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Messages - Stitchy

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((Ehh, I've too much stuff to do, Idk if I can RP, and I'm just clear of ideas, I've so many problems to think of, and yeah.. Idk if I can RP anymore, but maybe I can, we'll see, it seems I'm not the only one that isn't posting~))

((Sorry, I'm just way too busy with everything, and when I have time, I don't have any ideas or inspiration to Rp anything, I'll try to post more~ >.<"))

((@Russ: Well, I guess I would lead, or will someone else..? And I had an emotional breakdown like a day or two ago, now I'm fine though, but I'm still a bit recovering and my mind doesn't seem to want to work with me >.<, and I guess I was being a bit inactive? Sorry, just having problems... .3." And yeah, I guess so..))

Then again, Ahri would make an interesting hunting partner as well. Not as long-legged or possibly as swift, but she could easily fit where a wolf his size couldn't and that in itself makes her a worthy addition to the pride.

((@Russ: Okay, I'm not sure if you meant her, or your charry~ I've to know because I wouldn't know how to make the RP or how to correct you, because Ahri is actually quite sleek and somewhat long-legged, she's a fox. She uses her head to hunt, not her paws btw x3.))

((@Everyone: I'd want to post another post already but I can't really say anything else here, so my RP post will be for another time~ I think there's like 2 inactive members at the moment? (At-least seemingly..) And yeah, there's quite less of us here~ Also I might, or might not have a 'friend' of mine join this Role-Play~ xD))


As Ahri finished, a wolf that she went past from, started his introduction, though it was a bit..well, nervous, for some reason. That somewhat didn't surprise Ahri, as she knew some males are like that, 'I guess I'm too pretty?' she thought to herself and chuckled a bit. Males like those were rare to see to her anyways, but they wont get anything done, too shy, and not quite her type.

After he was done, another wolf suddenly seemed to rush in, 'Another male? Are there any other females except me and the tigress?' she thought to herself a bit annoyed. The wolf that rushed in, seemed quite aloof and cool, and that grin looked kinda dumb, Ahri didn't like him at all from the first sight. 'Let's see...thinks he's an hot-shot, acts like he's the coolest guy on this forsaken planet, and cuts into every conversation. Exactly the type that I get a lot, I thought I'll be free of that when I join this pack..' she rolled her eyes and looked at the ginger-white wolf with an annoyed face. 'At-least he's not something the others are - trying to flirt with every girl they see, unless that's an hidden side...' She was now more annoyed, and just tried to surpass it, by looking towards the leader, and seeing the last wolf, and a leopard left for introduction.

((@Everyone: Ooh, Ahri's already angry, don't try to piss her off too much xD, she has been dealing with way too many males, so don't test her, for your charry's sake xD. Oh and I'm going to explain some things, I make thoughts green and like this: 'I think I'm going to stay near the dens today, I'm too tired to hunt at the moment.' and speeches lime green and like this: "Do you really want to know what happens? If I were you, I wouldn't try that." I hope that cleared some things x3))

((EDIT: @Brodylove: You should have a picture, I missed you in the member count >.<, and if I think about seem inactive too..but you might come around, so here's an advice, go catch it~ xD And t'was nothing big, just had to add like 3 words to the RP~))

((@Russ: Heh, mkays~ xD, now add me to Skype~ xD))

((EDIT: @Russ: Also, you should get yourself a siggy and a picture xD, I could see you better then from all the posts, and it looks nicer~ xD))

((EDIT 2: @Kasai: Hai Kasai :3, make this go banzai xD, don't mind me lol, I'm tired and I'll start talking insane stuff when I'm tired~ xD))

((EDIT 3: @Everyone: Well, I'm going to go to bed now, so I wont reply to any of this until like tomorrow in the middle of the day by the time zone +2 GMT, or sth~ It's in the East Europe.))

((@Russ: 'Kays xD, but you didn't have to install it just for me, though I guess it's nice~ x3. There isn't much to do there xD, it's pretty much like MSN, you click in the box and type, though you'll have to add me first, I'll send you my contact in a PM, don't want any stalkers sending me requests suddenly xD.

