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Topics - Bullspit

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Site/Forum Help / Maps
« on: September 08, 2016, 04:43:04 pm »
Heya everyone. I'm kinda back from the dead. Anyways, I was cruising around the new site and noticed that the Maps section is gone under the Add-one and Mods. Are maps not allowed anymore or something?

Game Help / Installation
« on: June 10, 2016, 02:08:34 am »
Okay so I'm trying to download the new patch, and multiple things have happened. First off, I first tried downloading it earlier before the site crash, and with the first several attempts, this weird code window would pop up but not the installer. After several attempts the site installer finally showed up and I got the game, but foolishly decided to delete the whole game and reinstall upon finding several complications with old files and such. Then the site crashed so I waited, but now as I try to get the game again, I get a pop up that says, "FHWebSetup: error" in small letters at the top as a header and the thing reads, "7-Zip: Unsupported method". How can this be if I had it installed earlier?? Help?

Request a Preset/Marking / Preset Request
« on: May 22, 2016, 04:40:47 am »
Greetings. Could anybody make me a preset please? We'll also need to collaborate a little bit because I am not positive with what I want the design to be, but I have some ideas. PM me please, thank you, and have a wonderful day.

Praise / Special Thanks to These Loves and Others
« on: May 18, 2016, 01:44:35 am »
I know I have only been around the forums for a short while, but I just want to thank everyone in this community, first of all, for giving me such of a warm welcome. In specific, I'd like to praise ArcticGalaxy, Kynvuu, and Hakumi for responding to my posts and making me feel like I belong. Thanks, guys. I really appreciate it! I love everyone. Thank you.

Site/Forum Help / Forum Navigation- RESOLVED <3
« on: May 18, 2016, 01:12:52 am »
Hello, loves. Is there any thread on the forums where there are games and stuff, like just silly little community ones? If so, where, please? I've tried looking but I guess my brain died. Thank you.

Member Bio & Journals / Erikie's Bio + Journals [Update 5/30/16]
« on: May 18, 2016, 01:06:06 am »
Greetings, loves! I will update this as I figure out what should be said.

Where to begin, where to begin...My name is Jackie. Yes, even though some of my characters are males or more masculine, I am indeed a girl. My username in-game is Bullspit. I live in Illinois, USA. My birthday is June 1st, and all I can say is that I'm probably younger than you are. Please don't take that the wrong way: I am highly mature for my age, even though I can astray and totally goof off with friends. I am told that I have strong senses(sixth sense), am quite wise, and that I almost always know how to react and behave to a situation. My ultimate hobby is writing, but that doesn't mean that I am very skillful at it. I aspire to become a good drawer, and also to learn the electric guitar...I'd also love to figure out how to do those screaming-ish vocals like Corey Taylor, but I'm a girl so I don't know how possible that'd be, although I do have a deeper voice than average. Easing into the topic of music, I love rock, specifically aimed at the metal genre, but not limited to there. Since I am frequently asked, some of my favorite artists include(not in any order, except Slipknot...they're my ultimate favorite):

Slipknot, Three Days Grace, Disturbed, Falling in Reverse, Five Finger Death Punch, Gemini Syndrome, Hollywood Undead, and many, many others. If you have any band recommendations, feel free to let me know!

Now, since I hold this very close to my heart, I feel that I should explain my forum name: Erikie. It isn't just a cool sounding name I came up with, it has simple but deep meaning. In case any one of you are homophobes, please exit to your right because a big newsflash is coming. My lovely, amazing girlfriend's name is Ericka. (Yes, I am a girl also, much homo). No, we aren't those over-expressive LGBT people, we're very humble and honestly scared about it(as in scared to be a couple in public). ERIcka+JacKIE=Erikie. Yes, this is very lame, but I just have to incorporate my beloved in here somehow, because she has been helping me through my depression and I love her dearly, that is all.

If you have suggestions for things I should add into my bio, let me know! Have a good day, I love you guys.

**Update 5/18/16
This is really strange, but I was skimming through my password book and discovered something crazy. I guess I've had an account on here before, but must have forgotten about it going into high school or something, weird...I logged in and saw that I made the account November 23rd, 2011...insane! I knew this place was home. I just don't see how I forgot.

**Update 5/30/16
My birthday is on Wednesday(June 1st) and I'm really not looking forward to it. I haven't been doing well lately. Hopefully I make it though.  

Poems / Erikie's Poetic Catastrophe
« on: May 17, 2016, 03:54:33 pm »

Poems / Falling- Kyrielle
« on: May 17, 2016, 03:46:00 pm »

Ask Me / Ask Erikie
« on: May 13, 2016, 05:09:57 pm »
Heya, I'm new around the forums but am known in-game as Bullspit. Feel free to drop any questions down below and I'll happily answer them. ^.^

Introduction / Greetings!
« on: May 13, 2016, 05:08:25 pm »
Hey guys. I created a FH account around 4-6 months ago, maybe?? But I haven't ever visited the forums and don't get online in-game much, so I just wanted to drop in and say hello to all of you lovely people! I'm going to try being an active participant on the forums and will jump right into the game once school is out, which is very soon. I don't want to share too much right now, but I'll probably post an autobiography about myself some time soon. Have a good day everyone.

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