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Messages - Dream

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News Archives / Re: Moderator Free October
« on: September 24, 2018, 09:19:44 pm »
You know, I've played this game off and on for 6 years and I can't say that I've ever heard of something so stupid being implemented into an online game.

Are you just mad or entirely ignorant as to how online communities work?

Also, "babysitting"? This game is targeted towards children. I'm pretty sure you signed up to work with them.

You've angered the entire community with this ridiculous idea of yours, and I absolutely cannot believe that you'd think this would ever work.

The majority of your players have already left at this point and you've done what seems like nothing to draw people into the game. Now you want to get rid of the few that have stuck by your side? When people say they will leave due to this unrealistic choice, they mean it.

You say that the staff shouldn't have to babysit us, but maybe they should babysit you.

Think before you throw an idea out into the air. This is not the way to do things. This is the way to destroy what little you have built.

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