@Kasai: Heh, I guess that counts me quite active that I posted first? xD, I just don't like waiting and wanted to get this thing on the road, I'm full of ideas atm, so yeah~ xD. (Btw Alrighty is with 1 'L' :B, grammar police coming through |D)

@Everyone: And you can call Shawky? xD, that's the nickname for my fursona, and some peeps call me by that name xD. One even calls me Mr. Shawky lol. xDDD, now post, I'm so excited for some reason, don't mind me |D))

((EDIT: @Everyone: You can also call me Shadow, so...yeah~ xD, you choose~ :3))

((EDIT 2: @Russ: About the RP, I didn't know that just yet, that Rook was afraid of them, so yeah~))

((@Copper4me: Yeaaahh, it's a tad bit straight-foward, you should detail it a bit more and think it over, not shoot everything you come up with, gives good ideas, to me at-least. In text-RPs you can correct yourself a lot~ That's my advice, but everything is fine by me~))

(Meh I kinda dont wanna join anymore sadly xD I thought this was a in-game rp .3. but thanks anyways ^-^))

((@Copper4me: Oooohhh, 'kays then, have fun~ x3))

((@Russ: Heh, yeah~ I'm originally a guy, but I just find RPing females WAY more interesting, you can have a lot of fun with that xD, and yeah, males are boring for me since I've RPed them for like 7 months or so, I lately started to RP females, like a month ago or so~ Also I was thinking of making an American user since some of my friends are from there so I will have an user there if any start playing LoL xD.))

((You will fail if you try to guess my personality, sometimes it's a mystery to even me xD. But yeah, my personality is somewhat like Ahri's, I've an fursona already, Shadow is his name. I like wolves more than foxes, but I still like foxes because they're sly x3, Shadow is a Wolf/Fox mix, so yeah. Here's a pic of me and my girl-friend, she made it and she's a goddess in drawing~<3 I'm the bigger one with the cyan ears and nose. x3, and a white tail-tip xD. Her fursona is Keyna btw~))

((I've an user too on dA but I don't have much here because Idk what to do, though I've the talent... You can see it from some of my pics, and I have some pics that aren't uploaded, I might upload them soon though~ Also, I talk a lot, and that's the reason why I wanted us to have Skype or sth else, because otherwise I'll just fill this up with somewhat pointless chatter and stuff xD. I like explaining myself..I guess xD.))

((EDIT:@Russ: Oh and Evangeline is a female too, so don't count her out just yet xD.))

((@Kasai: Hm yeah, you are quite right, but I just like to keep in touch with the people I RP with...I guess it's just me ^^; I've RP-ed for like 9 months, so I'm no stranger to it, I know about the brackets and most of the abbreviates (I've started to forget how to spell it..). Also sorry if I copy some of your ways and stuff if I like them, like coloring my text and whatnot, it's hard for me to get ideas, but if they come, they'll be great. I would use Navy color but it's just so hard to read from this pitch-black background.
@Buttons Lady: Yeah, I've started to like Warwick a lot, but I'm only in EU West and EU Nordic/East, I haven't made an user in the American server, since I'm from Europe, that's kinda obvious if you ask me xD. But yeah, Warwick has insane health regeneration and life steal, I could dive turrets like crazy xD, once when me(Warwick) and my friend(Brand) were on 5vs5, we had an insane team against us, like Tryn, Darius, and other op champs, so we played it cautious and totally dominated it xD, so yeah, that's an advice, never go too aggressive, which I do A LOT...Mkaaayy...I'll stop blabbering now. I still worship Ahri though xD.)))


As soon as the pack's leader was done, she started looking around and thinking which one would be a good hunting partner. She wanted to make sure her partner was strong enough, not some weakling, because she doesn't want to lose her life over some stupid mistake, as she knew how dangerous the borders were of the new-found pack. She nearly got killed there already before she joined this pack. Ahri looked down as some memories were starting to come back to her, but she surpassed them and looked quickly back up as to make sure no-one saw her like that. She thought that no-one had seen her, so she went first in introducing herself. Ahri cleared her throat, stood up, turned towards the crowd and spoke. "I'm Ahri. My rank is warrior, if I may~ I also don't like if males get too near to me, so don't try anything if you don't want to lose something precious for you." She said, a creepy smile forming on her face and acting like it was nothing, sat down and resumed her original position waiting for others to continue.

((@Copper4me: Yeaaahh, it's a tad bit straight-foward, you should detail it a bit more and think it over, not shoot everything you come up with, gives good ideas, to me at-least. In text-RPs you can correct yourself a lot~ That's my advice, but everything is fine by me~))

EDIT: @Kasai: Also you change your pic and siggy a lot xD, it's nice to see someone who varies them a lot, I just don't find good enough stuff to change to...

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