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Messages - Dezu

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Name: Dante

Species: Snow Leopard

Pawpads: Pink

Mane: Medium emoish mane.

Extra: Try to make a little bit girly :P

Presets & Markings / Re: Taking preset requests!
« on: October 14, 2012, 09:30:36 pm »
(but a smaller build, somewhat girly and emo hair instead of fohawk
Public or private: Public
Winged or Wingless: Wingless

Bit more of a challenge XP

Omg thank god there are not email notifications for this.. Hotmail would kill me XD Anyways I do agree that this thread should be closed cause the -cut- is just gonna get worse

Just like posted earlier.. (In like one of the 59 pages XD) I do respect you guys for doing this but it was done in the most retarded way.. I just got back to playing this game cause I stopped for a long time and the first thing I am hit with is this big shut down and warning.. Its kinda a pissoff and I know alot of others feel the same way.. I just think this could have been dealt with better

Either way we can go and fight about this all week if we want to. (Its probably gonna happen anyways XD) But in all honest reality the admins just picked a stupid way to express this warning.. Plain and simple.

And after reading ur last post Sameth.. Im wondering somehting.. So you shut down the server for a week so ppl can read some rules?
they shut it down so people read this forum post to know that there are now no warnings for "raping".

So they shut down a full server where many ppl go onto to chat with friends.. (might I add which has a giant login page where there is ALOT of space to put this warning) Just to read rules.. This message could have been brought out over 1000 different ways but they decided to just say screw it and shut it down

Tom Von.. No point in arguing about whats going on.. These guys are not gonna listen to anyones opinions even if we are right.. I say we just say screw it and watch the "so called great plan" come together..

Either way im getting bored of ranting about something I cannot change.. Seeya guys im gonna go watch Adventure Time :D:D:D:D:D

And after reading ur last post Sameth.. Im wondering somehting.. So you shut down the server for a week so ppl can read some rules?

This is kind of hilarious how ppl are reacting about this shut down.. How is closing the server gonna teach the trolls a lesson? Its just gonna annoy all of us who actually play it for fun where the trolls are now happy because they managed to shut down a game.. If your too stupid to just sit back and let them rape you then get over it.. There is these 2 special words that can fix all of your problems... Block them.. Its fast, its easy, and it wont cause all of this stupid bullcrap to happen.. Admins.. You cannot remove the rapists you never will be able to just accept that.. I personally know I will be "cyber raped" at least 3 times when I log back onto FH when they open.. Its going to happen and I couldnt care the slightest bit.. Parents stop whining over your computer and actually do something if u gotta problem with this "cyber rape" thing.


The shut down is to force people to come on here and read this, because from know on, if you are caught buttswinging you won't just get a warning and a day ban or something, where you just have to wait out your ban and come back, hopefully learnt your lesson, but they never do, so we are now PERMABANNING. What does that mean? Well, it means you will be banned for a ridiculously long time, and unable to EVER come back on teh game. No warning or chance to learn your lesson from now on, enough is enough and you will be ELIMINATED.

Funny thing here.. I decide to go and buttswing and get perm banned I can do something easily to get back on.. Make a new acc :O.. If you ip ban me.. I can change my ip easily or simply go over to my friends house and make a new acc.. There is no possible way to teach a troll a lesson.. They will always have ways to get past the rules..

I am not a troll I am just pointing out a huge mistake in this

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