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Messages - kidsnowball

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Request a Preset/Marking / Realistic Feline Preset Needed!
« on: November 08, 2014, 04:26:33 am »
Joined a new RP today, and my Warrior Cat doesn't quite look the way I really want him to look. So I need him to get a preset made!

Here is a reference picture of him:

I would assume the cat in real life is not one-sided, but feel free to do so if you feel like it'll be too much of a hassle to make a two-sided preset.

He has ripped up ears, a scar going through his mouth up over his nose, and a few other. When someone accepts the challenge, I'll make a brief picture of his scars.

Preset number I'd like would be 3.

Game Help / Re: Front Server Disconnect.
« on: September 01, 2013, 02:18:49 am »
My friend went to go and try that but she doesn't seem to have the Direct3D9...

Plus, she's now able to get to her characters, but when she clicks 'start' it gives her a sign saying 'Failed to connect to Main server'

Game Help / Front Server Disconnect.
« on: September 01, 2013, 01:12:23 am »
So this is actually for my friend... She's been on FH for however long I've been on, but for the past four months or so, it hasn't been allowing her to log into her FH. It's been giving her the notice "Failed to connect to front server" when I know that the main server is on and she has internet. She's tried re-downloading the game multiple times and nothing has worked. When she tried logging in using her other computer, it just shuts down without even opening up.
She's been getting very stressed about it and wanted to know if there was someone out there to help her. Could anyone help?

So my friend and I are playing as sisters, but our characters don't quite match their pictures, so we wish to have presets for them. However, she can't get on the site, so I'm putting up her request as well.

First preset will be for my character, Dewdawn.

In-game username: kidsnowball
Looks(Image required): (In other words, she looks much like a siamese, but with golden colors. Not cream and brown.)
(Much like this, but with the golden colors you see on the upper picture. The brown markings are the colors of the tail, a darker gold.)
Canine, feline?: Feline
Extras(Transparent/two-sided/scars): The preset is two-sided. She has a scar going across her chest beginning at her right shoulder and ending at at the underarm of her left leg.
Preset number: Six
Mane?(What type?): Yes, Side mane
Eye Type: Whole, Light sky blue. Much like the picture.

Second preset is for my friend, snowflake9901's character, Maplebreeze

In-game username: snowflake9901
Looks(Image required):
Canine, feline?: Feline
extras(Transparent/two-sided/scars): It's two sided, and one of her ears has a v-shaped nick.
Preset number: Four
Mane?(What type?): Yes, the side mane
Eye Type: Whole, Green. Much like the eyes on the picture.

Request application credit goes to Rio.
Anyone who can do this, thank you so much ~

Request Maps / City Map Needed ~ (Experienced Map Maker preferred)
« on: July 28, 2013, 02:44:22 am »
Alright! So I decided that I wish to create a Street Dog Rp, but I don't quite know... How to make maps ^-^'' So this is where I need you!

I want to have a map, a large map at that, where dogs can roam around. However, I also want an area that is covered by trees much like a forest, for another feral pack. Somewhere in the forest there can be like... a river and above the river is a cliff that is high enough where you can view the city.
There needs to be places such as homes, alleyways, pounds, restaurants... Things like that.
If you've seen Beverly Hills Chihuahua, then we also want an area where things like the dog fights are. And beside it there's like a laboratory beside it for experiments. like the one from Underdog.
If you've seen Lady and the Tramp, maybe a restaurant much like that.
Maybe some sewer pipes and a dump. Another river that's clogged with sewage and garbage. The dump can kind of be another place where dogs can live.
In the alleys, there can be like... Dens made of boxes or such that can help them cover from rain.
Maybe like... Construction zones that can be roamed and climbed on like from Oliver and Company.

This map is also going to include cats, but the Rps must be sane.

So in other words, we're sort of mixing ideas from different movies c: I hope someone can do this, especially with the many details I have here.

Thanks ~ Aero

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement /
« on: July 20, 2013, 07:43:07 am »
Beast of preference: Firebeast, if you may.
Name: My main FH username is kidsnowball and the character's name shall be Haigara, which in Japanese, means Ashes. She's also called Hai as a nickname.
Rank: Preferably the alpha female. If not, then doctor.
Age: Within the 200 to 300 year range (Young little girl)
Gender: She-Wolf, also known as a female or a girl.
Mate: None, unless by any chance I get the dork (Aka, my crush/semi-boyfriend) to join, he most likely may become my mate.
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual, also meaning she has a fond of the opposite gender, being male.
Description: Haigara is a dark redish brown she-wolf born oddly without the vertebrae for the tail. She was named for her odd black heart markings. Her mother had thought that the hearts were shown for her passion, as if she has a fired-up heart. She's blind in her right eye, but it looks as if it's glowing. She has a special power within that eye (Need to think more about the ability before I can tell you, just to secure it). Her other eye is a dark golden tone. She's covered with thick layers of fur, but it quite a normal size within weight. She's considerably small due to her mother's heritage. Within the words of small, she stands about 34 inches (2'10") from the shoulder to the paw (Sort of basing off of how tall Akji is). Length is within 4'7". Due to a pack of a fur covering her left eye, she's considered blind, but during battles, she'll flip it back. She also has a scar going across the top of her muzzle, just about the nose, and a large claw scar going down from her shoulder to the belly on her right side due to her blindness.
Her personality is often kind, despite her fiery element. Many agree with each other, even from the other elements, that she hides what she has within the hearts on her body, when it's truly just her real heart. Much like her mother had remarked, she has the heart of Lightbeast in a Firebeast. However, when angered, agitated, or any other way of annoyance, she has the passion of her own element, and will not hesitate to burn another a good scar.
(I'll post the reference sheet of what she looks like later. Like... What she really looks like.)

