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Messages - I.Dare.You

Pages: [1]
I am needing an advanced map maker for my Fantasy multi-species Rp.  :)

 Requirements will be below as well.

1. Must be a big map!

2. At least have some villages and town areas where the houses are furnished.

3. Also must have a 'mythical' forest or so to say. ^^

4. I am hoping for a multi-sectioned terrain, as in, in some areas it is flat, some are mountainous, and etc.

5. Also may it include some hidden secrets, so exploring will be encouraged. :P

6. May it be detailed?

7. Including floating isles is optional even though that would be quite the show to see. :D

8. And last but not least, may it be a zip file? Many people cannot download .rar files. Though, it would be fine if .rar files are the only kind that can be done. I can download .rar files, so it is fine. ^^

If you have any more questions you can post it in the comments. Thank you.  ;D

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