Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Game Suggestions & Ideas => Topic started by: LordSuragaha on July 30, 2012, 08:10:11 pm

Title: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: LordSuragaha on July 30, 2012, 08:10:11 pm
Wouldn't it be convenient if we could tell a character's gender in an easier way? Aside from the obvious manes on lions in game sometimes during an RP or general chat I mistake a person's female character as a male or vise versa. I was thinking that a simple solution that can be added in game is to change the name of a person's character either pink=females or blue=males. So when you first start and you are making a character in the editor you can have an option to select if your character is female or male then once in game your name will turn to the appropriate color that corresponds to your character's gender.

Some other ideas to help with Gender distinction in game could also be like somethings I've seen suggested in other places on the forum like:
longer lashes for females
thicker back tufts (tufts in general) for males
More feminine mane types
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: CloudFish on July 30, 2012, 10:46:21 pm
like the colour differential idea. not too hard to pull off. simple distinction.
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: Vallez on July 30, 2012, 10:58:27 pm
I love this idea. Great thought!
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: wolffoxalliance on July 31, 2012, 01:10:02 pm
Good idea,an example for the gender distinction is WolfQuest(ok you cant change size there thats why the male is bigger than the female).
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: Moonwolf678 on July 31, 2012, 07:00:13 pm
Yeah, we really need more manes for female characters! good ideas!
we need a super duper long mane for the canines, that would be cool!
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: Bloo. on July 31, 2012, 07:09:00 pm
I admit this idea is absolutely wonderful!
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: Morgra on July 31, 2012, 08:09:44 pm
 I like this idea. Then some people wouldn't have to add the 'F' or 'M' to the back of their name.
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: Wildcat26 on July 31, 2012, 08:33:47 pm
I like this idea, and we need more feline manes anyway, period. x_x
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: BigSkippy on August 01, 2012, 07:27:50 am
Brilliant idea Skippy highly approves!
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: hugrf2 on August 01, 2012, 10:41:49 pm
I agree with this idea. It would be better so names can be longer and people won't have to add "F" for female and "M" for male in the middle or back of their names. Someone should tell a admin or mod about this.
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: okami357 on August 01, 2012, 11:13:50 pm
Yeah we need any more female manes i agree XD
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: Morgra on August 04, 2012, 12:27:35 am
 I agree, we really only have the eyecover mane and side for the majority of the female population, so we should definitely try to add more mane styles.
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: Ricey on August 06, 2012, 01:34:50 am
I love this idea. Most of the time, my fox Rice gets confused with as a girl. Along with on my other account Rylie, gets confused for a girl aswell. The color idea is really well thought out. An admin should be told this, and hopefully added in to a later version of the game.
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: okami357 on August 06, 2012, 12:16:25 pm
I think males can be darker  than females? what about?
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: LordSuragaha on August 06, 2012, 08:13:44 pm
Thank you all for supporting my idea ^_^!
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: Tearless on August 06, 2012, 08:29:00 pm
Very much like the idea of colour coding; it would make differentiating easier for the less fluff-endowed species and just make things tidier (no more 'M/F' and variations thereof in the names), but it seems there should be a button to opt out or some form 'neutral' option. And limiting character customization based on gender would bug me, seeing as I tend to make fairly androgynous-looking characters that seem to confuse people (one more reason to really like the colour coded names XD).

Oh, and as for new manes, bring 'em on! Bring them in buckets! Grow out ALL the floof!
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: LordSuragaha on August 06, 2012, 08:38:13 pm
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=sAh8M_cy38I#t=6s (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=sAh8M_cy38I#t=6s) Yes Yes more floofs for everyone! :D
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: Nowe on August 06, 2012, 08:51:11 pm
I like this idea because some users seem to get realllllllly butt hurt when you get their gender wrong XD.I know a user called me some not so nice names a few days ago for getting his gender wrong XD

A idea for realism with ought going too far could be a Sheath on the male lion and canine just not the other parts. Its not like a Sheath is anything bad many people even draw sheaths on there lions and canines for some realism.

