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Pages: [1]
In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / ** The Frozen Souls Pack **
« on: October 28, 2013, 11:08:41 pm »
I'm really excited for this roleplay; I hope others are interested!

We are the Frozen Souls pack, united by both our need to survive and our strong trust in one-another.

Your experience will not be painless. Your survival will not be facile. There will be many dangers that shall face, and we must do so together. Do not fall behind.

We are mapped, semi-realistic, and semi-literate.
No wings, and no excessive neon colors.

All credit for the Algid Map goes to Ringo!

Our website, including all information necessary, is found here:

If you'd like to join, please contact me here or on the website; I prefer you contact me here. You may either PM me, or post here.

We hope to see you soon!

Game Help / Original Eye Files
« on: October 16, 2013, 02:27:34 am »
Does anyone by chance have a copy of the original eye files? I downloaded a mod for eyes that I'm not particularly fond of anymore, and would love to have the original eyes back. I know I should have backed them up, but I guess that I wasn't thinking. ^^'

Leaving / Will Not Be In-Game As Often
« on: July 28, 2013, 09:17:34 pm »
So.. I'm back to my grandparents house (which is where I usually stay), which means I'm also back to slower internet. FH tends to lag or crash on the internet we have here, so I won't be in-game near as often as I usually am (I'll still be on the forums quite a bit, though). Hopefully soon we can get better internet. :c

Introduction / Hiya! ;u;
« on: July 17, 2013, 04:26:59 am »
Hello everyone~ /waves shyly
My name's Fatal, I don't really have any nicknames (a few people have called me fatty as a joke, though ;p), but you're free to call me whatever you want!
I'm really liking this community so far and I can't wait to become even more involved in it~

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