Author Topic: Problam with Heighmap? Look here!  (Read 2644 times)

Offline Chunky_Squirrel

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Problam with Heighmap? Look here!
« on: January 27, 2014, 10:03:46 am »
(If it already exist, please delete.)
Okay, so I saw that most of peeps out here, have problems with heighmap stuff.
I' am like an expert. (Lol)
Anyways, let's get started.
Shall we?

This is important!

1. Use GIMP for creating heigh maps, such as terrain and mask.
GIMP is a perfect place to create such things.
2. Make sure you are using 513x513, GRAYSCALE.
3. For the mask, the same, but only RGB color, such as red, blue or green.
Yes, you can use 6 colour patch, but if only you know how to.
4. When your done, save it as a .png file, ONLY .png not .jpg but .png
5. When you save it, don't forget to add a title such as: (Ex. Wolfterrain.png)
6. You may ask, where should you save it, if your a newbie. Well, go to, Main Disk/C:/FeralHeart/media/terrains/WaterMill and save it there.
7. Enter FeralHeart.exe and go to the Map Maker.
When your there, press WaterMill, and go to World.
8. When your there, be sure to press on Terrain Heigh Map: Wolfterrain.png
Then press on Terrain Alpha Map: Wolfmask.png
Just a few ex.
9. Then your ready to create your map! ^.^

How do I download maps?

Simply! ^.^
1. Download the map you are wanting, and wait til it finishes downloading.
2. Be sure you are using WinRAR, other wise, you will not be able to use the downloaded maps.
3. When it finishes, go to Main Disk/C:/FeralHeart/exports.
Where it says .FHO or .FHM place them into exports.
4. Let's say you have a cycle right? Where should you put it? Right here --> Main Disk/C:/FeralHeart/media/sky.
Place the .sky or .cycle right there.
5. Say? We have a music file too? Where should you put it?
Here --> Main Disk/C:/FeralHeart/media/sounds.
6. And when your finished, go to FeralHeart.exe and choose a character, then go to Cape of Distant Worlds, and look for the map, (Ex. Wolf Map) and enter it!
Have fun floofies! ^.^

I hope this tutorial is helpful for the nebies and other peeps who wish to learn how to make maps and download them.
I wish you luck! ^.^
« Last Edit: January 27, 2014, 02:43:36 pm by Hackers. »

Profile picture by me! ^.^