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Messages - raphiel9

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Finished Maps / Re: A pirate and a random map!(Public)
« on: August 24, 2015, 11:39:14 pm »
Hey, if you download the map, post screenies, its not working for me)

Finished Maps / Re: A pirate and a random map!(Public)
« on: August 24, 2015, 12:21:52 am »
Thanok you, and Thank you! I'll try to post some screenies

Finished Maps / A pirate and a random map!(Public)
« on: August 23, 2015, 05:42:20 pm »
Okay, hello! This is a map I made, its a pirate map, but don't worry, you can use it fore WC, wolves, anything rewally it has  a beach a pine tree forrwst, a plain, a mountain, and a under ground camp and tunnel, alkso a camp by the beach,  it also has a ship and a connecting map to to thiss place called Forest wLlkers, it has a foreest, a mountain, a plain and a training island. there is a camp under ground ansd a camp in the forrestv along with rivers
 Heres the linkto Pirate map
(The pirate name is Pirates!  and the other map nanme is Forrest Walkers)
Other map link    No territory claiming, be nice, n also comment if your going to use my map, cus I would like to sstop by and say hi My user ingame is i love warriors9

Stories / Adventures of a cat named ROBINHOOd
« on: July 11, 2014, 10:15:09 pm »

Other Games / Re: Dragon heart is finally out!!!
« on: February 16, 2014, 09:19:17 pm »
OMG!! I REALY WANNA! but..but..but I am 11/1/2 11 and a half but I am prety mature i can handle cussing and other stuff olny thing might discourage me is:is it gruesome/bloody??

heh.... realy shortend rules more elonggated i realy would join another what i'ved noticed isthat alot of these rp'sare quit stuck up with therevstaff and over literat things.... It seems to shun somewhat littler kids who cant spell, like my freind iceclaw who has gotten kicked becuses she has dlysexia

hmm, can you be active? and we have a site you shall be tunnel clan? (btw in my temp we kinda headin towards a batle with our clans

Yes we are :D! (airclans leader) I am soo glad we got a member/leader! our thing is ANS.::hollowclan::. we have a site also

Request Maps / Re: I am taking /FREE/ Map requests ^^~
« on: December 26, 2013, 03:44:58 pm »
If you knowof any body who'd make me a website pm me

Request Maps / Re: I am taking /FREE/ Map requests ^^~
« on: December 26, 2013, 03:42:09 pm »
okay this willn be a clan map) okay

Publick or private: umm whats the dif? but private aslong asv newbies to the clans can getb in
mapname: ANewSky ANS
map width: umm medioum to  larg?
Special meshes: prey and (if you can) mabey moving?
map terrian: (this is big sory!!   Oaky three clans holow clan tunel clan and Airclan airclan taritory:the camp is surounded by hills and rocks for the dens  they will have rock ledges the kits den will be on the ground,  with a boulder by the entrance the med den will have a small  tree in it. The woods will have gaps of light with lots of rocks  and trees should be semi easy to jump in to, like that tree in cape , a 2 open twoleg houses will be towards the back of the camp(its inportant that the trees are capeable to be jumped into) a rock trail along the taritory will seperate the border              hollowclans taritory: it wil look like thunder clans  camp in the 2 series it wil be a steep hole in the groud with a trail/edge to the botum with ledges and caves for the dens the leaders den should be up high with rocks for ledges  out side the camp should be lot of  oak trees with lots of streams the borders should be a line of pine trees with tunelclans camp we wil have: under ground tunels the nursery should have brambules at the entrance around the camp can be a small streem outside the camp should be no trees but very high grass by the camp there is a tunel runing to Air border and in the middel of all the taritory is a huge blosom tree with rocks and white flowers around the erea,  to the edge of the taritory close to holow clan can be high stones a moutain with a crystal and a portal to starclan/dark forest. And can you make a few like caves around the taritory for loners and twoleg place by the gathering place and can you make some like prey in the map? Birds for skyclan    I think thats enough lol email me if you need more details
Used for map: clan for 3 clans
extra details: mabey a few caves or like huts for loners /rogues

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