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Messages - THROAT

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Discussion Board / Re: Do you have this urge?
« on: August 21, 2012, 01:26:28 am »
Yeah I guess.

Yep, thats the game I was talking about, sorry I couldn't provide a link. c:

Throat, you don't have to become a vegetarian. Its not rocket science to stay away from cheap chicken food.

Do you know what they do to their hens? They will buy bird meet from factorys and the hens to go will be the ones that don't lay enough eggs, so basiclly the way it goes is, lay enough eggs and you will survive.
When you look at birds in factory's like Battery hens, their combs should be red, instead they are very pale.

Thats because they have never seen real sunlight, only artificial light. They've probably never even seen the outdoors before. Now I understand the way you feel, I would of at first. Not until my sister perchased 3 Buff Orpingtons, you can really bond with them.

I never said it wasn't difficult to stay away from factory-farmed meat, it's just that I'm not interested in changing my eating habits at this time. I never said becoming a vegetarian was my only option; I just listed that to present an example of some of the things individuals who are against factory-farming offer as "alternatives".

Not sure if this is going to stop me from eating steroid-imbued beef and chicken.

Are you sure about that, Throat? Most of these chickens would be battery hens, so they would of had a terrible life. Zarago owns some chickens and I love them to piecies, I wouldn't respect anyone if they treated their hens like that.

Yeah I'm pretty sure, especially since I've been eating the stuff for years now. This isn't the first time I've seen this image though. It (and other images more graphic than this one) is usually accompanied by some sob story that expresses the dire need for people to go vegan, vegetarian or give up factory produced meat.

I'm not interested in either of the three options. My sympathy for the chickens that are being killed and ground up for me to eat isn't high enough to warrant a change of that magnitude.

Not sure if this is going to stop me from eating steroid-imbued beef and chicken.

Are you sure about that, Throat? Most of these chickens would be battery hens, so they would of had a terrible life. Zarago owns some chickens and I love them to piecies, I wouldn't respect anyone if they treated their hens like that.

Yeah I'm pretty sure, especially since I've been eating the stuff for years now. This isn't the first time I've seen this image though.  It (and other images more graphic than this one) is usually accompanied by some sob story that expresses the dire need for people to go vegan, vegetarian or give up factory produced meat.

I'm not interested in either of the three options. My sympathy for the chickens that are being killed and ground up for me to eat isn't high enough to warrant a change of that magnitude.

Not sure if this is going to stop me from eating steroid-imbued beef and chicken.

Sorry about double posting again....but what is an ASN?

Just modify your most recent posts bro.

But an ASN is a group of routers and IP networks under the control of one entity. It's like a highschool's computer network, since the school "rules" over the "lesser" computers through way of an internet connection provided by the school itself. 

Plug gets pulled for a week and rage ensues for almost 70 pages of forum thread.

And that's just day one.

News Archives / Re: Highly Important Notice To All FH Users
« on: January 24, 2012, 03:41:36 am »
Them awful peoples maketh fun of Kovu >:| they couldnt  even MAKE a game

Ironically enough, that is what they want you to think.

News Archives / Re: Highly Important Notice To All FH Users
« on: January 24, 2012, 03:26:44 am »
I few simple points. Those of you with common sense will understand, because after reading the entire thread, I know there are several people who "just don't get it".

1) Yes, I agree the faux rape needs to be stopped; it is, however, just a bunch of pixels and polygons programmed to give the appearance of movement on a monitor in a game.

2) Parents need to get off their lazy butts and actually parent their children, like they're supposed to. FH's volunteer staff, and especially poor Razmirz who PAYS for our server, should not be held accountable for the in-actions of lazy parents.

3) Yes, despite what many of you seem to think, it really is okay to actually USE the block button. My block list is huge. No one ever gets off my block button. Why? I don't want to be harassed. It's a quick, easy, mature and intelligent solution to problems. I don't know why so many people seem to think that "blocking is bad/rude". It isn't. It's just like ignoring someone who is intentionally trying to provoke a reaction out of you in public. In fact, I wish I had a block button for real life.

4) So, there's a site that's trolling us. Big whoop. Welcome to the internet. Be thankful we don't have to pay that little $10 fee to use the forum and/or game. If they wanna troll us, that's their problem. As long as people understand and embrace the act of using the block button, there's no problem.

5) Stop whining about no FH for a week. You'll live. There are a ton of other games out there which are similar (despite appearances to the contrary). Move on with your life. Time will pass.

6) To whoever suggested we troll back... really? That's your solution? That makes you no different from the people we don't want here. You wanna waste your $10 just so you can be shocked when you really do get banned for being immature? Because the people who earn money on forums are a heck of a lot more strict than communities like ours. Reality check. Get one.

7) To the confused people who are asking for help here on unrelated topics, and who are protesting SOPA and all that... take it to the correct thread. It is not rocket science. It isn't even algebra. Use your brain, please, if at all possible.

8) Yes, I am passive aggressive. I fully accept and embrace that. Better than all-caps raging all over the place as though it would actually solve something.



News Archives / Re: Highly Important Notice To All FH Users
« on: January 24, 2012, 01:59:31 am »
Guys and girls, if you're wondering where the recent infusion of trolls into your game has come from, take a look at, specifically this topic:

Page six is where I found the link to this topic.  I see at least three goons in this topic.


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