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Messages - halfnhalf

Pages: [1]
Species / Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
« on: August 16, 2013, 06:07:39 pm »
In Game Username: halfnhalf
Pony you are applying for: Thistle Whistle (Older Gen 3 pony Gen 4-ized)
Small RP sample: Thistle Whistle darted back and forth between the clouds. She increased speed, bursting through a white puff with an audible swish. Swooping downward, the pegasus flapped her wings, pressing hard against the violent wind. She neared the ground, sand and rocks coming at her at full speed.

Then, just before she crashed, Thistle pulled up, cutting a sharp turn. She let a loud whistle escape her lips, and twirled in the air triumphantly. Giving her signature pipe, she blew her bangs out of her eyes. Thistle fluttered a moment longer, then settled again on the firm ground.

"Beat THAT, Rainbow Dash!"

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