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Messages - wolves rock

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In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Virulent Carnage
« on: April 17, 2013, 04:20:14 pm »
~Virulent Carnage welcomes you~

Virulent Carnage~Mapless, Highly Active, Wingless, Semi-real, Sited and a Strictly Literate wolf RP. Instead of killing  to survive, kill for the bloody sensation. However, why run from us, when you can run with us? Join the carnage and become apart of a new beginning. Needing new blood~

Welcome to Virulent Carnage from your dear Mistress...
Website URL:

Yes, such a warm welcoming into the pack. But, a bloody family for which we are, youngling. Don't worry though, i'll make sure your recruitment is worth while. To be in this pack, is like standing on edges of life and death. Balance them well, and nothing will go wrong. As you first join us, you will await just one days before your Scrimmage. What is a Scrimmage? You'll find that out soon... As long as you are very active within this pack, nothing will go wrong. Activity is what will keep both you and I alive throughout your new life with us. You will abide by the laws and me for that is how things we will work. A bloodlusting pack indeed, but keep your senses sharp, for you may be the next victim on our list.

What is expected of you?

As a wolf of Virulent Carnage, we hope that you can be mature and serious when the time passes. Violence and a bloodlusting behavior is heavily encouraged as well as extreme loyalty. But as a family, I hope you can enjoy yourselves as well as with the company of others. But do remember. Activity, activity, and activity!~
 If you can't meet our expectations, why are you even in this pack in the first place?[/color]

It's either you kill, or be killed.
   Prowl throughout the night with your orbs tainting the eerie sky. Heads held high as we cunningly move and hunt under the full moon which glows red. Did the moon bleed or something? Because her highnesses maw is covered in blood as she gazes up at the moon in a winning manor  . . .  Oh lord, how will I survive this vindictive mistress?!~

Want to join the carnage?

Simply visit this URL and fill out the application below to join.

URL to application:

Or you can find or whisper me (wolves rock) to join.

Aye, hope to have a new pawn in the pack.~

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / ~Incognito Ivalesco~
« on: March 12, 2013, 11:29:19 pm »
~Incognito Ivalesco~


Welcome, to ~Incognito Ivalesco~ For we are a fairly new wolf rp that is considered to be a pack that includes [Very active, Dedicated, Vindictive,  Loyal, and Strictly Literate rpers.] Rp sample is required to join. As a ravenous pack whom roam these plains, for we will engrave a new future as we scavenge for more members who fit these requirements. For the pack itself, it is Mapless, Long-termed, and Wingless. A website is also included with these features. So, don't wait another minute for you can join us today!~

Welcome to our bailiwick.~ For we do not territory claim this land; and for those who disturb and challenge us, we will not be lenient with your actions as he pad up to us in a disrespective manor.

Vesvrin's Office -
All hail the young Mistress who founded the pack and the territory. For the pack meetings, announcements of any kind, etc. For we will not hold back, we will raise our muzzle's high, in honor of the great, Lady Vesvrin.~

Recruit's Area-
Recuits, or newly ranked (in our terms,) are trained here, training field, or first post. At times, it does matter from time to time...


II~ When talking to your mistress, you address her has, Your Highness. When talking about her, you say, Her Highness. Same goes for your Alpha. When talking to him, you address him as, Your Excellency. When talking about him, you say, His Excellency. This is just to keep the formality within the pack

II~ Respect any ranking officer higher than you. The Caesar's word is law by all means and will not tolerate nuisances in the back by all means.

II~ Treason is not tolerated in the pack. The authority of the Caesar's is necessary and your treason will be dealt with immediately.

II~ For those whom venture into our territory, those who have the right to talk to them are either Sub-regents or higher. Why is that? Rouges may have the urge to engage in either a verbal or physical argument/fight. If there are no sub-regents or higher online, the highest rank online may consult with the rouge in a small talk before returning to the pack. Information must then be handed to any Sub-regent officer.

II~ Enemies, rivals, rouges will not be your concern to interact with them. They are to be ignored unless they are harming either you or a pack member. Approach them with another member from the pack and with caution.

II~ Stealing, trolling, etc. will be prohibited. We do not want to assault them because of your doings. Please, if you are tempted to do these things, either go on a different character or don't do at all.

II~ Your literacy level must still be high. Three sentences for semi-lit's with some higher vocab, but four or more sentences for strictly literate rp'ers. Rping is always in local but OOC type of rping must be kept in group. ((Quotation marks are required all the time in rp.))

II~ As you know, Land Claiming is forbidden is FH so it is forbidden in the pack. If strangers do come into our territory, just do ignore them unless they challenge anyone of us. If it is another pack, those who sub-regent ranks or higher must tend to this situation and kindly ask them why they are in our territory.

II~ Control the amount of foul language in both IC and OOC. Censoring part of the word is acceptable but using the whole word will not be acceptable

II~ No pack member can have a mate until they are a middle-regent officer or higher. Those whom yield a rank in the groups of low-regent/neutral and lower are not applicable to have a mate yet.

II~ Low-regents may only spar of sub-regent or higher is online. If a sub-regent or higher isn't online, you must be a middle-regent to spar with those officers on.

II~ All new initiates must both, stay active and help recruit more initiates into the pack. They are marked either the first day they are recruited or the next day.

II~ God-mod, power-play, auto-hit's are not allowed in the pack. A DeathNote will be allowed to punish you.

[More rules on the website...]


II~ We still keep some formality in the pack.
Alphess = M'lady, Mistress, Lady Vesvrin.
Alpha = Sir

II~ Still, please keep swearing to a minimal.

II~ Even though we are OOC, you must still be respectful and use the appropriate name for those who m you are talking to.