Just a Idea :3 Hope I dont freak anyone out with it XD

also Mane Ideas....I may make some concept art of manes Id like to see ingame.
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: LordSuragaha on August 06, 2012, 09:46:54 pm
Honestly I thought about the sheath thing too especially since its a very obvious characteristic of gender distinction and we see it normally on dogs outside... I would hope no one thinks dirty of something that basic and natural. We look at that all the time when someone has a dog to see if its male or female but since I know many people may get easily offended thats why I figured the blue name/ pink name thing was the most "friendly" method. I definately would love to see your concept art of manes Nowe.  :)
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: Kesha~ on August 09, 2012, 07:47:01 pm
I love the name colour idea, i hope the mods like your idea too and put it to action ^^ One of the best ideas i saw in my short time playing FH,
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: yammyamsyam on August 24, 2012, 01:58:46 pm
smart. I had a mane before mostly males had and someone said that I was a boy I was like O.o (that was my femme char) this would totally work and yush MORE femme manes XD
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: rosepumpkin1 on August 24, 2012, 11:12:53 pm
I like this because i have a female alpha and her name is fire and everyone thinks shes a guy! oh come on!
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: animals_rock on August 25, 2012, 02:58:02 pm
Awesome idea :D These would be so helpful instead of guessing someone's gender then insulting them with the wrong gender ;-;
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: Proon-coon on August 25, 2012, 04:51:37 pm
Me like.
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: Tessel. on August 26, 2012, 11:51:15 pm
 Feralheart needs more manes for lions. Female manes.

And, the idea of having the colors is cool. If you are a male, your name would be blue. Female, pink. I like the ideas. There should be identification. My character, Blaacki, is confused for a female because of the blue markings, ect. It would be nice to have a way to figure out what gender you are in the game.
I would love to see them add an eye-cover mane for felines. I think it would look pretty nice. Great thinking, Lord
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: Morgra on August 27, 2012, 04:31:42 am
Feralheart needs more manes for lions. Female manes.

And, the idea of having the colors is cool. If you are a male, your name would be blue. Female, pink. I like the ideas. There should be identification. My character, Blaacki, is confused for a female because of the blue markings, ect. It would be nice to have a way to figure out what gender you are in the game.
I would love to see them add an eye-cover mane for felines. I think it would look pretty nice. Great thinking, Lord
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: LordSuragaha on August 28, 2012, 02:09:08 am
Thank you all so much for supporting my idea  ;) I'm glad you agree with it.
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: MasiYumi on August 30, 2012, 04:41:58 pm
This should definatly be added! :D
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: yodes on September 02, 2012, 11:01:46 pm
I agree! :D
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: _-Rain-_ on September 09, 2012, 01:49:03 am
I do like this idea. c:
And yes, we do need more manes. c:
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: Nightfangy on September 09, 2012, 03:32:45 am
Yup great thought in the past when I was new to FH I had major gender confusion Ha Ha x3
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: safarirun123 on September 09, 2012, 10:03:15 pm
What if we didn't like the color it gave us?
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: LordSuragaha on September 09, 2012, 10:09:39 pm
What if we didn't like the color it gave us?
Yeah I did think of that since I know it may also seem a bit sexist right away to make girls pink or boys blue but it is such a conventionally used way of expressing those genders already that I didn't think there would be too much of a problem with that. Plus it just seems easier to me to just change the color rather than adding a symbol. If you don't like the color I'm really not too sure what other solution can be made maybe there could be a neutral option to in case people don't want to show their characters gender? Just share your ideas here :) I would love to hear more ideas pertaining to this subject.

