls :D ^^^^^

The Statue. There would've been a feline too, if I would have decided to make a lion statue as well X3

Palm trees with coconuts ^^^^

The volcano :3 ^^^

And now for the most important part!

Please tell me if there are any problems, either with the map itself or interactions with others within the map. Also, you might be able to claim a den for your RP, if you ask. Please be respectful towards the RPs and anyone else in the map!

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Character Organization o3o
« on: April 05, 2011, 09:05:01 pm »
Lets say theres a character you use a lot, but it's not at the end or beginning of the list. Then you have to scroll through an amount of other characters. To me, this is annoying. There should be a way to organize your characters- a folder or an option.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / A few Ideas o3o
« on: March 28, 2011, 05:14:14 pm »
Alright, I've got some ideas, and an anti-idea XD

1. A plain, striped tail marking. Even horizontal lines that stay the same for the length of the tail.
2. More areas, maybe that Ficho Tunnel leads to. I'm pretty sure this is most likely not happening, however.
3. More customization. Like, smaller bodies, and pretty much a wider range for everything.
4. In some IT videos from YouTube, I saw something like a walking in place dance move. I really liked it, it would be nice implemented into FH ^^ And if it wasn't a dance move, forget I said that XD

My Anti-Idea is... Wait, what? Whats an anti idea? Basically something that definitely should NOT be added to FH. More species. You can make enough animals with the felines and canines, why need more?

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