II~ Mate begging and trolling will not be tolerated at all as well. Immediate ban from the pack will occur if it is seen. But, if you do happen to mate beg, do it on another character. (Goes for IC also.)

II~ Still reamin serious and mature. It's alright if we get a little out of hand but keep close to the rules.

II~ Any injuries, actions, or drama will be kept in OOC. They will not be taken to IC. (This will also go for IC.)

II~ All member os the pack must stay active. If you know you aren't going to be online for a bit, please let me know so you won't be kicked out.

II~ PowerPlaying and Godmodding is still prohibited here. It doesn't matter what you are doing or if your just enjoying yourself, any sign of these will result in an automatic ban form both the pack and website. Example (This is in group chat) -takes out sword and slits all their throats so they bleed and perish.- Now, this is just a pathetic excuse. I want none of that in my pack.

[These are all the rules for OOC...]

Basics of the pack --->
Applying for ~Incognito Ivalesco~
(Reply to this topic with this application.)


Character's name:
Character's age:


Desired low-regent rank:

You can either apply here, or on the website. Either one. Remember, Join ~Incognito Ivalesco~

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / No[X]is Vendetta.
« on: February 07, 2013, 09:00:53 pm »

No[X]is Vendetta.

Hello, my loyal subjects. My name is Vesvrain Maximum Criterium and I'm the Mistress of No[X]tic Vendetta.
    We are a [Mapless, Active, Wingless, Semi-real, Strictly Literate, Long-termed, and a Sited wolf rp.] An RP sample is required to join us but if your sample isn't good enough or you just don't had one in, why join us you impudent mutt. We are a Blood-thirsty, Serious yet Savaging pack whom quenches their own bloodlust deeply. We are also a pack filled with wolves that are ruthless/vindictive and bring heavy blood and gore. So, we are also recruiting very loyal and active wolves to be apart of us. For we roam in Fluorite Plains and dwell in the most northern part of the plains.

How did it all begin you ask? I'll show you...

   ~The pigmented ashen vixen ambulated across the scorched terrain. Her adenoids scrunched at the aroma the accumulated in the air encompassing her. The vixen's appendages prolongated out as her cranium hung low and her lilliputian audits laid back against her cranium as well. Blood varnished onto her incisors as it emit blood from the tips. Her crimson luminaries scrutinized the terrain genuinely at the scenery that was upon her. As she ran rapidly and proceeded through the seethe forest. The smog inspissate as she neared the altitudinous hill overlooking the whole entire forest. As she gridlocked her clutches onto the ground, her mouth gawked back at the rebarbative scene. Fire was dispersion encompassing the forest. That was all that was seen. Her caudal descended but not between her hinds. It just hung there, her facial expression frozen, and her anatomy still. Her mandible dropped  revealing her lower canines. Her maw scrunched up further and she let our a massive howl. It rung through the entire territory of her home land. She backed up and ran away from her land. Away from her past.

 My home, my past, my family and friends... It all vanished, right before my own eyes. The vixen was now miles away from her home. She proceeded further until her adenoids took to the ground. Another territory I guess. She looked ahead from her spot and a growl was unleashed from her esophagus. There twigs snapping encompassing her. Her caudal ascended and out came quite a large brute. The brute attempted to pin her but the vixen stood her ground against the brute. The brute disembarked from the air. "What are you doing in my alpha's territory, brute!" The brute's voice was raspy as the vixen stood tall revealing her feminine anatomy. The brute's face softened but kept his position at the sight of the vixen. "Such a diligent imbecile treating a young vixen with such disrespect." The ashen vixen dithered her pelt as she ensconce on her back hinds gazing at the brute. "Back off, vixen. You're in my alpha's territory. Leave now and your life would be spared." The vixen expression darkened. She smirked at the brute and traipsed right passed him proceeding deeper in to the territory. The brute circumducted his cranium and flank to gaze at the fae. He lunged at her torso attempting to teach her a quick and painful lesson. The vixen's audits flicked as she circumducted her head towards the brute heading towards her. She bared her incisors and laid her audits back on her cranium as she prepared to fight back. Such an impudent mutt... The brute prepared to aim for the vixen's esophagus while the vixen lunged at the brute as well. They both headed face to face against each other. Her crimson luminaries narrowed as she hoped to reach for his hock. As she prolongated her esophagus under him, the brute was invulnerable in the air. The brute tried to wriggle from the grasp of his enemy but landed on the ground with a strong thud. "You impudent mutt. You shouldn't be so confident when you fight." The fae stalked off form the brute leaving him with a injured hock. The last thing she heard was the snarl let out by the brute before retreating back into the woods. The pigmented ashen vixen once again ambulated deeper in the forest and soon exited it. Her audits flicked at the sound of a couple wolves trotting after her. She circumducted her anatomy to face four wolves in front of her. "What business do you have with me!" The vixen's voice was raspy. A large brute came up and bowed his cranium in respect and spoke. "You have been able to put the retched warrior in his place as well as put him in submission. We four, would like to join you as your followers." The rest bowed their craniums towards the vixen. She smirked and let out a quiet chuff. "So be it. Follow me if you must but my word will not be disobeyed." They all nodded and ambulated next to her as they journeyed further. Soon, their numbers grew larger and larger. Months passed and the pack was tremendously huge. The lupine, now married to Syndicate, another Caesar to the NxV's. Now, form generation to generation, past Caesars have past down their genes to their own pups and down to the new Lupine, Vesvrin.~

That is how it all started and how the story will continue. If you would like to join this Noble yet Vindicative pack, whisper me ( wolves rock ) when you get the chance or i'am online. If not, please check out our website,   
with your characters name with whom you want to join. (Accounts are activated by the admin so not just anyone can access our information.) I hope to see you join our vengeful pack.   ~Vesvrin XA

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