Also big thank you all for supporting my idea.
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: SteampunkWolfdog on September 22, 2012, 10:52:42 pm
I think this is a brilliant idea. Too often people get confused with my characters' genders, it has started to get on my wick XD. Anyway, I think the colour identification is the best idea because that's pretty much a universal way of expressing gender. As for the manes...I don't really use manes very much so I can't comment on that.
A idea for realism with ought going too far could be a Sheath on the male lion and canine just not the other parts. Its not like a Sheath is anything bad many people even draw sheaths on there lions and canines for some realism.
I'm all for realism and think a sheath on the male animals wouldn't be a bad idea, but I can see people not approving of it, or taking it the wrong way unfortunately.
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: Pakhet on September 28, 2012, 10:22:37 pm
Defiantly more feminine manes. If the gender idea gets added, I'd like to see a neutral option. If you don't want to declare it to the world or the char is genderless. (It might offend those single-cell rpers. >D)

I agree with DoctorFlob. (Nice name, btw) Realisim's great and all that, but I think it'd start a new lewd trend.
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: Alaskan on October 08, 2012, 03:28:51 pm
That's a really good idea. But looking at all those colors would be alot. And users can always add F or M in their name or just tell you what gender their character is. But it's still a great idea.

Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: LordSuragaha on October 08, 2012, 06:47:57 pm
Of course I know adding "M" or "F" is one way to indicate it but many of us have long names along with the initials of our groups in our names, or other words like pup, cub, kit, teen etc. Adding the color change is just an easier and more obvious way to indicate gender without having such a wordy names or cutting our characters actual name short to fit that. :) Thank you for supporting my idea guys.
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: SingleLady on October 08, 2012, 07:59:38 pm
I have some

If you Pick being a female you are a bit smaller and you can choose to have more mane options... Ikd wut kind
If ur male ur a bit bigger but you can still go smaller. the point is females cant go higher then males.
and for male more Manly hair does.... LIKE A MULIT! XD jk
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: HowlStar on October 08, 2012, 09:13:10 pm
I like this idea. You have no idea how many times I've said "he," or "she," only to have the person say, "I'm a girl/boy!" It's REALLY awkward when that happens o3o
ANYWAY. I also like the neutral idea, as some people have charas that don't have genders or don't want to have their chara's gender displayed. Maybe grey or white could be used for any neutrals. As for manes, there could be some that are a little longer than the ones we currently have for those who want more of a feminine look.
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: angelre0702 on October 08, 2012, 10:13:22 pm
Yes. Yes. Yes. 3 Yes's from Karmandi is hard to get c: This idea is awesome. Period. ((Also agreeing with more manes since I AM female. ._.))
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: Pakhet on December 12, 2012, 03:22:13 am
I don't care what gender people say I am,  but it seems to be something that makes people mad. xD Be a great way to eliminate that awkward feeling if you get it wrong and they freak out.

And I LOVE the idea of the females being smaller than the males at max size. I hate it when my maximally large, adult lion is the same size as a lioness. :| Maybe gender neutral charries would be somewhere between the full male and female size?

Really needs to be added to the game.
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: Morgra on December 12, 2012, 05:25:27 am
I don't care what gender people say I am,  but it seems to be something that makes people mad. xD Be a great way to eliminate that awkward feeling if you get it wrong and they freak out.

And I LOVE the idea of the females being smaller than the males at max size. I hate it when my maximally large, adult lion is the same size as a lioness. :| Maybe gender neutral charries would be somewhere between the full male and female size?

Really needs to be added to the game.

Agreed, this is somewhat a pet peeve of mine and I think more distinction between sizes according to gender needs to be implented.
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: Feareh on December 12, 2012, 06:21:25 am
-facepalms- it's embarrassing that I mistook a member in TEC for being a girl, when he wasn't. DX got a ultra manslap there. But from all silliness aside, i'm all for this idea. It may easy out that awkward conversation of "hey, hey...your a boy right?" :P
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: Twee on December 20, 2012, 07:44:43 pm
I really, really like this idea.
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: Tenturo on December 26, 2012, 05:40:57 am
This idea is something I definitely support. Great thinking Suragaha!
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: Bookdrive on December 28, 2012, 01:07:42 am
I like it, but would the pink and blue show up right? Anyways, I have had the same issue of mixing people's gender up. I am glad somebody made a great solution to this problem! ^^
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: Tenturo on December 28, 2012, 01:17:52 am
I believe they would. This actually seems quite simple to do. Just add a little something-something to the game settings for the gender selection/modification and there would be special files in the textures section. One is for the males, which would be blue, and one would be pink, for the females.