Background: Haigara was born within the ashes of a large volcano, where her father, Kasai (Meaning Fire) had also been born. He was one of the first Firebeasts, so many of their kind were there to see her come to the world. However, her father was in disappointment when she had opened her eyes for the first time. He noticed the odd coloring of a pupil within her right eye, noticing that she was blind within the eye. He had given up on his own daughter, and walked away as if she was nothing. The other male of the species hadn't understand why he had left from such a simple thing.
Years passed, and following them came war. Waterbeasts, the lions of the time, had accused the fellow canines for not giving off too much heart that made not only the water to evaporate, but for the plants to wither. When the lions had come to fight for their element, Haigara was between her mother, Moyasu's (Meaning Burn) legs, looking at the Waterbeasts in confusion. Yes, by this time, she had known how to walk. She had heard the story of when the element beasts had been created by her father, who had begun to think of her as apart of his pack once more. As the Waterbeasts accused Haigara's kind, Kasai had stepped in front of her and her mother, confronting their newly created enemies without a second thought. The Waterbeasts never gave up, and with this, the bloodthirsty battle had begun...
As it raged on, Haigara grew into her child state. It was never good... Beginning the battle meant she was forced to keep to the volcano. Her father had gone out to fight. She kept her friends with the other Firebeasts, and occasionally, once they were dragged in, the Windbeasts cubs had found her a good friend as well. Moyasu kept her within eye-distanc, not taking her gaze off for a split second. That all had changed when a messenger of their kind came with the usual news. And no matter what it was, it was always something bad. However, Haigara sensed something worse within the aura of this message. She abandoned her game of lava toss with her friends and had moved over towards her mother. The messenger was also moving her way. Sitting in between her mother's paw, Haigara looked up to the messenger with her one good eye. He was staring back at her with a sorrowful expression. At first, she was confused, until finally, it came out.
Kasai had been killed.
With the crushing news, Haigara had isolated herself within the volcano walls, no revealing her sorrow. The repeated words of the Waterbeast shredding his fur coming from the messenger's voice made her heart ache, but it never stopped beating.
Another many years pass, and finally, she's ready to avenge her father. Haigara had joined the battle, and none were hesitant about it. Throughout the years before then, she trained for that one day. Within the battle, her passion was fierce, and her victory was long-lasting. Haigara was not only fighting for her element, but she was fighting for Moyasu and Kasai. In honor of her father, Haigara makes her way towards the top of the pyramid (AKA, the climax), and the final battle neared towards her.
With her standing in the front of the Firebeasts, Haigara glared at the beasts that had destroyed one of the best warriors she could ever think of. Mane forward, with barely anything visible to the she-wolf, right eye glowing from such a strong passion for revenge, she spoke with a harshness that none of the other Firebeasts had heard come from her maw. With the flip of her eye-cover, the battle moved forward, and the bloodshed began. This is where she got the scars that would never make her forget.
However, the skies were packed with dark clouds. Rain never surged, but the lightning struck at the ground. The sun had been covered, with no light to spare for Haigara and her friends. From within these clouds came Pantea, the one that Haigara had looked up to since the day she broke down. With such wise words, Pantea had ended such a war, and chosen what she thought was best for the beasts, and created the packs and prides. However, Haigara had found more to what she did, for she felt an odd surge that had broken through her veins. Pantea, as the creator of these creatures, she had taken some of the powers that were mostly used within the time of the war.
(The rest is for the position that I'd prefer)
With Haigara being chosen for the leader of the Firebeasts, she returned back to the volcano with a proud heart. She knew her mother was always with her, and she was now reunited with Moyasu. Haigara had allowed her pack to let their lives come back to normal, until more drama came in.
Restless and still feeling the need to fulfill what is needed, Haigara was urging herself not to go attack the Waterbeasts. Instead, she visited the Windbeasts, and made an allegiance with them through agreement. After finding her friends within the crowd, she confronted the Waterbeasts, and insisted towards their queen, Mithrim, that there is no friendship between the two, and there never would be so long as Haigara was alive.
So from there, Haigara's life continues to exceed to greater times.

Special Downloads: I'm hoping to get her a preset for what she really looks like, but currently I use the mass markings for her hearts.
Extras: Within her passionate heart lies a part of her that's empty. According to Haigara, she can't lead the pack alone, and with agreement, Moyasu had insisted that she finds a mate shortly, and begins trials for the mate that her daughter hopes for.

Tell me if there's anything else you wish to know about Haigara or something you may ask for to be changed.

Game Help / Login Trouble
« on: December 30, 2012, 03:38:30 am »
So this has nothing to do with me, but my friend. She can't seem to get on the forum,  so I'm typing thing for her.
Everytime she tries to get into FH, it'll automatically say that the game was not responding and would shut down on her. She's tried re-downloading the game nearly 7 times now, but it hasn't worked either way.
She uses a mac to play the game, and I use a Dell. That's why I'm not much of help.
Any ideas on what she could do?
~ Shiver

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