At least, that;s how I would do it. I believe that's how it would be anyways :3
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: Smilodoncat on January 05, 2013, 03:33:46 pm
Yes! I completely support this idea. As long as the blue/pink is too in your face bright, that would be annoying.
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: Tenturo on January 05, 2013, 04:37:40 pm
Yea :3 That would be a little annoying. But what could possibly be done if the texture file for the nametags? Well there would be two. Simply you could highlight over one with multiply or hue with the seperate colors and you would still have the texture and it wouldn't be too bright.
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: whitesnow on January 05, 2013, 04:50:38 pm
This'll make it important for the people who'd like their character to be noticed as a Male/Female. You know how in the character creator in the first tab? After 'Name' they should put a little box saying Male and Female then if a male: Blue or a female: Pink. Good thinking! :D
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: WhiteLightHeart on January 05, 2013, 04:55:04 pm
It's a simple concept, but very useful. I like eet. A lot~

The colored nametags are a great idea, but as for creating new manes I believe that much is easier said than done. I've never tried my hand personally at making meshes, but that kind of thing would certainly take some time.
Either way, if this idea made it up to the admins and got approved, we'd have to wait for an actual patch download to be created before it could be implemented by everyone.
(But I still love the idea. :D)
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: Nemena on January 06, 2013, 01:30:30 am
I love the pink/blue colouration of the name; it'd make things considerably easier! There's always that difficult moment when someone approaches you that lacks a 'M/F', or even a bio stating their gender. :D

However, I'm personally not sure about the distinction between sexes in terms of size or mane (if they were exclusive to one gender, that is!); I'd still pick the appearance that suits my character the most, regardless of what gender it belongs to! Sometimes my females are huge and masculine, sometimes my males are tiny and feminine, and vice versa. But otherwise, it's a handy-dandy idea!
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: LunaWolfe on January 06, 2013, 01:41:49 am
While I do support this, there is something I'm curious about.
Would there be a way to disable the gender distinction?

Now don't get me wrong, as I've said I do support this idea. However, I'm not a fan of the typical pink for girls and blue for boys. In all honesty, I hate pink and would be quite annoyed to see hundreds of little pink name-tags running around on my screen. With size, maybe our characters were larger for a reason? With manes, I despise human-styled hair on characters, and while I don't have a problem with it on others characters, I really wouldn't want a mane on my character to signify their gender. :P
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: LordSuragaha on January 06, 2013, 02:06:21 am
Thank you all for the feedback and opinions on this topic. I really appreciate it!

As for some points that you mentioned Waking_Terror:

Would there be a way to disable the gender distinction?

I know a few users who would prefer not to show their character's gender and/or have character(s) with neutral genders etc and so I would agree that there should be a neutral color for those who want to opt-out of the whole gender distinction thing. The neutral option could be the plain white that it is now.

However, I'm not a fan of the typical pink for girls and blue for boys. In all honesty, I hate pink and would be quite annoyed to see hundreds of little pink name-tags running around on my screen.

Let me emphasize I had no intention of being stereotypical or sexist when I gave the example pink for females. I myself am not very fond of pink ... in fact I prefer blue as it is my favorite color. I merely used pink as an example since it is a wide spread and more easily relatable color distinction that is often used to represent females or anything feminine. The color could be red or green point is that the colors are different to provide a distinct marker for gender for those who want to show the gender of their character. It's all up to Kovu (if he ever came back) to decide on that.

With size, maybe our characters were larger for a reason? With manes, I despise human-styled hair on characters, and while I don't have a problem with it on others characters, I really wouldn't want a mane on my character to signify their gender. :P

I suggest the size difference only because Kovu explained that the game was oringinally intended to be more realistic than Impressive Title. It often bothers me when I see lion RPs with lioness characters much larger than their male counterparts. It just doesn't look right. In nature male canine/feline are often larger than their female counterparts. As for the gender distinct manes that's for those players who like to have a semi unrealistic character and want more "feminine" mane types. Female feline characters for instance do not have many options in mane choice that will not end up making them look like a male lion. Though it may not appeal to you it can for many others and you can always just ignore that option. As for adding more tufts this can add to the size of a male character specifically for lions but also give more editting options for say someone like you who doesn't really like "human" style fur or manes but wants to add more features to the characters face and body. I for one would love a canine cheek tuft.

Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: SilverTW on January 13, 2013, 12:47:25 pm
I think this idea is very great but can't we have an option in the character bio page, where we could choose our gender and it could say our genders. We also could have ? and ? signs acded onto our names. This feature either way would work. If I'm correct, I believe it would be a more useful feature in roleplays. Mate beggars? You wouldn't have to worry about being asked this as much or whatever. Before this feature is added here's what might happen: Let's say your character is male, and a male character asks if they can be your mate, thinking you're a female, that would be you mistaken for a female. If this was added, here's what would happen: You have a male character, and the other male character sees that you're not a female so they won't ask. See how it might be useful? There is a disadvantage though, more female characters can see you're a male, so you might be asked by them to be a mate. And size, what happens if the male was naturally supposed to be smaller than the female and you couldn't make the female taller? If added, it will be good for roleplays especially. However, you might have to wait for long because this type of idea probably will have to mean that we all agree on what we think should be added and that, it might be long because that means coding, which Kovu knows, but if added, it will be great. I am in agreement with this idea. It all depends on Kovu's opinion.
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: xXJackForeverXx on January 16, 2013, 11:00:03 pm
I really like this idea andI think it would be a good thing having a gender colour / sign. This would help people a lot when they are trying to find mates / friends on Feral-Heart
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: Kerriki on January 19, 2013, 04:06:22 am
I agree with this idea. It would be nice to not have to include the "F" and "M" in your character's name so the name can be longer. I find it very annoying when people are like, "Are you a male or a female?" And it would be very nice! This should be added into the game... and more manes? Bring em' on! =D
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: Blackbaron on January 19, 2013, 04:14:37 am
Great idea Sura! I love et! I mistake people for the opposite gender heaps of times! So annoying and embarrassing!  >.<


Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: Tripwire on January 19, 2013, 04:45:33 am
I like this idea a lot! Aside from a friend of mine has a character that is both male and female at the same time, it's specific to their character that they change gender often and without notice in rp making it very eventful and fun. A third color option making maybe a *nuetral* gender would be fun and nessisary as well. Maybe purple? Just a thought.^.^
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: donutforest on January 24, 2013, 10:23:03 pm
I love the idea! ^^ *The only thing that confuses me is, why does the feline mode have more stuff then the wolf mode?* Anyway, still, LOVE the idea! 8D
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: clouwnt on January 25, 2013, 02:16:25 am
Perhaps, they could have their nametags, and then have the female/male sign under their usernames.
If the character is androgynous, nothing will be displayed.
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: SilverTW on January 25, 2013, 08:03:04 am
That was exactly what I was thinking.
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: Empath on January 26, 2013, 09:29:49 pm
I really really hope the mods take this idea into consideration.
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: magic2011 on January 27, 2013, 12:56:59 pm
I really really hope the mods take this idea into consideration.
Me too, I quite like this idea. ^^
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: mkljkl on January 29, 2013, 04:37:46 am
I think that is a grate idea it would be better if you could tell another persons gender by not looking at the name or somthing
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: spiritfang11 on February 05, 2013, 03:20:26 am
Oh I love the color thing, adding F or M to the back of my characters names gives me less room for other info/ longer names.
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: antherax on February 16, 2013, 09:03:59 pm
I like this idea! Mainly because once upon a time someone thought one of girl characters was man... :I
And everyone wouldn't need to have M or F after their name.
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: Virtuex on February 16, 2013, 10:28:43 pm
I like it, characters do need better ways to see if its a male or female
Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: ResslessV on February 16, 2013, 10:36:42 pm
 I would really love to see this idea added into the game. My character, V, goes by both male and female. But for my other characters, alot of them do often get confused for as the other gender. One time, I had a female character, and another female walked up to me and asked to be my mate, since they thought I was a male. So the distinction would be awesome and useful if it were to be put in an update.

Title: Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
Post by: Toxikk on February 18, 2013, 04:25:12 am
I like this idea. c:
It's annoying when people go up to you and mistake you for male.. Or female..